I would like to thank everyone with birthday calls (Trina, it was so nice hearing Rosemary talk), cards (including an e-mailed card), presents, and wishes for a happy birthday. Thank you.
We had the cake and birthday dinner on Saturday, because Nathan, Amanda, Joshua, and Tawnia were going to Salem for the weekend. And then on Sunday, I went to church. The Primary kids sang happy birthday. Eric made Chinese. Then Aunt Marli, Sarah, and certain Dicksons came over in the evening. We had great fun playing "In the Manner of the Adverb." Sam was great -- he held hands with his wife hungrily and pulled weeds reverently. And I had great fun brushing my teeth suspiciously and watching a movie defiantly. It was so funny.
I hope you all are having a great Christmas. I got a new dress, a couple of movies, and five books, including a fantasy trilogy by Terry Brooks (which I'm greatly enjoying) and "Rebekah" by Orson Scott Card. And I've been having fun with my niece and nephews.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
the proposal story
So Aaron and I have been talking about getting married for a while, but had decided it would be best to wait until next summer to get engaged. He wanted to ask Mom and Dad's permission, and we didn't want to be engaged for a long time. Basically, I was not expecting anything.
We were spending Christmas Eve at his mother's house out in Cremona, with all of his family. Due to family circumstances and plans we opened all the presents on Christmas Eve after a large dinner. I was happy, watching them all open things, and collecting quite a stash myself as well. Didn't have a clue what was coming up. Thinking back on it though, he couldn't seem to sit still the entire night, like he was waiting for something to happen. Anyway, we all looked around at one point and figured that everything had been opened. That's when Aaron went back behind the tree and pulled out a little red box.
He brought the box over to me, where I was sitting on the floor, and kinda got down on one knee. I pulled off the lid and found a sparkly pink heart necklace and matching pink earrings.

I can't remember exactly how the rest happened, since I was in a daze, but I think he held out his hand with ring number one, and said something like, "I think this would look great with those."

He slipped it on my ring finger and said, "You can wear that until we get THIS one re-sized." And then he went back up to the tree, pulling a little box down from near the angel.

This time, he got down on one knee and said, "I know we've been talking about it, but here's the official question: will you marry me?" I got all blubbery like a girl and started crying and somehow remembered to say yes. (And so we're all clear, the ring isn't purple, it's a pink sapphire.)

We hugged and kissed and his family said hooray. And then I asked, all startled like, "Did you ask my parents?!" He chuckled and said yes .. that was who he had been on the phone with the day before, when I was yelling at him that he would be late for work, and he said it was his mom. And then I called everyone and walked around in a daze.
To answer the other question: the wedding will hopefully be next Christmas, or the following August. Either when he finishes school (next December), so he can move down here while I finish, or when we're both done (I graduate in July 2010) and I can move up to Canada where we plan on living.
We were spending Christmas Eve at his mother's house out in Cremona, with all of his family. Due to family circumstances and plans we opened all the presents on Christmas Eve after a large dinner. I was happy, watching them all open things, and collecting quite a stash myself as well. Didn't have a clue what was coming up. Thinking back on it though, he couldn't seem to sit still the entire night, like he was waiting for something to happen. Anyway, we all looked around at one point and figured that everything had been opened. That's when Aaron went back behind the tree and pulled out a little red box.
He brought the box over to me, where I was sitting on the floor, and kinda got down on one knee. I pulled off the lid and found a sparkly pink heart necklace and matching pink earrings.
I can't remember exactly how the rest happened, since I was in a daze, but I think he held out his hand with ring number one, and said something like, "I think this would look great with those."
He slipped it on my ring finger and said, "You can wear that until we get THIS one re-sized." And then he went back up to the tree, pulling a little box down from near the angel.
This time, he got down on one knee and said, "I know we've been talking about it, but here's the official question: will you marry me?" I got all blubbery like a girl and started crying and somehow remembered to say yes. (And so we're all clear, the ring isn't purple, it's a pink sapphire.)
We hugged and kissed and his family said hooray. And then I asked, all startled like, "Did you ask my parents?!" He chuckled and said yes .. that was who he had been on the phone with the day before, when I was yelling at him that he would be late for work, and he said it was his mom. And then I called everyone and walked around in a daze.
To answer the other question: the wedding will hopefully be next Christmas, or the following August. Either when he finishes school (next December), so he can move down here while I finish, or when we're both done (I graduate in July 2010) and I can move up to Canada where we plan on living.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas pictures are on my personal blog now. Hope everyone enjoyed the snow in Oregon - wish we could have been there with you!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I found this in an old journal and just had to share it.
