Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Post 2000
This is post number 2000. Pretty sweet. Lets see if we can keep this thing going. We hope everyone is doing well and going to have a great New Year.
Hey Brooke,
Wishing you a happy birthday and a wonderful baptsim day.
See you later.
Uncle Nathan, Aunt Amanda, and cousin Joshua
Wishing you a happy birthday and a wonderful baptsim day.
See you later.
Uncle Nathan, Aunt Amanda, and cousin Joshua
Saturday, December 29, 2007
After Christmas
Well, I'm here at Trina and Adam's. I baby-sat the girls today. Summer was very unhappy when her parents left, but I calmed her down by showing her videos of Joshua. (I love Joshua! Even if I've never met him.)
This evening I walked down to the bookstore, but I left before I could talk myself into spending between $20 and $25 on a fantasy trilogy. (I'm still tempted to do it.)
I've also been sorting and naming all my pictures (including some I finally got from Trina and Adam). I've had great fun with my new toy -- my digital camera. I've run around the Smithsonian for a couple of days (Air and Space, Natural History), so I've got lots of pictures. And I took a lot of Summer too.
I want to redo my web page now that I've got some pictures that I might put on it (and the potential to get many more). There's just one problem.
I don't remember how to update my web page! Someone help me out here.
This evening I walked down to the bookstore, but I left before I could talk myself into spending between $20 and $25 on a fantasy trilogy. (I'm still tempted to do it.)
I've also been sorting and naming all my pictures (including some I finally got from Trina and Adam). I've had great fun with my new toy -- my digital camera. I've run around the Smithsonian for a couple of days (Air and Space, Natural History), so I've got lots of pictures. And I took a lot of Summer too.
I want to redo my web page now that I've got some pictures that I might put on it (and the potential to get many more). There's just one problem.
I don't remember how to update my web page! Someone help me out here.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Hey Emily,
From all the Palmers who are currently in Oregon...
From all the Palmers who are currently in Oregon...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A nice long Christmas
We opened our first gifts at our Oregon Christmas on the 17th. Yesterday on Christmas we opened the gifts here from each other. Then this morning a package arrived from Maryland so we opened gifts from Trina and Adam and from Emily. I understand that there's another package waiting for us when we get home. Clarissa won't be home until January 4th so Christmas will last at least until then. That's the gift getting part - let's see if we can keep the Christmas spirit with us even longer.
This afternoon Frank, Clarissa, Michelle and I are going to the temple. Jared's staying home to watch the kids and finish getting his garage door opener installed. Tomorrow we'll go to some museums in Houston and on Friday we have tickets to NASA. We've been having lots of fun playing games with the kids. They really love games and are very good at them.
I'll get some pictures up when we get home. I'll have an extra day before I have to go back to work.
Thank you all for the beautiful gifts you've sent to us and to each other. Thank you for being the best kids and grandkids anyone could ask for.
Love ya,
This afternoon Frank, Clarissa, Michelle and I are going to the temple. Jared's staying home to watch the kids and finish getting his garage door opener installed. Tomorrow we'll go to some museums in Houston and on Friday we have tickets to NASA. We've been having lots of fun playing games with the kids. They really love games and are very good at them.
I'll get some pictures up when we get home. I'll have an extra day before I have to go back to work.
Thank you all for the beautiful gifts you've sent to us and to each other. Thank you for being the best kids and grandkids anyone could ask for.
Love ya,
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas from the Caudles
Merry Christmas!
It's now 9:30 am Eastern ... Summer carried on the Palmer "tradition" of waking up uncharacteristically early on Christmas morning and refusing to go back to sleep. We kept her holed up in our room while I fed Rosemary, and we went out to the tree at about 7 am. Summer made out like a bandit - a rocking toy that's a bear instead of a horse (which we "inherited" from a family in the ward whose kids have outgrown it, and conveniently, it came just in time for Christmas when we wanted that kind of toy anyway!), a Little People farm with all those nifty animals, Mrs. Potato Head AND Mr. Potato Head, lots of books, and a nifty phone from Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you!
Thank you to Allison and Brooke for the books for Summer and Rosemary in the cousin book exchange (yes, Eric, it got here on time) - we like both books very much!
Rosemary slept through most of the festivities but she was awake while we opened her gifts. Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa for the neat rattle and the rubber duck! Summer of course immediately wanted to take her toys away from her, but fortunately was easily distracted away by her farm.
Summer, by the way, didn't know what to do with herself. She went back and forth between the farm and the rocking bear for awhile, and once the potato heads were open, I think she was a bit overwhelmed because then she just sat there and didn't play with anything. While I'm typing this, she's reading her new books with Emily. I am glad she got all of these toys because when I was cleaning her room recently, I went through her toys and realized she only had a couple of involved activity toys - it's all stuffed animals. (Hence the reason why I'm so opposed to them right now.) Now she has more toys that she can actually PLAY with.
Also thank you to Laurel for the cool CD - we're listening to the CD that Clarissa sent for Emily first, and then we'll put that one in. Thank you to Joshy for the cute picture - it's on the fridge with our other magnet frames. And thank you to Dad for the DVD of family movies ... we'll see about when I get up the guts to let Adam watch it - my high school years (which this mostly covers) were not what I'd call my finest on film. (See the note on my movie bio: )
We took a bunch of pictures, but Mindy will not be able to help me get them up on the webpage until she gets back to Oregon next week ... I'll email out a couple but you'll have to wait for the big spread. Sorry about that.
Merry Christmas, again, and we'll talk to you all later today!!
It's now 9:30 am Eastern ... Summer carried on the Palmer "tradition" of waking up uncharacteristically early on Christmas morning and refusing to go back to sleep. We kept her holed up in our room while I fed Rosemary, and we went out to the tree at about 7 am. Summer made out like a bandit - a rocking toy that's a bear instead of a horse (which we "inherited" from a family in the ward whose kids have outgrown it, and conveniently, it came just in time for Christmas when we wanted that kind of toy anyway!), a Little People farm with all those nifty animals, Mrs. Potato Head AND Mr. Potato Head, lots of books, and a nifty phone from Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you!
Thank you to Allison and Brooke for the books for Summer and Rosemary in the cousin book exchange (yes, Eric, it got here on time) - we like both books very much!
Rosemary slept through most of the festivities but she was awake while we opened her gifts. Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa for the neat rattle and the rubber duck! Summer of course immediately wanted to take her toys away from her, but fortunately was easily distracted away by her farm.
Summer, by the way, didn't know what to do with herself. She went back and forth between the farm and the rocking bear for awhile, and once the potato heads were open, I think she was a bit overwhelmed because then she just sat there and didn't play with anything. While I'm typing this, she's reading her new books with Emily. I am glad she got all of these toys because when I was cleaning her room recently, I went through her toys and realized she only had a couple of involved activity toys - it's all stuffed animals. (Hence the reason why I'm so opposed to them right now.) Now she has more toys that she can actually PLAY with.
Also thank you to Laurel for the cool CD - we're listening to the CD that Clarissa sent for Emily first, and then we'll put that one in. Thank you to Joshy for the cute picture - it's on the fridge with our other magnet frames. And thank you to Dad for the DVD of family movies ... we'll see about when I get up the guts to let Adam watch it - my high school years (which this mostly covers) were not what I'd call my finest on film. (See the note on my movie bio: )
We took a bunch of pictures, but Mindy will not be able to help me get them up on the webpage until she gets back to Oregon next week ... I'll email out a couple but you'll have to wait for the big spread. Sorry about that.
Merry Christmas, again, and we'll talk to you all later today!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas from the Palmers
After many computer issues, we have a quick chance to write a big MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone. Hope everyone remembers WHY we have Christmas, and has a good, up-lifting time. And I hope you all feel like Stevie, and want to be a sunBEAM.
Mindy, Tawnia, Eric, Laurel, Stevie, and Allie
PS And Eric wants to know if anyone else remembers when we'd all get up really really early on Christmas morning and Mom and Dad would tell us all to go back to bed.
Mindy, Tawnia, Eric, Laurel, Stevie, and Allie
PS And Eric wants to know if anyone else remembers when we'd all get up really really early on Christmas morning and Mom and Dad would tell us all to go back to bed.
Friday, December 21, 2007
A little time
I have a minute, when I'm not rushing around trying to get things done. I have almost everything packed for our trip to Texas. I hope I haven't forgotten anything.
I was just looking over the last few posts and I noticed that I hadn't answered Trina's. Yes, there is a package on the way. A few things weren't done when Mindy went out to see you in November, so they are now in the mail.
I was just looking over the last few posts and I noticed that I hadn't answered Trina's. Yes, there is a package on the way. A few things weren't done when Mindy went out to see you in November, so they are now in the mail.
Yes Tawnia, we opened our gifts here at home on Monday night. Thank you for the beautiful gift. I won't say anything more, for the moment, in case you are giving one to someone else.
I have been very busy getting everything ready for Christmas. I finished my last project on Wednesday, just in time for Mindy to take it to Allison. I was also in the Messiah choir. Our stake does selections from the Messiah every other year. The program is just over an hour. We practiced Sunday afternoons from October on. Then we have four performances. This year there were 2 in McMinnville on the 9th and 2 in Newberg on the 16th. Between all those things and work and sharing the computer with Clarissa, Mindy and Dad, I haven't had much time to get on here. Maybe I'll do better in the coming year. I know I need to update my page. I was hoping to do that before Christmas but it's just not happening. Sorry.
I'm going to try to write a newsletter to send to our friends. I'll let you know if I manage to get that done in the next few hours. Otherwise, oh well...
Take care and give each of my grandbabies an extra kiss from Grandma. I love you all,
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I believe
Not everyone reads my individual blog, so I'm posting this one on here too.
I have always believed in Santa Claus, but I want to write about my belief in Christmas elves. Everyone knows about the elves that work at the North Pole...the little ones that help make the toys and get everything ready for Christmas. I'm not sure everyone knows about the other elves, though, so I will share with you what I know.
Santa needs a lot of help to make Christmas a magical time all over the world, so he chooses special people to help him. These individuals need to go through a lot to get to be elf material. There are some requirements before you can be chosen. The first is a high degree of selflessness and joy in giving. The second is a twinkle in your eye. Third is an understanding that you may never be thanked for the hard work and love you put into creating those great big smiles and shining faces during the Christmas season. Fourth, you must enjoy a certain degree of mystery and a special secret. No one may know you have been selected by Santa to play such an important role, though some may guess. Often, these elves are moms and dads, and I hope to be an elf one day.
So thank you, special elf, who delivered a gift from Santa through the mail slot in our door sometime during the night. Though it is hard sometimes to humbly accept the charity of others, we are truly grateful.
I have always believed in Santa Claus, but I want to write about my belief in Christmas elves. Everyone knows about the elves that work at the North Pole...the little ones that help make the toys and get everything ready for Christmas. I'm not sure everyone knows about the other elves, though, so I will share with you what I know.
Santa needs a lot of help to make Christmas a magical time all over the world, so he chooses special people to help him. These individuals need to go through a lot to get to be elf material. There are some requirements before you can be chosen. The first is a high degree of selflessness and joy in giving. The second is a twinkle in your eye. Third is an understanding that you may never be thanked for the hard work and love you put into creating those great big smiles and shining faces during the Christmas season. Fourth, you must enjoy a certain degree of mystery and a special secret. No one may know you have been selected by Santa to play such an important role, though some may guess. Often, these elves are moms and dads, and I hope to be an elf one day.
