I hope you all had a safe and happy time bringing in the new year. We enjoyed ourselves at the Dicksons' playing games and visiting. Tawnia and Mindy are now on their way to the airport. Their visit was too short. Clarissa leaves on Saturday to spend a week in California, then Emily will leave on the 9th so Dad and I will get a preview of the empty nest for a few days. We had a wonderful Christmas and I posted a few pictures on my "What's New" page. I also finally got my December hike in. Now it's time to take the tree and decorations down and to begin work on those New Year's goals. I have a project I would like your help with. I'd like to make a Palmer Family Game Book of games that can be played with little or no equipment. Those games you'd like to play with a group but you can't always remember the rules. If you think of games that you'd like to add to the list please do. Maybe I'll make a page to put them on. What do you think?
Love ya,
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