"Dec 17, 1995
...we came home and had family home evening.
I was lesson and for that we watched "Mr. Krueger's Christmas." It is one of my favorite Christmas movies. Our special number by Eric was interesting. He asked Trina and I to join in whistling "Love at Home," but we kept laughing, so we sang "Joy to the World."
Last we had activity, a round of "Do You Love Your Neighbor?" and then some catch. Then we ate some vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips on it."
"Dec 17, 1995
...we came home and had family home evening.
I was lesson and for that we watched "Mr. Krueger's Christmas." It is one of my favorite Christmas movies. Our special number by Eric was interesting. He asked Trina and I to join in whistling "Love at Home," but we kept laughing, so we sang "Joy to the World."
Last we had activity, a round of "Do You Love Your Neighbor?" and then some catch. Then we ate some vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips on it."
Monday, December 22, 2008
Salem Winter Wonderland
Hey everyone. We aren't getting nearly as much snow as Lafayette but here are some pictures from the past couple of days.
Bush on 12-21-08

Bush on 12-22-08

On 12-21-08 Joshua couldn't take being inside anymore and so we ventured out into the wintry paradise.
On the 21st again playing with what he called icicles.
We had fat flakes this morning (22nd) and we went out to see them.
When this picture was taken the room was only lit by half a dozen candles. Joshua is holding a flashlight and that is a windy LED light on his play mat. Our power was out most of the day yesterday, but came back on at 7:30 pm.
On the 21st I wandered over to Minto Brown Island Park across the street and took some pictures. The interesting thing is this dock has always been partially submerged. In this picture it is frozen in this pond.
It is really beautiful and quiet outside but very cold. We hope we're able to make it to Mom and Dad's for Christmas. At least we're in a warm home and have plenty of food and diapers and not at an airport or bus station trying to get somewhere or trying to find a spot to sleep like many other people right now.
Bush on 12-22-08
On 12-21-08 Joshua couldn't take being inside anymore and so we ventured out into the wintry paradise.
It is really beautiful and quiet outside but very cold. We hope we're able to make it to Mom and Dad's for Christmas. At least we're in a warm home and have plenty of food and diapers and not at an airport or bus station trying to get somewhere or trying to find a spot to sleep like many other people right now.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Friday, December 19, 2008
speaking of "awwww "
I need to put this on my mommy blog, but I thought I'd put it here too since the title fit so neatly after Tawnia's post ...
Summer occasionally asks for the "Awwww" song. She says it rather drawn out. It took me awhile to figure out what she was referring to - she wants us to sing "Angels we have heard on high" where we sing "Gloooooooooooooooria, in excelsis deo." She apparently doesn't realize there's a "Gl" on the beginning of the "awwww" part and that we're actually saying a word.
P.S. Adam has a job interview in 10 MINUTES. Prayers today that it goes through! And his last final is tonight, and all of his papers are turned in so as of 9:01 pm he will be officially DONE with law school!
Summer occasionally asks for the "Awwww" song. She says it rather drawn out. It took me awhile to figure out what she was referring to - she wants us to sing "Angels we have heard on high" where we sing "Gloooooooooooooooria, in excelsis deo." She apparently doesn't realize there's a "Gl" on the beginning of the "awwww" part and that we're actually saying a word.
P.S. Adam has a job interview in 10 MINUTES. Prayers today that it goes through! And his last final is tonight, and all of his papers are turned in so as of 9:01 pm he will be officially DONE with law school!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Yesterday I sang a duet with a girl in my ward for our ward Christmas program. It just so happens that this girl is the older sister of one of my former students (small world I know). We sang, and did well (and then today I came down with a cold.) Anyway, I saw her at FHE tonight and told her about all the compliments I had gotten (and therefore she had gotten also since we sang together.) A few minutes later she came up to me and said, "hey I've been meaning to tell you this.... I mentioned to Emily (her sister that I taught) how we were singing together and she told me that you were her favorite teacher and always would be." That pretty much melted my heart. You can all say "awww" now.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
safe and sound
So yesterday I got up shortly after five in the morning, and got the last few things loaded into my car. I was out of Rexburg by six, out of Idaho by seven. All the mountains in Montana that I was worried about were clear - no snow at all. The roads were perfect, and I actually made it to my halfway point (Great Falls) in less than five hours. It's a good thing that part of the trip went so well, because the rest was a little less fun.