So thank you, special elf, who delivered a gift from Santa through the mail slot in our door sometime during the night. Though it is hard sometimes to humbly accept the charity of others, we are truly grateful.
So I'm switching to a new internet provider when I get back from Christmas break... so as of today I will no longer have internet at my apartment (until the day after I get back when it gets hooked up again.) Of course, I'll be at Eric's so I'll still get on the internet when I'm not busy playing with those two super cute babies.... which means I'll hardly ever get on the internet. So I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and I love you all.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Why Chemeketa?!?! Why?!?
Once Eric returned I wouldn't have to feel bad about moving to Africa. Now I have to continue to wait until one of my siblings moves back here. I just can't leave mom and dad alone. What if one of them gets dementia? Someone has to take care of them.
Chemeketa: No Go
Yesterday I got a letter in the mail from Chemeketa informing me that the position I applied for there "will not be filled at this time." Probably didn't have room in the budget. I know some of you, especially those of you named "Nathan" were wondering about the status of this job.
Sorry to be the sharer of bad news, especially so close to the winter holidays of many nations and peoples.
On the other hand, Stevie said "Where's Eric?" yesterday while I was at work, so... silver lining I guess.
Sorry to be the sharer of bad news, especially so close to the winter holidays of many nations and peoples.
On the other hand, Stevie said "Where's Eric?" yesterday while I was at work, so... silver lining I guess.
Well, as far as presents from me go.... I left my one for the exchange at Mom and Dad's over Thanksgiving... I believe Nate and Manda should have received that last night?
For the nieces and nephews I only got TWO of the presents finished. The others will be coming sporadically throughout the next year. I can't say exactly when especially because this next semester is going to be my hardest in all of college... and I'm working part time and still have three callings. Anyway, so Allie and Bryan are getting their presents and Brooke will get hers not to long after Christmas. Then the plan is to get Stevie's done so I can give it to Eric and Laurel when they come out in February. After that I'm not sure who's I'll do.... we'll see.
Anyway, I fly out tomorrow afternoon. It looks like the weather is going to get bad at some point today... I'm hoping that it clears up by tomorrow afternoon when I leave for the airport. I'm giving myself TONS of time to get up there though.
Eric and Laurel- I called and left a message but you never called back. Do you have wrapping paper I can use or do I need to bring my own? I know that if I wrap things before flying they'll probably be opened. So I'd rather not do that.
Okay, I think that's all I have to say.
For the nieces and nephews I only got TWO of the presents finished. The others will be coming sporadically throughout the next year. I can't say exactly when especially because this next semester is going to be my hardest in all of college... and I'm working part time and still have three callings. Anyway, so Allie and Bryan are getting their presents and Brooke will get hers not to long after Christmas. Then the plan is to get Stevie's done so I can give it to Eric and Laurel when they come out in February. After that I'm not sure who's I'll do.... we'll see.
Anyway, I fly out tomorrow afternoon. It looks like the weather is going to get bad at some point today... I'm hoping that it clears up by tomorrow afternoon when I leave for the airport. I'm giving myself TONS of time to get up there though.
Eric and Laurel- I called and left a message but you never called back. Do you have wrapping paper I can use or do I need to bring my own? I know that if I wrap things before flying they'll probably be opened. So I'd rather not do that.
Okay, I think that's all I have to say.
package inventory
Clarissa's gift for Emily arrived here - thanks for sending that! Please let me know if anything else is en route so we know to watch for it.
Boxes being sent from this end on Wednesday. -
To Eric: Allie's blanket and a card to go with Tawnia's exchange gift to explain it.
To Jared: the "stuff" we've been discussing on email, Emily's exchange gift for Jared and Michelle, as well as a couple of things for Mom and Dad from Emily and me.
The book exchange gifts for Brooke and Stevie went to Oregon with Mindy last month. So Brooke's book will be coming in Mom's luggage, and Stevie's book will be coming in Mindy's luggage. Also, Tawnia's exchange gift from me will be coming with Mindy.
Our Christmas cards will also be sent this week, and I regret to inform you that there will be no wallet-size pictures included. We still have not managed to get Summer to cooperate for Christmas dress pictures, either with Rosemary or by herself. We'll keep trying.
Now that Adam is finished with his finals and just wrapping up work on his paper (to verify all his citations), we can finally do our DC Christmas stuff - going to the lights at the temple and the White House, and to see all the miniature trains at the botanical garden. We're also going to do a session at the temple in a couple of days - we got a friend to watch the girls so Emily can go with us (instead of her watching them and going to a different session). We hope everyone has a good week - 7 days until Christmas!!
Boxes being sent from this end on Wednesday. -
To Eric: Allie's blanket and a card to go with Tawnia's exchange gift to explain it.
To Jared: the "stuff" we've been discussing on email, Emily's exchange gift for Jared and Michelle, as well as a couple of things for Mom and Dad from Emily and me.
The book exchange gifts for Brooke and Stevie went to Oregon with Mindy last month. So Brooke's book will be coming in Mom's luggage, and Stevie's book will be coming in Mindy's luggage. Also, Tawnia's exchange gift from me will be coming with Mindy.
Our Christmas cards will also be sent this week, and I regret to inform you that there will be no wallet-size pictures included. We still have not managed to get Summer to cooperate for Christmas dress pictures, either with Rosemary or by herself. We'll keep trying.
Now that Adam is finished with his finals and just wrapping up work on his paper (to verify all his citations), we can finally do our DC Christmas stuff - going to the lights at the temple and the White House, and to see all the miniature trains at the botanical garden. We're also going to do a session at the temple in a couple of days - we got a friend to watch the girls so Emily can go with us (instead of her watching them and going to a different session). We hope everyone has a good week - 7 days until Christmas!!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Things I Would Like To Do...
While I'm in California.
Well, I would love to go and see Wicked and spend a day or two at Disneyland or some of those theme park places... (like I haven't been to the SanDiego Zoo ever and I haven't been to Sea World since I was REALLY little.) But since those things cost money, something I don't have, these are the things I would like to do.
1. Visit Uncle Gary
2. Visit Aunt Cheryl
3. Visit Uncle Speedy
4. Babysit Stevie and Allie so Eric and Laurel can go out on a DATE
5. Babysit Stevie and Allie so Eric and Laurel can go to the temple
6. Play with Stevie
7. Hold Allie
8. Change dirty diapers
9. Babysit Stevie while Laurel goes to the doctor
10. Sleep in every day that I can... noting that with a two year old around, that will probably be not at all.
11. Have a wonderful Christmas day watching a cute little boy open his Christmas presents.
12. Talk, laugh, and have a wonderful time.
13. Help out however I can
14. Umm.... read a good book... hopefully I get one of those for Christmas, but I'll probably also bring one with me.
Eric and Laurel - I pretty much am yours to do with as you please while there. I will have NOTHING hanging over my head... classes are done, and I'm off work the whole time, so please just know that I plan on being very easy to please.
PS And I'm pretty sure Mindy feels the same way, and if she doesn't I'll beat her up. =)
Well, I would love to go and see Wicked and spend a day or two at Disneyland or some of those theme park places... (like I haven't been to the SanDiego Zoo ever and I haven't been to Sea World since I was REALLY little.) But since those things cost money, something I don't have, these are the things I would like to do.
1. Visit Uncle Gary
2. Visit Aunt Cheryl
3. Visit Uncle Speedy
4. Babysit Stevie and Allie so Eric and Laurel can go out on a DATE
5. Babysit Stevie and Allie so Eric and Laurel can go to the temple
6. Play with Stevie
7. Hold Allie
8. Change dirty diapers
9. Babysit Stevie while Laurel goes to the doctor
10. Sleep in every day that I can... noting that with a two year old around, that will probably be not at all.
11. Have a wonderful Christmas day watching a cute little boy open his Christmas presents.
12. Talk, laugh, and have a wonderful time.
13. Help out however I can
14. Umm.... read a good book... hopefully I get one of those for Christmas, but I'll probably also bring one with me.
Eric and Laurel - I pretty much am yours to do with as you please while there. I will have NOTHING hanging over my head... classes are done, and I'm off work the whole time, so please just know that I plan on being very easy to please.
PS And I'm pretty sure Mindy feels the same way, and if she doesn't I'll beat her up. =)
Posting and pictures
First off -Eric - if I remember right you said something about bugging you if you didn't get pictures up soon... my post was just meant as a friendly reminder. I get to SEE Stevie and Allie in less than a week now so I am okay if I don't see pictures.... but I'm sure everyone else would like to see them.
Trina - I try to post on all the blogs equally. Usually if you see a post from me on one blog there will be a post from me on all three blogs. FYI.
In other news I have completed all of my finals and I believe I will have a 4.0 for the semester. One of my grades might be an A- so that might bring it down slightly, but still I have all A's WAHOO! In celebration I splurged and went to dinner at the Olive Garden with some friends (all female) last night.
Love, Tawnia
Trina - I try to post on all the blogs equally. Usually if you see a post from me on one blog there will be a post from me on all three blogs. FYI.
In other news I have completed all of my finals and I believe I will have a 4.0 for the semester. One of my grades might be an A- so that might bring it down slightly, but still I have all A's WAHOO! In celebration I splurged and went to dinner at the Olive Garden with some friends (all female) last night.
Love, Tawnia
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
other blogs
A bunch of friends have recently started blogs for pictures of their kids, and I've been asked when I'm going to start one. At first, I thought that I wouldn't because I have THIS blog and the sisters blog ... but pretty much only our family reads them because otherwise my friends would have to sift through your posts, and your friends would have to skip over my posts, etc. So I will probably succumb soon and start my own blog to write about the girls, so friends and the Caudle side have something they can go to. (But I won't use the blog for pictures, because that's what the webpage is for - I will link to it from the blog.)
And yes, I have noticed that siblings here have their own blogs ... I would just like to point out that having your own blog does NOT mean that you can STOP posting on THIS one. Hardly anyone has been posting here lately. Yes, I check the personal blogs, but honestly, it's a lot easier for me to check just ONE instead of 5 or 10 or 20 or however many we'll end up with. I do have some comments for the personal blogs that I thought I'd stick here so the comments don't get missed, and so there's some traffic here.
JARED: On your goals, you said you wanted to be a Scouter, and you accomplished that this month. Congratulations, but what's a Scouter? And yes, I noticed which goal items you lifted from my list.
TAWNIA: I meant to mention this before - I did a 3-in-1 date when I lived in Monmouth. 6 of us had dinner and went to Les Miserables in Portland. It was one of the first dates that Aaron and April (Ward) Brewster went on, but at the time, Aaron and I were trying to get April set up with his roommate Joseph. And look what happened - HA! And who is the guy who asked YOU out last weekend? Woo hoo!!
NATHAN: Yes, you do need to make sure to keep track of what Joshua does, whether it's on a blog or in a journal or whatever. I did pretty well the first year about Summer in a journal, but I'm behind now. And I haven't really started Rosemary's. Oops. One of my projects for the new year - get their journals caught up, and then maintain them at least monthly. It's the Sunday project that I haven't gotten really off the ground yet.
AMANDA: Nathan does the laundry? Really? Lucky! Adam does the laundry when I ask him, but he's never home to ask. (Besides, if I had to choose, I'd rather that he help in the kitchen, which he does.) I would have to agree that Joshua "wears the pants in the family" as far as controlling the schedule. Summer and Rosemary do around here, that's for sure.
And speaking of their schedule controlling my life ... naptime is over.
And yes, I have noticed that siblings here have their own blogs ... I would just like to point out that having your own blog does NOT mean that you can STOP posting on THIS one. Hardly anyone has been posting here lately. Yes, I check the personal blogs, but honestly, it's a lot easier for me to check just ONE instead of 5 or 10 or 20 or however many we'll end up with. I do have some comments for the personal blogs that I thought I'd stick here so the comments don't get missed, and so there's some traffic here.
JARED: On your goals, you said you wanted to be a Scouter, and you accomplished that this month. Congratulations, but what's a Scouter? And yes, I noticed which goal items you lifted from my list.
TAWNIA: I meant to mention this before - I did a 3-in-1 date when I lived in Monmouth. 6 of us had dinner and went to Les Miserables in Portland. It was one of the first dates that Aaron and April (Ward) Brewster went on, but at the time, Aaron and I were trying to get April set up with his roommate Joseph. And look what happened - HA! And who is the guy who asked YOU out last weekend? Woo hoo!!
NATHAN: Yes, you do need to make sure to keep track of what Joshua does, whether it's on a blog or in a journal or whatever. I did pretty well the first year about Summer in a journal, but I'm behind now. And I haven't really started Rosemary's. Oops. One of my projects for the new year - get their journals caught up, and then maintain them at least monthly. It's the Sunday project that I haven't gotten really off the ground yet.
AMANDA: Nathan does the laundry? Really? Lucky! Adam does the laundry when I ask him, but he's never home to ask. (Besides, if I had to choose, I'd rather that he help in the kitchen, which he does.) I would have to agree that Joshua "wears the pants in the family" as far as controlling the schedule. Summer and Rosemary do around here, that's for sure.
And speaking of their schedule controlling my life ... naptime is over.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Bargain shopping and musical numbers
This last weekend was pretty . . . interesting. I did some shopping, some Christmas presents, toilet paper, candy canes -- things like that. So I had $11 worth of merchandise. But I had a ten percent discount. And a $10 gift certificate. So, all I paid for that was 31 cents.
Afterwards, I went to the ice cream parlor to see a performance by the show choir, Encore. My roommate Rachel was playing the piano to accompany them. It was pretty fun. And right after that, I went to the orchestra concert. Rebecca had a solo piece on the English horn. It was really good.
Afterwards, my roommates and pseudo-roommates (there are a couple of girls that frequently come over, Isolde and Krista) were practicing playing "Ring Out, Wild Bells." Two bassoons, an oboe, and a flute. They suggested that I sing along with them, even join them the next day at church. So I did. I had to sing very loudly and clearly, or I doubt anyone would have heard me.
Well, today I've got to study my German and Am Civ, since I have those finals tomorrow, and then there's biology on Friday. Considering my previous weeks, this one is fairly relaxing.
Afterwards, I went to the ice cream parlor to see a performance by the show choir, Encore. My roommate Rachel was playing the piano to accompany them. It was pretty fun. And right after that, I went to the orchestra concert. Rebecca had a solo piece on the English horn. It was really good.
Afterwards, my roommates and pseudo-roommates (there are a couple of girls that frequently come over, Isolde and Krista) were practicing playing "Ring Out, Wild Bells." Two bassoons, an oboe, and a flute. They suggested that I sing along with them, even join them the next day at church. So I did. I had to sing very loudly and clearly, or I doubt anyone would have heard me.
Well, today I've got to study my German and Am Civ, since I have those finals tomorrow, and then there's biology on Friday. Considering my previous weeks, this one is fairly relaxing.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
a new post for a new generation of postal workers
As the French say, it's late, but I took a nap this afternoon so I'm still up. Stevie is sick (sad to note) and is sleeping. Laurel is cleaning up as is her way. Allie is in bed and she is sleeping there. Christmas is coming. I did post new pictures of Stevie and Allie (before you even asked Tawnia!) but no, I haven't finished getting Thanksgiving pics put together. Sorry. I hope you'll forgive me. The tree is up, Christmas music is on the hi-fi, and I'm excited for the impending holiday. I don't really know what we'll be doing, but it will be fun and full of Christmas cheer whatever it is. We learned today (at church) that to give is better than to receive which is important to remember when you "receive" presents from me this year. Just keep that in mind and stop your griping. GOT IT? Speaking of griping, sometimes Allie drinks gripe water which helps her tender little tummy. She's got to be the cutest little baby girl in the world. I wonder how I can verify that...
Friday, December 07, 2007
Happy birthday, Dad!
Hi, Dad.
Happy birthday. I hope this year is great for you.
I'm done with classes; actually, I finished yesterday, and then I turned in my senior paper -- and then I had to go to work. Today is "reading day," and I've got two finals on Tuesday and one on Friday. I've been reading . . . novels count, right?
Anyway, happy birthday, Dad.
-- Emily
Happy birthday. I hope this year is great for you.
I'm done with classes; actually, I finished yesterday, and then I turned in my senior paper -- and then I had to go to work. Today is "reading day," and I've got two finals on Tuesday and one on Friday. I've been reading . . . novels count, right?
Anyway, happy birthday, Dad.
-- Emily
Okay, so I'm not sure what Nathan and Eric are waiting for... but Nathan hasn't posted pictures since before Thanksgiving, and Eric said something about posting pictures just after Thanksgiving and yet we still haven't seen those... and I look! Oh and Mom's "what's new" is still from August. And thank you Jared for posting pictures.
Happy Birthday DAD!!!
Hey Dad! Happy Birthday! I don't know how to make it big or colorful or fancy like everyone else, oh wait, there are little buttons up there to do it for me.... so...
Happy Birthday Dad! I hope this year is great for you!
Happy Birthday Dad! I hope this year is great for you!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Brooke's Teeth
Saturday, December 01, 2007
more [EDITTED]
"Summer Singing" is now up - here
Clarissa and I are heading out to the temple, and I'm going to start uploading the last video before I go. So that'll probably be available later tonight or tomorrow .. keep checking up on it.
[EDIT] The 3rd and final Summer video is up on YouTube. Please go check it out and tell Trina what a great family she has. here!
While I'm at it, I want to say thank you to everyone (my brothers!) who have added videos of all my wonderful nieces and nephews. I watch them all quite often, although I don't usually say anything. But they always make me smile.
Clarissa and I are heading out to the temple, and I'm going to start uploading the last video before I go. So that'll probably be available later tonight or tomorrow .. keep checking up on it.
[EDIT] The 3rd and final Summer video is up on YouTube. Please go check it out and tell Trina what a great family she has. here!
While I'm at it, I want to say thank you to everyone (my brothers!) who have added videos of all my wonderful nieces and nephews. I watch them all quite often, although I don't usually say anything. But they always make me smile.
Friday, November 30, 2007
the beginning of updates
I finally uploaded the first of the Summer movies. After having many hassles with the computers, and trying to communicate between them, we finally got it all figured out. It does take some time, and it's already late, so the other two will be added in the next couple of days. Watch the first one here.
Before adding that one, I finally got around to adding a second tap dance number, taken back in May. You can watch that here.
Oh, and I also added a couple of new drawings to my page. Well, one of them is from June, but it was Trina's Christmas present, so I couldn't actually share it yet. But she received her present already, so you can see it now. I'll let you poke around and find it (it is towards the bottom). I wish I had more to post there, but I have been busy working lately, and getting all the Christmas projects figured out. Maybe I'll set some time aside next week specifically for drawing.
Before adding that one, I finally got around to adding a second tap dance number, taken back in May. You can watch that here.
Oh, and I also added a couple of new drawings to my page. Well, one of them is from June, but it was Trina's Christmas present, so I couldn't actually share it yet. But she received her present already, so you can see it now. I'll let you poke around and find it (it is towards the bottom). I wish I had more to post there, but I have been busy working lately, and getting all the Christmas projects figured out. Maybe I'll set some time aside next week specifically for drawing.
To Trina
Trina posted about the family history thing and I think it's a grand idea. I was going to post this as a comment, but sometimes blogger doesn't like me to leave comments. So I'm just making it a whole new post... something we need on here anyway.
Anyway, I think it sounds like a great idea (please refer back to Trina's post "Family History".) The question that just came to mind was to ask about everyone's favorite memories of Grandma and Grandpa Beers. I realize some people don't really have any memories of them, but a lot of the older cousins probably have a lot more memories of them.
Of course we also want info about each of the cousins... funny stories, and such. I'm sure I'll think of more later.
Anyway, I think it sounds like a great idea (please refer back to Trina's post "Family History".) The question that just came to mind was to ask about everyone's favorite memories of Grandma and Grandpa Beers. I realize some people don't really have any memories of them, but a lot of the older cousins probably have a lot more memories of them.
Of course we also want info about each of the cousins... funny stories, and such. I'm sure I'll think of more later.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Well, family, I've reworked my schedule. I had to drop creative writing to sign up for a history class that doesn't conflict with German. (The other available choice was a class I was bound to hate.) Also, I had signed up for a trip to Nauvoo during spring break, but as so few people have signed up for it, I thought it will probably be canceled anyway. So I'm going to Boston during spring break instead.
Tomorrow, I'm going to do an oral presentation on my history paper: "Zero Hour." Then on Friday, I'll be presenting it to the entire history department. (All four of them.) Then I have to rewrite the paper. But before I do that, I have to write a couple of essays for other classes. About a week to go, and then finals.
Tomorrow, I'm going to do an oral presentation on my history paper: "Zero Hour." Then on Friday, I'll be presenting it to the entire history department. (All four of them.) Then I have to rewrite the paper. But before I do that, I have to write a couple of essays for other classes. About a week to go, and then finals.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
family history thoughts
There's apparently a big push in our stake to get people to do family history. There was a survey passed around in Relief Society and priesthood this week to ask if people are familiar with the Temple Ready and PAF programs and such, and general questions about what has been done already in our family history. My answers to the survey were that all the easy stuff has been done - we're now on the hard stuff, and it's really not a priority for me especially since I know that other people in my family are doing the heavy lifting right now.
Then it occurred to me that there's more to family history than a string of names and dates and places put into the PAF program - there are stories. So I think I will suggest to our family history coordinator that she also encourage people to do interview type things with older members of their family to preserve their more recent history before people die. I know Mom is working on her personal history with that questions-in-a-jar thing, which is good. Make sure Dad does it too, Mom!
And this is just now coming to mind - what if we started working now on doing a Beers history, and get it ready for the 2009 reunion? Could you all help me come up with questions to send to all of our aunts and uncles, and questions to send to all of the cousins? Then I'll send an email out to everyone to gather the stories/answers, and start compiling and formatting to get it ready for printing.
Then it occurred to me that there's more to family history than a string of names and dates and places put into the PAF program - there are stories. So I think I will suggest to our family history coordinator that she also encourage people to do interview type things with older members of their family to preserve their more recent history before people die. I know Mom is working on her personal history with that questions-in-a-jar thing, which is good. Make sure Dad does it too, Mom!
And this is just now coming to mind - what if we started working now on doing a Beers history, and get it ready for the 2009 reunion? Could you all help me come up with questions to send to all of our aunts and uncles, and questions to send to all of the cousins? Then I'll send an email out to everyone to gather the stories/answers, and start compiling and formatting to get it ready for printing.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Back to school
Well, we headed down from Maryland today. I had a pretty good Thanksgiving. I didn't go out and see D.C., although we did go to the temple on Saturday, and I took Summer to the park more than once. (She can say "park" and "book" and "baby." Those are some of her favorite words.) So it was nice.