I got to the border, and they made me go inside. I had had to in September too, but it wasn't a big deal. This time was more complicated, because I was planning for staying so long. And, after they looked in my car, seeing all my stuff (since I didn't put any in storage), made it look even worse. And it didn't help that I've gone through the process of permanent residency before, so they can tell I've wanted to live up here before and am aware of the process of being able to stay. I had to explain the track system at school, and just pray that they believed my story. The girl seemed reluctant to let me in, but she said, "Don't make me regret doing this," and then gave me a temporary visitor's pass thing, saying I can't work or go to school (which is expected), and I have to leave the country on or before April 20th, since that's when school starts. I'm not going to make her regret it, because I do plan on leaving Canada, and I plan on taking all my stuff back out of the country too. But it was a stressful little bit, while she asked me all sorts of questions and all that.
So the border took up an hour of my time, putting me back on schedule. The next hour and a half was fine, but after passing through Lethbridge, it started to snow. At first there was more snow blowing around on the road than the grass, but eventually it got harder and harder to see the edge of the road, and then it became difficult to even see where the lanes were. We all generally drove behind each other in the slow lane, so it would stay partially clear. But, even after all that slowing down, I still made it to Aaron's apartment only 30 minutes behind schedule. The drive through the snow was scary enough, I don't even want to think about what it would have been like after dark. But I'm here, and I'm safe, and VERY grateful that I drove out yesterday and not today!
I got to the border, and they made me go inside. I had had to in September too, but it wasn't a big deal. This time was more complicated, because I was planning for staying so long. And, after they looked in my car, seeing all my stuff (since I didn't put any in storage), made it look even worse. And it didn't help that I've gone through the process of permanent residency before, so they can tell I've wanted to live up here before and am aware of the process of being able to stay. I had to explain the track system at school, and just pray that they believed my story. The girl seemed reluctant to let me in, but she said, "Don't make me regret doing this," and then gave me a temporary visitor's pass thing, saying I can't work or go to school (which is expected), and I have to leave the country on or before April 20th, since that's when school starts. I'm not going to make her regret it, because I do plan on leaving Canada, and I plan on taking all my stuff back out of the country too. But it was a stressful little bit, while she asked me all sorts of questions and all that.
So the border took up an hour of my time, putting me back on schedule. The next hour and a half was fine, but after passing through Lethbridge, it started to snow. At first there was more snow blowing around on the road than the grass, but eventually it got harder and harder to see the edge of the road, and then it became difficult to even see where the lanes were. We all generally drove behind each other in the slow lane, so it would stay partially clear. But, even after all that slowing down, I still made it to Aaron's apartment only 30 minutes behind schedule. The drive through the snow was scary enough, I don't even want to think about what it would have been like after dark. But I'm here, and I'm safe, and VERY grateful that I drove out yesterday and not today!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Well... packages are on their way to Florida, Maryland, Texas and Canada. I even had to fill out customs on the Canadian one. Woohoo. It came to a whopping $30 to mail the four packages, so I hope you are all happy and that they get there before Christmas. They asked if I wanted to get e-mail notification when they had been delievered for an extra charge. I said no, because I figured that you would all e-mail me and let me know when the packages got there. So... this is my asking for e-mail (or blog, or phone call or smoke signal... just kidding) confirmation that the package arrived.
And for all of those who will be in Oregon. Please, just let me know that I've arrived home safely with your presents on Christmas morning and that it isn't just a fabulous dream!
And for all of those who will be in Oregon. Please, just let me know that I've arrived home safely with your presents on Christmas morning and that it isn't just a fabulous dream!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
New Family Photo
Happy Birthday Dad!!!
Happy Birthday Dad/Grandpa! We love you and are looking forward to spending Christmas with you and Mom and all those other guys (just kidding, we love all of you too)
Eric, Laurel, Stephen Frank, and Allie
Eric, Laurel, Stephen Frank, and Allie
Thursday, December 04, 2008
the final days
If you haven't seen - Jared put up a bunch of pictures of Emma! Hooray! She's a beautiful baby. And I love seeing more pictures of Brooke and Bryan. Bryan has such personality in his expressions .. and when did Brooke get braces? I had no idea! I look forward to seeing all of you guys at the reunion next summer.
So I'm down to my final weeks. Week and two days, actually. I got my work schedule last night and I'm driving north to Canada next Saturday. And then Aaron immediately told me that he's working on Saturday - from 5pm to 2am. I guess I'll see him when I wake up in the morning. But I'm very ready to get out of Rexburg .. I just have a ton of stuff to do in the meantime.