But now it's over, and I've got to get ready for the next couple of weeks. Here's what I have in store for me (in no particular order):
1. Rewrite 25-page research paper, which I haven't looked at since I finished the first draft.
2. Work. And the store is now open even later. Oh fun. I have thirteen hours this week, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, so I don't get a weekend at all.
3. Figure out my schedule for next semester, and hopefully arrange it so that I CAN graduate in May. This is causing me great distress.
4. Figure out how to pay for next semester.
5. Spend a couple of hours writing my latest story. November is novel writing month, after all, and I'm just getting up to the exciting part of the story.
6. The rest of my classes -- Am Civ, German, biology. And the stinking reading assignments for the senior paper class, which I really dislike.
I'm not feeling very happy right now.
But now it's over, and I've got to get ready for the next couple of weeks. Here's what I have in store for me (in no particular order):
1. Rewrite 25-page research paper, which I haven't looked at since I finished the first draft.
2. Work. And the store is now open even later. Oh fun. I have thirteen hours this week, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, so I don't get a weekend at all.
3. Figure out my schedule for next semester, and hopefully arrange it so that I CAN graduate in May. This is causing me great distress.
4. Figure out how to pay for next semester.
5. Spend a couple of hours writing my latest story. November is novel writing month, after all, and I'm just getting up to the exciting part of the story.
6. The rest of my classes -- Am Civ, German, biology. And the stinking reading assignments for the senior paper class, which I really dislike.
I'm not feeling very happy right now.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Stevie's Words, and the cat
Hi all, just thought I'd let you know that a couple of new Stevie videos have been posted (and there's some Allie in there as well). I'll be putting up new pictures soon. If I don't get it done this week just call in the evening and bug me about it. I have made new goals about getting things done, so feel free to support me in that.
We just wrapped up a nice visit with Sarah, Amber, and a boy (gasp!) that Amber seems to have taken a shine to. Also, Anthon and Julie (his wife) came over. We had a good time. Well, I did anyway. I shouldn't speak for anyone else.
We've had a nice week here in Rexburg, Idaho. We pretty much just stuck to the house and the family. I got a lot of reading done, and did a lot of playing with Stevie. Laurel's family enjoyed the kids. Stevie really took to everyone. He's such a loving guy. Laurel's mom had a special time with Allie, and today in church Stevie was finally good when he sat on his grandpa's lap.
Tomorrow we're travelling home. We should be back by the evening. We're driving to Utah in the late morning/afternoon, then it's a quick flight to home. We'll probably spend more time waiting in the airport than in the air. I'm not really looking forward to being back at work, but I'm not dreading it either.
We had a good Thanksgiving. I am thankful for so much this year. I have a wonderful wife and we have a beautiful pair of children, the gospel, health, and everything we need. I'm also thankful for each of you and the relationships we have and will continue to develop. I'm so excited for all the wonderful things you have going on in your lives... Clarissa going to the temple and on her mission soon, Emily wrapping up her undergrad degree, Tawnia back in school, Nathan and Amanda and Jared and Michelle and Trina and Adam and let's not forget Mindy and Dad and Mom. (breath) All doing great things and continuing to be just great people. I love you all.
We just wrapped up a nice visit with Sarah, Amber, and a boy (gasp!) that Amber seems to have taken a shine to. Also, Anthon and Julie (his wife) came over. We had a good time. Well, I did anyway. I shouldn't speak for anyone else.
We've had a nice week here in Rexburg, Idaho. We pretty much just stuck to the house and the family. I got a lot of reading done, and did a lot of playing with Stevie. Laurel's family enjoyed the kids. Stevie really took to everyone. He's such a loving guy. Laurel's mom had a special time with Allie, and today in church Stevie was finally good when he sat on his grandpa's lap.
Tomorrow we're travelling home. We should be back by the evening. We're driving to Utah in the late morning/afternoon, then it's a quick flight to home. We'll probably spend more time waiting in the airport than in the air. I'm not really looking forward to being back at work, but I'm not dreading it either.
We had a good Thanksgiving. I am thankful for so much this year. I have a wonderful wife and we have a beautiful pair of children, the gospel, health, and everything we need. I'm also thankful for each of you and the relationships we have and will continue to develop. I'm so excited for all the wonderful things you have going on in your lives... Clarissa going to the temple and on her mission soon, Emily wrapping up her undergrad degree, Tawnia back in school, Nathan and Amanda and Jared and Michelle and Trina and Adam and let's not forget Mindy and Dad and Mom. (breath) All doing great things and continuing to be just great people. I love you all.
My Turkey Day
My Thanksgiving was grand. I spent the day with Mindy, Mom, Dad, Clarissa, the Dicksons, and Aunt Marli. We ate lots of good food and then played games like three men on a couch and nerts. It was fun.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy day after Thanksgiving
Hello, family. I'm here with Trina, Adam, two of the most beautiful little girls in the entire world, and right now Adam's sister is over with her family. We had eight adults and five little kids over yesterday. I actually spent quite a bit of time at a little park around the corner. Summer loves the swings and the slide, but I had to keep a pretty close eye on her. It took a while for dinner to get done -- the turkey was in the oven for hours. But it finally got done.
I am thankful for my family and that we are so close to each other, even if we may be miles apart. How was your Thanksgiving?
I am thankful for my family and that we are so close to each other, even if we may be miles apart. How was your Thanksgiving?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Why the Dishes Never Get Done, Chapter 37
Summer and Rosemary run a great tag-team on me with their naps. Rosemary sleeps all morning while Summer plays and gets into trouble. The minute Summer goes down for her nap in the early afternoon - the time varies, but still, the minute Summer goes down for her nap, Rosemary wakes up and wants to eat for the entire 2 hours. When Summer gets up, Rosemary goes back to sleep until after dinner, while Summer is particularly destructive and difficult to keep occupied. The only time they're both awake is in the evening. It's almost like they planned this ahead of time, it's so dead on. So much for studying during Summer's nap, because there's no putting on the headphones while she's up and running around unless there is someone else here to supervise. (Not that I got much studying done while Mindy was here anyway ... somehow that just didn't happen the way I had pictured it.)
So if anyone has suggestions on how to get Summer and Rosemary to sleep AT THE SAME TIME, I would appreciate it. And yes, I already know the whole thing about "wake up the baby when you want her to be awake, and then she'll be tired when you're ready for her to sleep." Doesn't work very well with these 2. If they don't want to wake up, they won't. It can sometimes take almost an hour to wake up Summer from her nap, and I fought Rosemary about waking up to eat for the first 2 weeks. She's doing better about eating, and now I'd like her to get onto a better schedule for sleeping.
So if anyone has suggestions on how to get Summer and Rosemary to sleep AT THE SAME TIME, I would appreciate it. And yes, I already know the whole thing about "wake up the baby when you want her to be awake, and then she'll be tired when you're ready for her to sleep." Doesn't work very well with these 2. If they don't want to wake up, they won't. It can sometimes take almost an hour to wake up Summer from her nap, and I fought Rosemary about waking up to eat for the first 2 weeks. She's doing better about eating, and now I'd like her to get onto a better schedule for sleeping.
Friday, November 16, 2007
do you have cable?
If you don't ... you're about to lose your TV signal. All TV stations in the country are switching to ONLY digital signal on Feb. 17, 2008 (most have been doing a dual signal as they've upgraded over the last 10 years or so), and regular "analog" TVs won't be able to read it. I don't think anyone in our family has upgraded to an HDTV (except Jared - if I remember right, he won one), which will pick up the digital signal without cable. If you have cable or satellite or DirectTV, you're fine with an old TV. If you're like us and don't have cable, you need a converter box for your TV which will apparently be available at electronics stores after the first of the year.
More information:
I saw this website and the info on the news yesterday. Just thought I'd pass it on.
More information:
I saw this website and the info on the news yesterday. Just thought I'd pass it on.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I have now been to the church dairy farm three times in one year. The bishop said that two times in a row meant your calling and election was made sure and that three times meant you were extra special.... so yeah, no worries about me now (hehe). I actually really enjoy the dairy assignment, even when it means shoveling cow manure. The thing I like the most is the comraderie, especially when we go out to eat afterwards smelling like manure. So my advice is to take the service opportunities in your area, whatever they may be.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Grandma's 100th Birthday

Today is a very important day. If my mother were alive she would be 100 years old. For those of you who remember her, what are some of your favorite memories of Grandma? She was a very tiny woman but she was very sweet and a hard worker. She was a true example of Christlike love. I miss my Mommy and it seems incredible that she would be 100 if she were here with us. Just thought you'd want to remember her today.
Love ya,
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Temple Trip
I'm going through the temple November 24 (that's the Saturday after Thanksgiving) at 10 am. Your challenge, if you choose to except it, is to be at your respective temples at the same time I am. That would be 11 am for those in Idaho and Utah, 12 pm for those in Texas and 1 pm for those in Washington DC.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Addresses and such
Now that you all know where I am going (Florida Orlando Mission) and when (January 9, 2008), feel free to talk amongst yourselves or shower me with advice.
While in the MTC, you can write to me at:
Sister Clarissa Nicole Palmer
Florida Orlando Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604
Once I get to Florida, send letters and packages to:
Sister Clarissa Nicole Palmer
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd Ste E
Orlando, FL 32837-8426
Adam wins the guessing game because he said "I say that you go someplace that no one has picked." No one picked Florida. Runners up would be Jared with Arkansas and Nathan with St Louis, Missouri.
While in the MTC, you can write to me at:
Sister Clarissa Nicole Palmer
Florida Orlando Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604
Once I get to Florida, send letters and packages to:
Sister Clarissa Nicole Palmer
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd Ste E
Orlando, FL 32837-8426
Adam wins the guessing game because he said "I say that you go someplace that no one has picked." No one picked Florida. Runners up would be Jared with Arkansas and Nathan with St Louis, Missouri.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
There we have Idaho
It's amazing how quickly vacation plans change. We're going to Idaho for Thanksgiving. Lots and lots of fun for all. We'll be gone from 11/17 (the Saturday before) until 11/26 (the Monday after).
Also, we're going to Cheryl's wedding on Saturday. I just talked to Debbie and she and Speedy will be there, as will Max and Jean (she said). It should be nice to see everyone.
Also, we're going to Cheryl's wedding on Saturday. I just talked to Debbie and she and Speedy will be there, as will Max and Jean (she said). It should be nice to see everyone.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Christmas Exchange
I don't know if anyone else had forgotten about it, but I sure did, so I wanted to post this friendly neighborhood reminder about the gift exchanges for this year. If you click on "September" over there--> in the sidebar it'll take you straight to the details.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Updates to Eric's Page
Hi all. Happy Monday!
I've posted a few updates to my page. There's a new Stevie picture, some Halloween photos, and a link to Laurel's favorite Robot Chicken clip.
Hey Jared. It'll be okay. Lay out your priorities, do your best, be honest with yourself and your leaders, and most of all take your concerns to the Lord, and you'll know what to do.
I've posted a few updates to my page. There's a new Stevie picture, some Halloween photos, and a link to Laurel's favorite Robot Chicken clip.
Hey Jared. It'll be okay. Lay out your priorities, do your best, be honest with yourself and your leaders, and most of all take your concerns to the Lord, and you'll know what to do.
Oh man...
I just got a third calling at church yesterday. I'm already the Physical Facilities Rep and an Elders Quorum instructor, and now they want me to be the Assistant Webelos Leader. What, do they think I'm made of time and energy? I already have none of either!
good night Summer
Summer doesn't like going to sleep at night. She'll stand up in her crib and scream if she's alone, especially if she doesn't have a bottle. So someone will take her out and sing to her for a while. If she doesn't fall asleep, you have to try again, because she just won't cry herself to sleep. It can get frustrating, but it's just what has to be done. Last night I set her in the crib, to let her know that it was time for bed. She screamed, and held her arms out for me to hold her. So I took her in my arms, and sat down in the rocking chair, with her head on my shoulder. I wasn't in the mood to sing, and I noticed the Book of Mormon on the shelf. So I picked it up and started reading, first Nephi, chapter one. She was asleep before I got to chapter two.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I would give an update. We're doing good. Did everyone have a fun Halloween. Brooke was a devil and Bryan was a jedi master. They got a lot of candy. We had a lot of trick or treaters come to our house also.
Last week I was asked to be the home room mom for Brooke class. I will help with the Christmas and Valentine's day parties. I am also an activities day leader for the 10 and 11 year old girls at chuch. They are very giggly and nice girls. It's fun. Other that that, I am still playing house wife.
The kids got their report cards today. Both were really good. Bryan got all E's and S's. Teacher note said that he always has a smile on his face and she enjoys having him in her class. He is doing more than satisfactory work in class. He can move forward with spelling words and attemping sentances. "However, please talk to him about working faster." Looks like kindergarten is off to a good start.
Brooke got all A's: 93 in reading, 91 in language, 97 math, 96 science, and 94 for social studies. She got E's and S's in everything else. Hooray! This is the first time Brooke has gotten actually number grades, last year was just letters (no +'s or -"s). I can see exactly how she is doing. Kinda cool. Brooke teacher wrote Brooke is very sweet, curtious, and helpful. She is making friends and getting along with classmates. She is strong in all subject areas. Please encourage her to continue read at home. I couldn'task for more.
Last week I was asked to be the home room mom for Brooke class. I will help with the Christmas and Valentine's day parties. I am also an activities day leader for the 10 and 11 year old girls at chuch. They are very giggly and nice girls. It's fun. Other that that, I am still playing house wife.
The kids got their report cards today. Both were really good. Bryan got all E's and S's. Teacher note said that he always has a smile on his face and she enjoys having him in her class. He is doing more than satisfactory work in class. He can move forward with spelling words and attemping sentances. "However, please talk to him about working faster." Looks like kindergarten is off to a good start.

Brooke got all A's: 93 in reading, 91 in language, 97 math, 96 science, and 94 for social studies. She got E's and S's in everything else. Hooray! This is the first time Brooke has gotten actually number grades, last year was just letters (no +'s or -"s). I can see exactly how she is doing. Kinda cool. Brooke teacher wrote Brooke is very sweet, curtious, and helpful. She is making friends and getting along with classmates. She is strong in all subject areas. Please encourage her to continue read at home. I couldn'task for more.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
I'm here!
I'm now at Trina's house, safe and sound. I woke up this morning at 5AM, to catch my flight around 7:30. I got to the airport only an hour before my flight, and airport security was a little longer than expected. I made it to my gate though, and got directly in line, and was on the plane in less than 10 minutes. We made a stopover in SLC, which wasn't all that exciting, but we got some new passengers, and the ladies I ended up next to were much more talkative and entertaining. I even ended up drawing one of them while she napped (with her permission), and she was thrilled to keep the drawing. The plane arrived in Baltimore 15 minutes early, and we were to the apartment within an hour. I'm rather tired and headachey, but the girls are great. Rosemary is so TINY! but beautiful all the same. And Summer giggles and dances and runs around and talks to herself constantly. She's fun, but I can already see that I will definitely be a help. It'll be a big change of pace from helping customers to playing dutiful aunt and baby-sitter.
Christmas List
So, I just put all my Christmas music onto my computer and so I am creating a "Christmas" playlist of all of my favorite Christmas music. Anyway, that got me in a Christmasy mood, so I typed up my Christmas list and put it on my blog for people to refer back to. I just wanted to make one disclaimer, I do not expect to get anything on my list. It is a wish list pure and simple, if you want to get me something on that list, great! If not, great! I know that this is a tight year for everyone for one reason or another... I expect that most money will be going to the grand-babies anyway. So there is my disclaimer.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Happy Halloween!!!
Joshua went to his first Halloween party last night. He wants to wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween.
Also, last night, I noticed a little white line on Joshua's bottom gum and when I finaly got my finger in there to check it out, it felt like a tooth. Amanda checked also and agrees that it is a tooth. Our little guy is growing up so fast.
Also, last night, I noticed a little white line on Joshua's bottom gum and when I finaly got my finger in there to check it out, it felt like a tooth. Amanda checked also and agrees that it is a tooth. Our little guy is growing up so fast.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Well Trina, I talked to you this morning, but I just wanted to publicly say (sniff sniff) how grateful I am to have such an awesome big sister. Congratulations once again on the birth of little Rosemary. Don't worry, it gets better. Have a great birthday and enjoy your girls. I can't wait until Stevie and Allie get to play with them (whenever that might be).
Happy Birthday Trina!!!
Hey Trina. I hope that you have a happy birthday with your growing family. When Emily is over don't let her near any windows.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
New video (again)
Here is another video of Joshua.
Nathan, Amanda and Joshua
Here is another video of Joshua.
Nathan, Amanda and Joshua
Fire Update
Okay, I just talked with Aunt Debbie. They got back from New Hampshire last night. Everyone is safe. James lives further North than I thought. Jake and Laura are at Speedy's since they got evacuated. (I think they're living with her parents.) So everyone is safe and sound and not in any immediate danger. Keep us all in your prayers (along with the firefighters, etc.)
Broken window
You know something interesting? If you hit a window and it breaks, your hand will not be hurt. You might nick your arm, but your hand will be just fine. I discovered this at about two this morning while trying to quiet my upstairs neighbors and their friends while they were engaged in rioting (at least that's what it sounded like) and loud laughter on the front porch. I have a migraine, and migraines make one extremely sensitive to noise. And my roommate and I needed to get up early for a test. I got two, maybe three hours of sleep last night. I did call my landlady around sunup to apologize for the broken window. She will be talking with the upstairs neighbors.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Hi all,
Just thought I'd post a quick note from fire-ravaged Southern California. We could see the Santiago Canyon fire from the freeway as we drove home from Rachel's last night. There was also a fire right in Irvine, not far from where I am right now. I've heard that these fires are pretty well contained though. We're safe. I came into work; Laurel is home with the kids. The smoke is giving us all runny noses and watery eyes.
The worst is in San Diego County. It's spreading from quite a ways inland. One of my co-workers is in Oceanside, and is IMing with me now. They've been asked to stay off the freeways to make room for evacuations. The city of Ramona was evacuated, and now I'm hearing rumors about Escondido and Fallbrook. Oh, she just typed "They're evacuating everyone between the 56 and Del Dios hwy, from the 15 to the 5." That's a huge area just South of Escondido and San Marcos. I'll keep you posted. I think Uncle Speedy and Aunt Debbie are still in New Hampshire, but I'm not sure. I know that James lives in that general area, and I'm not sure about Jake. I'll let you know when I hear anything.
Just thought I'd post a quick note from fire-ravaged Southern California. We could see the Santiago Canyon fire from the freeway as we drove home from Rachel's last night. There was also a fire right in Irvine, not far from where I am right now. I've heard that these fires are pretty well contained though. We're safe. I came into work; Laurel is home with the kids. The smoke is giving us all runny noses and watery eyes.
The worst is in San Diego County. It's spreading from quite a ways inland. One of my co-workers is in Oceanside, and is IMing with me now. They've been asked to stay off the freeways to make room for evacuations. The city of Ramona was evacuated, and now I'm hearing rumors about Escondido and Fallbrook. Oh, she just typed "They're evacuating everyone between the 56 and Del Dios hwy, from the 15 to the 5." That's a huge area just South of Escondido and San Marcos. I'll keep you posted. I think Uncle Speedy and Aunt Debbie are still in New Hampshire, but I'm not sure. I know that James lives in that general area, and I'm not sure about Jake. I'll let you know when I hear anything.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
New video
Here is a link to a new video of Joshua. Amanda really likes it.
Here is a link to a new video of Joshua. Amanda really likes it.
mixed bag
Okay, first of all, anyone who hasn't checked out the sisters' blog needs to go look at the pictures of Clarissa there with her hair straightened. You'll barely recognize her. I like it a lot. And Clarissa - have you lost weight or something? Your face looks thinner and more oval than I remember from the last time seeing you.
Mom, hold off on printing an 8x10 of Rosemary just yet. You know I'm going to do Christmas dress pictures when we get the dresses that you're making (I take it that the dresses are their Christmas gifts from you), and I'm also going to do 8x10 prints of both girls in their blessing dresses for our wall. I'll email both shots of Rosemary so you can choose which one you want. I'm glad your Christmas bag from last year is still holding up - I didn't think it would get that banged up in just 1 year. But, well, it did only cost 3 bucks so I guess we can't expect too much from it. I'll think about a Christmas list for Adam and me ... not sure about that yet. I still have to come up with a list for Adam of ideas of things to get for me.
I thought about the conversion process question, but that story would be rather lengthy to tell. It was a series of things that all happened the summer that I was 15 - I prayed about the Book of Mormon, I had a sort of lightning bolt experience at Girls Camp about Joseph Smith, I received my patriarchal blessing, and there were a couple of other things. The sum total of the answers I got was "You already know it's true."
And for Aunt Tawnia from Summer and Rosemary ...
Dear Aunt Tawnia - Yes, I love my new little sister. I try very hard to give her nice hugs and kisses, but Mom and Dad get all paranoid every time I go near her. They keep telling me that I can play with her, but when will she be big enough? At least Daddy still plays with me a lot, even if Mom is always holding Rosemary. Love, Summer.
Dear Aunt Tawnia - Earth life is all right so far. Eating is good, and I like snuggling with Mom. Daddy is a good snuggler too. Summer keeps trying to take my blanket but she's good. The jaundice is going away, so hopefully I don't have to go back to the dumb doctor anymore. Every time we go, they jab me in the heel to draw blood and wake me up. I don't like that. When are you coming to visit? Love, Rosemary.
Mom, hold off on printing an 8x10 of Rosemary just yet. You know I'm going to do Christmas dress pictures when we get the dresses that you're making (I take it that the dresses are their Christmas gifts from you), and I'm also going to do 8x10 prints of both girls in their blessing dresses for our wall. I'll email both shots of Rosemary so you can choose which one you want. I'm glad your Christmas bag from last year is still holding up - I didn't think it would get that banged up in just 1 year. But, well, it did only cost 3 bucks so I guess we can't expect too much from it. I'll think about a Christmas list for Adam and me ... not sure about that yet. I still have to come up with a list for Adam of ideas of things to get for me.
I thought about the conversion process question, but that story would be rather lengthy to tell. It was a series of things that all happened the summer that I was 15 - I prayed about the Book of Mormon, I had a sort of lightning bolt experience at Girls Camp about Joseph Smith, I received my patriarchal blessing, and there were a couple of other things. The sum total of the answers I got was "You already know it's true."
And for Aunt Tawnia from Summer and Rosemary ...
Dear Aunt Tawnia - Yes, I love my new little sister. I try very hard to give her nice hugs and kisses, but Mom and Dad get all paranoid every time I go near her. They keep telling me that I can play with her, but when will she be big enough? At least Daddy still plays with me a lot, even if Mom is always holding Rosemary. Love, Summer.