T 12/4: Graphic Design class, Outlet release party*, Old Testament, work (maybe)
F 12/5: Graphic Design class, dance practice with Daniel @ noon
S 12/6: group practice @ 11:15, dance competition** 12-2, work 3:30-9:15
S 12/7: work 11:30-5:15, Christmas broadcast, work party 8:00
M 12/8: Doctrines of the Gospel class, Social Dance class, Design and Color class, work 6-9:15
T 12/9: GD Poster/Presentation due, OT class, group performance/Big Band Dance 7-10
W 12/10: DofG class - take final, DandC class - final, work 6-9:15
T 12/11: GD class, OT class
F 12/12: GD workbook due (worth 25% of grade), work 5-9:15
S 12/13: Leave 6am for Canada
Besides being where I need to be, I have to actually do the assignments, study for the finals, write/mail my Christmas memories, make two more birthday cards, pack up everything, and find time to sleep.
And if anyone hadn't heard, my cellphone will be turned off after I head into Canada, and Mom and Dad will terminate it then. I'll come up with my own phone when I come back in April.
*Outlet release party. So around the same time I entered stuff into the BYU-I gallery (end of October), I also submitted a few pieces to the Outlet. It's a magazine published by students of student art and writing. A few weeks later they sent out an email to let us know we could pick up our submitted pieces, and they would email us later that day to let us know if we made it in. I never got an email, so I assumed I didn't make it. Alas, on Monday of this week, I DID get an email, saying how they hoped everyone had gotten the email to let them know they were in, and that they were having a party on Thursday to celebrate. I'm hoping this means I get a free copy of it, but if not I'll buy one anyway, because that's just cool. I have no idea what made it in, so I'll have to update you later on that.
**Dance competition. For my social dance class we have to participate in a competition. We get the same grade if we make first or last, but if you're in the top you get a ribbon! (ooooh and awwwww) We have the opportunity to dance either waltz or cha-cha or both. While the teacher was talking about it, a guy named Adam asked me to dance cha-cha (which I'm excited about, because cha-cha is fun!) and then later after class Daniel asked me to dance waltz with him. I feel very popular.
So I'm down to my final weeks. Week and two days, actually. I got my work schedule last night and I'm driving north to Canada next Saturday. And then Aaron immediately told me that he's working on Saturday - from 5pm to 2am. I guess I'll see him when I wake up in the morning. But I'm very ready to get out of Rexburg .. I just have a ton of stuff to do in the meantime.
T 12/4: Graphic Design class, Outlet release party*, Old Testament, work (maybe)
F 12/5: Graphic Design class, dance practice with Daniel @ noon
S 12/6: group practice @ 11:15, dance competition** 12-2, work 3:30-9:15
S 12/7: work 11:30-5:15, Christmas broadcast, work party 8:00
M 12/8: Doctrines of the Gospel class, Social Dance class, Design and Color class, work 6-9:15
T 12/9: GD Poster/Presentation due, OT class, group performance/Big Band Dance 7-10
W 12/10: DofG class - take final, DandC class - final, work 6-9:15
T 12/11: GD class, OT class
F 12/12: GD workbook due (worth 25% of grade), work 5-9:15
S 12/13: Leave 6am for Canada
Besides being where I need to be, I have to actually do the assignments, study for the finals, write/mail my Christmas memories, make two more birthday cards, pack up everything, and find time to sleep.
And if anyone hadn't heard, my cellphone will be turned off after I head into Canada, and Mom and Dad will terminate it then. I'll come up with my own phone when I come back in April.
*Outlet release party. So around the same time I entered stuff into the BYU-I gallery (end of October), I also submitted a few pieces to the Outlet. It's a magazine published by students of student art and writing. A few weeks later they sent out an email to let us know we could pick up our submitted pieces, and they would email us later that day to let us know if we made it in. I never got an email, so I assumed I didn't make it. Alas, on Monday of this week, I DID get an email, saying how they hoped everyone had gotten the email to let them know they were in, and that they were having a party on Thursday to celebrate. I'm hoping this means I get a free copy of it, but if not I'll buy one anyway, because that's just cool. I have no idea what made it in, so I'll have to update you later on that.