Dear Aunt Tawnia - Earth life is all right so far. Eating is good, and I like snuggling with Mom. Daddy is a good snuggler too. Summer keeps trying to take my blanket but she's good. The jaundice is going away, so hopefully I don't have to go back to the dumb doctor anymore. Every time we go, they jab me in the heel to draw blood and wake me up. I don't like that. When are you coming to visit? Love, Rosemary.
A new question
I had to answer the last question before I could put up a new one. Sorry it took me so long. I need to get some pictures scanned so I can add them. You'll see it under my question page. So, with Clarissa waiting for her mission call, I felt this was a rather appropriate question: What was your conversion to the gospel like? I know you were all raised in the church, but there had to be some time in your life when you discovered for yourself that the church is true and didn't just rely on others testimonies. Describe that process.
In other news, I know I've mentioned to some of you but not all yet that I'm having surgery on my eyelids in January. They are drooping over my eyes and blocking part of my vision and also causing my eyelashes to go into my eye and scratch the cornea. At the same time the doctor will lift my eyebrows so they don't sit right on top of my eyes and make me look really wierd. The eyebrow part is considered cometic so the insurance won't cover that. That $5,000 comes out of our pocket so I'll probably need to work another year instead of retiring at the end of this one. Oh well, it's worth it.
I know it's a bit early, but with all the travelling this year - I need to know everyone's Christmas wish list. I'm working on some projects for the grandchildren but I'm not sure I'll get all of them done. (Stevie and Allison may get those stockings next year.) So let me know what else they want just in case.
Thanks for the pictures of the kids you've posted. They are so adoable. Please send me some large ones. I need to get new 8x10s for the living room. I still don't have one up of Allison or Rosemary. I also need to get new prints for my Primary Bag. That's the bag my grandchildren sent me for Christmas last year. It's still hanging in there.
Love always,
In other news, I know I've mentioned to some of you but not all yet that I'm having surgery on my eyelids in January. They are drooping over my eyes and blocking part of my vision and also causing my eyelashes to go into my eye and scratch the cornea. At the same time the doctor will lift my eyebrows so they don't sit right on top of my eyes and make me look really wierd. The eyebrow part is considered cometic so the insurance won't cover that. That $5,000 comes out of our pocket so I'll probably need to work another year instead of retiring at the end of this one. Oh well, it's worth it.
I know it's a bit early, but with all the travelling this year - I need to know everyone's Christmas wish list. I'm working on some projects for the grandchildren but I'm not sure I'll get all of them done. (Stevie and Allison may get those stockings next year.) So let me know what else they want just in case.
Thanks for the pictures of the kids you've posted. They are so adoable. Please send me some large ones. I need to get new 8x10s for the living room. I still don't have one up of Allison or Rosemary. I also need to get new prints for my Primary Bag. That's the bag my grandchildren sent me for Christmas last year. It's still hanging in there.
Love always,
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
To Tawnia (and everybody else)
Clarissa- Where do YOU think you'll go on your mission? What are you doing to prepare? Have you read "Preach My Gospel"?
I think I'll go to Scotland, British Sign Language Mission. I don't know if there is that or not but that is my guess.
What am I doing to prepare? What am I not doing? I working on getting up early. 7:30 feels like I'm sleeping in. I read my scriptures. I read past Ensigns; thank you Trina for that subscription. And yes, I have a "Preach my Gospel" and I read it a lot. And not just read but study. And I'm excitedly getting ready to go to the temple.
I think I'll go to Scotland, British Sign Language Mission. I don't know if there is that or not but that is my guess.
What am I doing to prepare? What am I not doing? I working on getting up early. 7:30 feels like I'm sleeping in. I read my scriptures. I read past Ensigns; thank you Trina for that subscription. And yes, I have a "Preach my Gospel" and I read it a lot. And not just read but study. And I'm excitedly getting ready to go to the temple.
In answer to Tawnia's questions
My roommates are Rebecca and Rachel; they're sisters. Rebecca's been my roommate for over a year now. We also have a pseudo roommate, Krista, who is over at our house about every other day.
On Saturday, we did do something fun. There was the annual "business stroll." We walked through the downtown area, and we could go into the different shops. There were usually special discounts or free samples or snacks. A piece of paper was stamped, and these were later entered into a drawing. Rachel actually won a DVD -- "Night at the Museum," I think. There was a concert and pizza. So that was pretty fun.
It was also my first chance to have a real weekend since school started. No work, no homework.
I told the people at work they have to cut back on my hours. I can't work fifteen or sixteen hours a week. I've got a mountain of books to read, papers to write, and so on.
On Saturday, we did do something fun. There was the annual "business stroll." We walked through the downtown area, and we could go into the different shops. There were usually special discounts or free samples or snacks. A piece of paper was stamped, and these were later entered into a drawing. Rachel actually won a DVD -- "Night at the Museum," I think. There was a concert and pizza. So that was pretty fun.
It was also my first chance to have a real weekend since school started. No work, no homework.
I told the people at work they have to cut back on my hours. I can't work fifteen or sixteen hours a week. I've got a mountain of books to read, papers to write, and so on.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Mom- Any new questions for us? How's work?
Dad- How's work? Any tidbits of useless information?
Trina- How's Rosemary doing? How much has she grown?
Adam- How're your girls doing? How's law school?
Summer- Do you love your new little sister?
Rosemary- Do you like life on Earth so far?
Eric- Any good youtube recommendations? Will I ever get a copy of Pure Chaos?
Laurel- Do you still take time to do art? Do I get to babysit your children one night so you and Eric can go on a date?
Stevie - How do you like having a little sister? Watched any good shows lately?
Allie- Is Stevie a good big brother? Have you learned any new things lately?
Jared - How is work? Did they move you to a new machine? (I know you said they were talking about that awhile ago.)
Michelle - How is the house cleaning going? What other exciting things are keeping you busy?
Brooke- How is second grade? What is the best book you have read? What do you want to be when you grow up?
Bryan - How is kindergarten? What is the best thing you have done at school this year? Do you like your teacher? What do you want to be when you grow up?
Emily- Have you been working on any of your own creative writing, amidst the school work? (I know easier said then done.) Who are your roommates? Do you like your roommates? What fun things have you done with your roommates lately?
Nathan- Have you written any more poems? I was reading the ones you have on your page to my roommate the other night and we quite enjoyed them.
Amanda- When are we going to get new pictures of Joshua? October is half over and there are NO pictures for all of this month!
Joshua- Have you learned anything new lately? Spit up on anyone? or anything important?
Mindy- How is your ballet class? What are the best shoes you have seen and want to buy?
Clarissa- Where do YOU think you'll go on your mission? What are you doing to prepare? Have you read "Preach My Gospel"?
And I just wanted to let you ALL know that I LOVE YOU, TODAY! (And everyday!)
Dad- How's work? Any tidbits of useless information?
Trina- How's Rosemary doing? How much has she grown?
Adam- How're your girls doing? How's law school?
Summer- Do you love your new little sister?
Rosemary- Do you like life on Earth so far?
Eric- Any good youtube recommendations? Will I ever get a copy of Pure Chaos?
Laurel- Do you still take time to do art? Do I get to babysit your children one night so you and Eric can go on a date?
Stevie - How do you like having a little sister? Watched any good shows lately?
Allie- Is Stevie a good big brother? Have you learned any new things lately?
Jared - How is work? Did they move you to a new machine? (I know you said they were talking about that awhile ago.)
Michelle - How is the house cleaning going? What other exciting things are keeping you busy?
Brooke- How is second grade? What is the best book you have read? What do you want to be when you grow up?
Bryan - How is kindergarten? What is the best thing you have done at school this year? Do you like your teacher? What do you want to be when you grow up?
Emily- Have you been working on any of your own creative writing, amidst the school work? (I know easier said then done.) Who are your roommates? Do you like your roommates? What fun things have you done with your roommates lately?
Nathan- Have you written any more poems? I was reading the ones you have on your page to my roommate the other night and we quite enjoyed them.
Amanda- When are we going to get new pictures of Joshua? October is half over and there are NO pictures for all of this month!
Joshua- Have you learned anything new lately? Spit up on anyone? or anything important?
Mindy- How is your ballet class? What are the best shoes you have seen and want to buy?
Clarissa- Where do YOU think you'll go on your mission? What are you doing to prepare? Have you read "Preach My Gospel"?
And I just wanted to let you ALL know that I LOVE YOU, TODAY! (And everyday!)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
introducing Rosemary ...
All hail Photomaster Mindy ... Rosemary's first pictures are now up on our page. All is pretty quiet around here. Rosemary seems to be catching on to nursing, which was a bit of a concern for me at first so I'm glad she's done better the last couple of times. She sleeps ALL the time, unless she's eating and even then she tries to sleep through that. She squeaks when she cries, and doesn't like having the hiccups.
Summer is generally good about her so far. She wants to climb on our lap when we're holding Rosemary, so we're learning quickly to have both of them at the same time. She gives the baby kisses which is cute, but we have to watch so she doesn't poke her in the face when pointing at the baby's nose or ear or whatever. (We're learning body parts right now, particularly the nose.) The perspective on her size has been startling. Last week, she was still our tiny light-weight compared to the other kids in her playgroup. In the last 5 days, she seems to have gotten REALLY heavy and a lot more solid and become a big kid, especially compared to how tiny Rosemary is. And when we think about how Summer wasn't too much bigger than Rosemary to begin with, the major growth she's had in 17 months is mind-boggling.
Summer is generally good about her so far. She wants to climb on our lap when we're holding Rosemary, so we're learning quickly to have both of them at the same time. She gives the baby kisses which is cute, but we have to watch so she doesn't poke her in the face when pointing at the baby's nose or ear or whatever. (We're learning body parts right now, particularly the nose.) The perspective on her size has been startling. Last week, she was still our tiny light-weight compared to the other kids in her playgroup. In the last 5 days, she seems to have gotten REALLY heavy and a lot more solid and become a big kid, especially compared to how tiny Rosemary is. And when we think about how Summer wasn't too much bigger than Rosemary to begin with, the major growth she's had in 17 months is mind-boggling.
Christmas shoes
I have a quick question for all the parents (but not grandparents) out there: what shoe sizes do your kids wear? Why, do you ask? Well, because I work at a shoe store, it isn't really surprising that I'm going to get them shoes for Christmas. So really, what shoe size will they be needing around Christmas time? What style of shoes? Does Brooke like Bratz or Tinkerbell or Hannah Montana? Does Bryan like Cars, Spiderman or Power Rangers? Any other suggestions towards shoes would be helpful. Oh, and you don't have to tell the KIDS that this is what they're getting, but I'd rather get around the right size, and have you exchange them if needed, than get them completely wrong and definitely need to exchange them.
In other news, I purchased my plane ticket for Christmas this evening. I'm flying into LAX on December 20th, and staying until the first of the new year. It was that adorable video of Stevie that Eric posted this morning (and Tawnia's begging and pleading) that pushed me over the edge. I'm excited.
In other news, I purchased my plane ticket for Christmas this evening. I'm flying into LAX on December 20th, and staying until the first of the new year. It was that adorable video of Stevie that Eric posted this morning (and Tawnia's begging and pleading) that pushed me over the edge. I'm excited.
Yet another guessing game...
And now for more fun news.....
My Mission Papers are in! (kinda, sorta, I think and hope so)
I had my stake interview the Sunday before Conference.
So, make your random off-the-wall guesses.
That is all. Back to your regular scheduled blogging. Thank you.
((Sorry if the font size is all messed up... I can't fix it))
My Mission Papers are in! (kinda, sorta, I think and hope so)
I had my stake interview the Sunday before Conference.
So, make your random off-the-wall guesses.
That is all. Back to your regular scheduled blogging. Thank you.
((Sorry if the font size is all messed up... I can't fix it))
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Not to steal any headlines from the real news: BABY ROSEMARY! ... but I just posted a couple of movies to my YouTube page, which you can access through my insanityinc page. The Allie one was shot a week ago, and the Stevie one is from tonight. Congrats Adam, Trina, and Big Sister Summer. What a fun time you have in store! And Allie has another cousin her age (and a girl to boot!) We love you guys! We're here for long distance moral support as needed.
we're home
Everyone's home. Baby 1 (Summer) and Baby 2 (Rosemary) are both great. Trina's also feeling well. Pictures later this week.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Baby Update
I think that we can stop playing telephone (literally & figuratively) and post the details since we've called everyone. We went to the OB yesterday morning (regular appointment) & told them that Trina had been having the "total tummy" contractions since 10:45 Sunday morning. They put Trina on a monitor for 45 or so. A few minutes in, Trina starting having regular contractions of 30 seconds every 2 minutes. The OB checked and said that Trina was 3 cm. dilated & 100% effaced. The OB told us to get to the hospital w/in an hour or so. We got there and the hospital OB more or less asked why we had come. He measured Trina at 3 cm. & 80% effaced. (Apparently Trina's OB has a history of sending in patients early.) But the hospital OB told us to start walking, which we did off and on for about 6 hours. I'm guessing that we walked 2-3 miles around the hospital. It was very boring. The OB almost sent us home twice, but Trina finally got 4 cm. & 100%, so we stayed. However, there was a shift change and the new OB said that Trina was 3 cm. & 80% again (how that works, I'm not sure.) But since Trina was getting really tired (6pm or so), the OB agreed to put her on pitocin (artificial oxitocin, the hormone that makes contractions happen). After working up to bigger dosages, Trina started pretty substantial labor around 10ish. She got an epidural at 11:15 and promptly went from 5 cm. dilated to 9 cm. in about 20 minutes. The OB barely had time to get set up (Trina was trying hard not to push) before Trina finally couldn't help it an pushed twice. The first time the bag popped and the second time
Rosemary Grace came out entirely at 11:52. She's 5 lbs. 15 ounces and 19 inches. Tall and skinny, like her date. She has blond hair fuzz and blue eyes. Summer came to visit this afternoon & gave Rosemary lots of kisses. I'm spending the night at home with Summer & will pick up Trina in the morning from the hospital. We'll post pictures later this week.
Rosemary Grace came out entirely at 11:52. She's 5 lbs. 15 ounces and 19 inches. Tall and skinny, like her date. She has blond hair fuzz and blue eyes. Summer came to visit this afternoon & gave Rosemary lots of kisses. I'm spending the night at home with Summer & will pick up Trina in the morning from the hospital. We'll post pictures later this week.
Monday, October 08, 2007
official Rosemary update
So Dad just called me, and told me that Adam just called him and asked that I post on the blog to let everyone know what is going on with the baby. Trina is in labor, and went to the hospital this morning. We're hoping that the baby show up sometime this evening, but as of yet, she isn't here. Trina and Adam do request that we be praying for Trina, so this baby can come along quickly and smoothly, and that everyone is strong and healthy in the end. (I think that's everything.) So yes, no baby yet, but pray she comes soon, for Trina's sake.
I absolutely loved Conference!! It was fabulous this year. I had a lot of different impressions of things to work on, that's always good. I enjoyed going to the conference center Saturday Afternoon. I was all the way against the left hand wall so I had a great side view of the 2-inch tall speakers, but that doesn't matter. It was being there. I cried through all of Wirthlin's talk. The spirit during it was awesome. But I really enjoyed all of the talks Saturday afternoon. In my head the overall theme for that session was dealing with non-members... from those who are curious about the gospel to those that are hostile. All of the talks covered some aspect of that. There were also a TON of talks in all the sessions about families. (So... do you think families are important?)
One thing that I think we should start doing comes from a comment President Hinckley made in his last talk. (At least I'm pretty sure it was him and that talk.) He said that we should use the conference talks as FHE lesson material. I think that it would be cool if we chose a conference talk to discuss on the blog each week, kind of as our FHE. I know we've done something like this before, but this one is being recommended by the prophet, so it would be cool to do it. Anyway, just a suggestion.
I'm glad to hear that Brooke and Bryan are doing so well in school. I am expecting a phone call from Trina and Adam about Rosemary soon. I'll be excited to announce the birth of another niece. Eric- thanks for the cute video of Stevie.
In other news, I had a loss in my life. My pet mouse, Ginger, who I've had for two years, died sometime Saturday night or early Sunday morning. I didn't cry, but it is sad. Every time I walk into my room I would look in at her first to see what she was doing, now I just look at an empty cage. Sad.
That's the news from my place. I didn't do any homework all weekend, so now I have to make up for it and do a whole ton today!
One thing that I think we should start doing comes from a comment President Hinckley made in his last talk. (At least I'm pretty sure it was him and that talk.) He said that we should use the conference talks as FHE lesson material. I think that it would be cool if we chose a conference talk to discuss on the blog each week, kind of as our FHE. I know we've done something like this before, but this one is being recommended by the prophet, so it would be cool to do it. Anyway, just a suggestion.
I'm glad to hear that Brooke and Bryan are doing so well in school. I am expecting a phone call from Trina and Adam about Rosemary soon. I'll be excited to announce the birth of another niece. Eric- thanks for the cute video of Stevie.
In other news, I had a loss in my life. My pet mouse, Ginger, who I've had for two years, died sometime Saturday night or early Sunday morning. I didn't cry, but it is sad. Every time I walk into my room I would look in at her first to see what she was doing, now I just look at an empty cage. Sad.
That's the news from my place. I didn't do any homework all weekend, so now I have to make up for it and do a whole ton today!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Michelle's post
Hi family. I wanted to answer Trina's question about books for Brooke and Bryan. Brooke reading skill are really advanced. She definately reads about a 2nd grade level. Chapter books are great. She is telling me that she likes scary books, too. Really any books geared toward 8-10 year old will be good. Bryan is beginning to read. Beginner reader books are wonderful. He also likes story books for us to read to him. Really they just like books. It is probably best to stear clear of board books. They consider them for babies.
The kids are doing great. This week, I went to parent-teacher conference for both of them. Brooke's teacher really had praise for Brooke. She said Brooke was really sweet, excited about every thing they do, and a hard work. Her behavior is excellent. She is nice to every one and is very friendly. Grade? All As! Bryan is also doing well. He is reading, loves math, and is a very fast learner. She said that he is always smiling. She did say that he is very young and is having a little trouble with focus and concentation. I am very proud of my children.
I'm doing great. Still keeping busy. Just now, I actually can clean the house and go to the store without the kids. This is much more effecient. Having school age children is great. I'm loving life.
Hope of of you are doing great!
The kids are doing great. This week, I went to parent-teacher conference for both of them. Brooke's teacher really had praise for Brooke. She said Brooke was really sweet, excited about every thing they do, and a hard work. Her behavior is excellent. She is nice to every one and is very friendly. Grade? All As! Bryan is also doing well. He is reading, loves math, and is a very fast learner. She said that he is always smiling. She did say that he is very young and is having a little trouble with focus and concentation. I am very proud of my children.
I'm doing great. Still keeping busy. Just now, I actually can clean the house and go to the store without the kids. This is much more effecient. Having school age children is great. I'm loving life.
Hope of of you are doing great!
engaging baby 2
We've begun the dialing sequence for the Dew of the Sea Given by God. Chevron 1 is locked and chevron 2 is spinning. We'll keep you updated as further chevrons are locked with chevron 7 to be locked within the next 120 hours.
For those of you who haven't watched Stargate, Rosemary is currently being pushed into position by low-grade, steady contractions of Trina's tummy. It's not timeable yet, but she'll be here by Friday, we think. Trina has an 8:30 doctor's appointment tomorrow and we'll be updating you afterwards.
For those of you who haven't watched Stargate, Rosemary is currently being pushed into position by low-grade, steady contractions of Trina's tummy. It's not timeable yet, but she'll be here by Friday, we think. Trina has an 8:30 doctor's appointment tomorrow and we'll be updating you afterwards.
Hi everyone. I'm listening to President Hinckley's talk, Sunday morning. I put up a little movie of what Stevie was doing during conference (at least some of it). It's on my page, or right here.
I've been inspired and motivated by conference so far. It's great. I'm looking forward to hearing what I missed Saturday morning, especially since Pres. Packer is one of my favorite speakers.
One of the thoughts that came to my mind yesterday (and I don't know whose talk or what combination of talks triggered this)was always being available to serve my family. It may have also been inspired by being with my family all day yesterday. Another thought was that I should read the Book of Mormon every day. I've been reading the Bible these days, but I need to keep going back to the Book of Mormon, and getting everything brought into focus.
I've been inspired and motivated by conference so far. It's great. I'm looking forward to hearing what I missed Saturday morning, especially since Pres. Packer is one of my favorite speakers.
One of the thoughts that came to my mind yesterday (and I don't know whose talk or what combination of talks triggered this)was always being available to serve my family. It may have also been inspired by being with my family all day yesterday. Another thought was that I should read the Book of Mormon every day. I've been reading the Bible these days, but I need to keep going back to the Book of Mormon, and getting everything brought into focus.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
more GC impressions
Wasn't Tawnia supposed to be in the Conference Center for the afternoon session today? What was the perspective of actually being there with what happened with Elder Wirthlin?
Here, we were watching on the internet at home and were of course concerned when he started shaking. Adam said, "Where's Elder Nelson?" and within 5 seconds, there he was behind him. (And holy cow - the height difference! I met Elder Wirthlin on my mission so I knew he is short, but I never knew Elder Nelson is so TALL!) I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying anymore as much as noticing that he was trying to speak a little faster to get through it, and hoping that he would be able to finish his talk. I hope that there's some kind of announcement at tomorrow morning's session or on or something to let us know if he's all right.
2 things stood out to me in the morning session:
1. Eternal progression is a family project, and no calling in the world means a darn thing if your family is not your top priority.
2. The Lord is waiting to give you whatever blessing/answer you need, but are YOU doing what it takes to receive it, are you doing what He already told you to do to get it?
I didn't have any strong impressions either way during the afternoon session - the talks on missionary work were good, and Elder Holland really laid down the smack about the doctrine of the Godhead. Summer was a bit more restless during the afternoon session and I wasn't able to listen as closely.
P.S. Mom's prediction on when the baby comes - GONE. 2 down. Next up - Dad on Monday.
Here, we were watching on the internet at home and were of course concerned when he started shaking. Adam said, "Where's Elder Nelson?" and within 5 seconds, there he was behind him. (And holy cow - the height difference! I met Elder Wirthlin on my mission so I knew he is short, but I never knew Elder Nelson is so TALL!) I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying anymore as much as noticing that he was trying to speak a little faster to get through it, and hoping that he would be able to finish his talk. I hope that there's some kind of announcement at tomorrow morning's session or on or something to let us know if he's all right.