**Dance competition. For my social dance class we have to participate in a competition. We get the same grade if we make first or last, but if you're in the top you get a ribbon! (ooooh and awwwww) We have the opportunity to dance either waltz or cha-cha or both. While the teacher was talking about it, a guy named Adam asked me to dance cha-cha (which I'm excited about, because cha-cha is fun!) and then later after class Daniel asked me to dance waltz with him. I feel very popular.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
A "Great" Teacher
Today I taught the Kindergarteners about how the Earth revolves around the Sun and rotates at the same time. We practiced revolving and rotating. I was the sun, and they walked around me for the revolving. Then I had them spin around for the rotating. (I didn't have them try to attempt both at the same time.) After leaving my room they go out to recess. I was heading upstairs to make some copies at that same time and one of the kids was trying to put his coat on (upside-down... just doesn't work to well, go figure.) So I helped him put his coat on and we had the following coversation.
Daniel: Thanks for teaching us that stuff about the planents going around the sun today Miss Palmer.
Me: You're welcome.
Daniel: How did you learn that stuff?
Me: I must have had a really great teacher when I was younger.
Daniel: Was Mrs. Neiger your teacher (she is the kindergarten teacher and has adult children, but none my age, so probably wasn't teaching when I was in Kindergarten.)
Anyway, after that I had to go and tell Mrs. Neiger that she must be "a really great teacher" at least in Daniel's eyes.
Another quick story. I was reading with some of my first graders and we were discussing the book afterwards. It was about a girl who moved to the city and didn't have friends and then she went out and made friends. So we talked about moving and having to make new friends. One of the girls then asked, "Do you know how many friends I have?" I said, "No." And she replied, very knowingly, "About a million." I chuckled a little to myself and turned to the other girl and asked her how many friends she had. She thought about it for a minute and then said, "Five." I think one of them was exaggerating, but I'm glad to know she feels loved.
And to finish it off. I am teaching my fifth graders about genetics. Today we were talking about learned behaviors versus inherited traits. One of the students said that personality is inherited. It was at the end of class and that sparked a bit of a discussion. I sent home the question as homework (they have class with me again next Monday). So I want your input... is personality a learned behavior or an inherited trait?
Okay, one more. I drive a couple of girls home after school and on the way I was asking one of the girls what classes she is taking (she's in seventh grade). She told me. Then I asked her about her favorite one. I then pointed out the fact that sometimes the teacher makes a really big difference in the class. I asked her if her favorite teacher was the one that taught her favorite class. Her fifth grade sister was sitting in the back seat and I teasingly said that I couldn't ask her because I'd be hurt if she didn't say it was me. The seventh grader then said, "Actually, she does really like you. She's talked about it at home, so I can be her witness." It was one of those sweet, "aaawww" moments.
Those are the joys of teaching.
Daniel: Thanks for teaching us that stuff about the planents going around the sun today Miss Palmer.
Me: You're welcome.
Daniel: How did you learn that stuff?
Me: I must have had a really great teacher when I was younger.
Daniel: Was Mrs. Neiger your teacher (she is the kindergarten teacher and has adult children, but none my age, so probably wasn't teaching when I was in Kindergarten.)
Anyway, after that I had to go and tell Mrs. Neiger that she must be "a really great teacher" at least in Daniel's eyes.
Another quick story. I was reading with some of my first graders and we were discussing the book afterwards. It was about a girl who moved to the city and didn't have friends and then she went out and made friends. So we talked about moving and having to make new friends. One of the girls then asked, "Do you know how many friends I have?" I said, "No." And she replied, very knowingly, "About a million." I chuckled a little to myself and turned to the other girl and asked her how many friends she had. She thought about it for a minute and then said, "Five." I think one of them was exaggerating, but I'm glad to know she feels loved.
And to finish it off. I am teaching my fifth graders about genetics. Today we were talking about learned behaviors versus inherited traits. One of the students said that personality is inherited. It was at the end of class and that sparked a bit of a discussion. I sent home the question as homework (they have class with me again next Monday). So I want your input... is personality a learned behavior or an inherited trait?
Okay, one more. I drive a couple of girls home after school and on the way I was asking one of the girls what classes she is taking (she's in seventh grade). She told me. Then I asked her about her favorite one. I then pointed out the fact that sometimes the teacher makes a really big difference in the class. I asked her if her favorite teacher was the one that taught her favorite class. Her fifth grade sister was sitting in the back seat and I teasingly said that I couldn't ask her because I'd be hurt if she didn't say it was me. The seventh grader then said, "Actually, she does really like you. She's talked about it at home, so I can be her witness." It was one of those sweet, "aaawww" moments.
Those are the joys of teaching.
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