2 things stood out to me in the morning session:
1. Eternal progression is a family project, and no calling in the world means a darn thing if your family is not your top priority.
2. The Lord is waiting to give you whatever blessing/answer you need, but are YOU doing what it takes to receive it, are you doing what He already told you to do to get it?
I didn't have any strong impressions either way during the afternoon session - the talks on missionary work were good, and Elder Holland really laid down the smack about the doctrine of the Godhead. Summer was a bit more restless during the afternoon session and I wasn't able to listen as closely.
P.S. Mom's prediction on when the baby comes - GONE. 2 down. Next up - Dad on Monday.
General Conference
I didn't get to see the last half of the Saturday afternoon session, but I saw all of Saturday morning, and the first three talks of the afternoon. I won't be able to see any of it tomorrow, but I'm going to try to get the broadcast over the internet afterwards. (Hope this works.)
My favorite talk so far was Elder Uchtdorf, when he talked about enduring joyfully to the end. I needed to hear that. Being a college student gives a whole new meaning to the term endure to the end. And I was weeping during the hymn sung right after that: "Where Can I Turn for Peace?"
And then there was Elder Wirthlin's talk about charity. How many of you SAW what happened? He was in the middle of his talk, and he started shaking and was short of breath, and then Elder Nelson came and stood behind him and held him while he finished his talk. I could hardly understand his words, but I just looked and thought, that is the meaning of charity.
I hope you have a good weekend, and I hope I'll be able to hear the conference talks before too long.
My favorite talk so far was Elder Uchtdorf, when he talked about enduring joyfully to the end. I needed to hear that. Being a college student gives a whole new meaning to the term endure to the end. And I was weeping during the hymn sung right after that: "Where Can I Turn for Peace?"
And then there was Elder Wirthlin's talk about charity. How many of you SAW what happened? He was in the middle of his talk, and he started shaking and was short of breath, and then Elder Nelson came and stood behind him and held him while he finished his talk. I could hardly understand his words, but I just looked and thought, that is the meaning of charity.
I hope you have a good weekend, and I hope I'll be able to hear the conference talks before too long.
6 Months
Well Joshua turned 6 months at the end of last month and went in for his well baby visit yesterday. He got weighed and measured and three shots and one oral vaccination. He weighed 21 pounds 1 ounce and was 26 and 3/4 inches long. When do you start calling babies tall instead of long? I think maybe when they can stand up. Joshua is doing well and is keeping us busy - especially Amanda. He is going to bed earlier and sleeping better through the night . . . sometimes.
This morning Eric called because he couldn't get General Conference via the internet and he wanted to hear who the new member of the First Presidency is and who the new Apostle is so he put his phone on speaker and I did the same with mine and held it in front of the television so he could hear. When one technology doesn't work there is always another one.
In response to the gift query - I don't give many gifts so every gift that I give is the best one. Unless the person receiving it didn't like it. But they probably don't like it because they have a bad attitude. I am not sure what the best gift I have been given is but I really liked that Christmas a few years back when we all wrote good memories about each other, or something like that. It's nice to see how other people look at me, and I am glad that they were supposed to be good memories and not just memories.
I hope you are all doing well and look forward to when we can all be together again.
This morning Eric called because he couldn't get General Conference via the internet and he wanted to hear who the new member of the First Presidency is and who the new Apostle is so he put his phone on speaker and I did the same with mine and held it in front of the television so he could hear. When one technology doesn't work there is always another one.
In response to the gift query - I don't give many gifts so every gift that I give is the best one. Unless the person receiving it didn't like it. But they probably don't like it because they have a bad attitude. I am not sure what the best gift I have been given is but I really liked that Christmas a few years back when we all wrote good memories about each other, or something like that. It's nice to see how other people look at me, and I am glad that they were supposed to be good memories and not just memories.
I hope you are all doing well and look forward to when we can all be together again.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Gifts and so forth
Best gift I've given -- that would have to be the digital camera I got for Mom. But I couldn't wait until her birthday. Heck, I couldn't even wait until we got out of the store before I told her. That was when I actually had the money to do something like that.
And yes, Tawnia, receiving the plane tickets to go home for Thanksgiving was a great gift. I was so surprised, and I'd never been on a plane before. (I tackled her; I swear we both hit the floor.)
And my last birthday was one of my best birthdays ever. I received my endowments.
Yesterday I went to the temple (doing homework on the bus along the way). I went through a session, and I spent some time in the Celestial Room. It's so pretty in D. C. Then we got some lunch and then headed back. And I did more homework. Now I must go to work before I come back and do . . . MORE homework.
Must find primary sources. Must find primary sources.
And yes, Tawnia, receiving the plane tickets to go home for Thanksgiving was a great gift. I was so surprised, and I'd never been on a plane before. (I tackled her; I swear we both hit the floor.)
And my last birthday was one of my best birthdays ever. I received my endowments.
Yesterday I went to the temple (doing homework on the bus along the way). I went through a session, and I spent some time in the Celestial Room. It's so pretty in D. C. Then we got some lunch and then headed back. And I did more homework. Now I must go to work before I come back and do . . . MORE homework.
Must find primary sources. Must find primary sources.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Hey everyone,
So I've been looking forward to General Conference for a few weeks but now I'm REALLY looking forward to it. Yesterday I was talking to Eileen when she mentioned that she had been talking to Terry and Terry mentioned that she had two extra tickets to conference. (Got all that?) I said, "Really!? I want them!" So yesterday afternoon I called Terry and found out they are for Saturday afternoon. So, make sure you're watching when they film the audience Saturday afternoon! I'll be on the terrace level. I invited Shawna Webb to go with me. I'll go and park at her place and then ride the TRAX downtown. We haven't spent time together in months, so that will be exciting.
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys conference this weekend.
So I've been looking forward to General Conference for a few weeks but now I'm REALLY looking forward to it. Yesterday I was talking to Eileen when she mentioned that she had been talking to Terry and Terry mentioned that she had two extra tickets to conference. (Got all that?) I said, "Really!? I want them!" So yesterday afternoon I called Terry and found out they are for Saturday afternoon. So, make sure you're watching when they film the audience Saturday afternoon! I'll be on the terrace level. I invited Shawna Webb to go with me. I'll go and park at her place and then ride the TRAX downtown. We haven't spent time together in months, so that will be exciting.
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys conference this weekend.
Best Presents
Hi everybody!
I'm actually on the computer at night, which is a rarity. We put the kids down pretty early tonight. It's nice. Not that I don't love Stevie and Allie, but it is nice.
The best presents question is a tough one. Like the Palestinian question. But not as violent or protracted. It's tough because I can never remember presents I received for more than a brief 24-48 hour window afterwards. I think I've always had it or that I bought it myself or that it belongs to someone else. I think this might be the sign of a serious mental condition, now that I think about it.
It's also tough because I have received so many wonderful presents over the years (or so I've been told, and documentary evidence seems to confirm): green army men, Fisher-Price people, Nerf ping pong... but also more serious presents, like lawn darts, which were later taken off the market for obvious reasons. I loved each present in turn, but I think the best present was when Dad wrote off several hundred dollars of debt from my "account." That was pretty cool. Or maybe it was the time that I found out a few weeks before Christmas last year that we were going to have another baby. That was even cooler.
The best present I've given? I don't know that I give such great presents. I try. Sometimes I try harder than other times. I did like giving Dad the Star Wars radio play on tape, because it reminded me of the times we listened to it on Saturday mornings when I was a small lad. I also liked giving everyone presents when I came home from Hong Kong. Dad saw to it that Mom got the most expensive one, so in a way the fan was Dad's present. Just so you know.
Anyhow, I think gift-giving is important. When I complain about it, it just shows how stingy I am. Reading the Old Testament and the Odyssey lately has made me think about how hospitality played a huge role in ancient moral teaching. I think we are sometimes too stingy in our modern world, and a time like Christmas can help us put things in perspective. Also, when people stay with you, you should be welcoming, take care of them, let them stay over, and feed them well, without being stingy about it. Like Odysseus's servant was when Odysseus came disguised as a beggar.
I'm actually on the computer at night, which is a rarity. We put the kids down pretty early tonight. It's nice. Not that I don't love Stevie and Allie, but it is nice.
The best presents question is a tough one. Like the Palestinian question. But not as violent or protracted. It's tough because I can never remember presents I received for more than a brief 24-48 hour window afterwards. I think I've always had it or that I bought it myself or that it belongs to someone else. I think this might be the sign of a serious mental condition, now that I think about it.
It's also tough because I have received so many wonderful presents over the years (or so I've been told, and documentary evidence seems to confirm): green army men, Fisher-Price people, Nerf ping pong... but also more serious presents, like lawn darts, which were later taken off the market for obvious reasons. I loved each present in turn, but I think the best present was when Dad wrote off several hundred dollars of debt from my "account." That was pretty cool. Or maybe it was the time that I found out a few weeks before Christmas last year that we were going to have another baby. That was even cooler.
The best present I've given? I don't know that I give such great presents. I try. Sometimes I try harder than other times. I did like giving Dad the Star Wars radio play on tape, because it reminded me of the times we listened to it on Saturday mornings when I was a small lad. I also liked giving everyone presents when I came home from Hong Kong. Dad saw to it that Mom got the most expensive one, so in a way the fan was Dad's present. Just so you know.
Anyhow, I think gift-giving is important. When I complain about it, it just shows how stingy I am. Reading the Old Testament and the Odyssey lately has made me think about how hospitality played a huge role in ancient moral teaching. I think we are sometimes too stingy in our modern world, and a time like Christmas can help us put things in perspective. Also, when people stay with you, you should be welcoming, take care of them, let them stay over, and feed them well, without being stingy about it. Like Odysseus's servant was when Odysseus came disguised as a beggar.
one down
Since October 3 ends in 90 minutes and the baby hasn't quite dropped yet ... Emily's guess has come and gone. She called this morning to let me know she was at the temple and Adam thought she was calling to ask if the baby was here. I said, "Not unless I can get it at Costco." I did a number of errands today that will hopefully fill any gaps until after the baby comes. If I've figured this correctly, the only things we'll need from a store over the next 2 or 3 weeks will be regular groceries like milk and produce.
I was thinking a little about Mom's question and Tawnia's response to it. If we're talking non-tangible gifts, we could go for days. Mom and Dad have given us the gifts of life, raising us in the gospel, trust, love, etc. As siblings, there's trust, friendship, and moral support. Those of us with spouses give each other our whole selves, and we've given Mom and Dad grandchildren.
As far as actual objects ... I think the best gift that I gave was when I got Mom and Dad symphony tickets to see Victor Borge. Everyone was excited about that one - Tawnia came to me a few days before Christmas and said that she sneaked them out of the gift bag under the tree "just to hold them" but no one had seen and then she put them back. And Mom TOTALLY shrieked when she realized what they were for - not just the symphony, but Victor Borge. No one has ever reacted to anything like that from me, before or since.
The best gift I've been given was from Adam on my first birthday that we celebrated together - he got me a keyboard as our "filler" piano until we can get a real one. I've always really appreciated the thought that went into that.
I was thinking a little about Mom's question and Tawnia's response to it. If we're talking non-tangible gifts, we could go for days. Mom and Dad have given us the gifts of life, raising us in the gospel, trust, love, etc. As siblings, there's trust, friendship, and moral support. Those of us with spouses give each other our whole selves, and we've given Mom and Dad grandchildren.
As far as actual objects ... I think the best gift that I gave was when I got Mom and Dad symphony tickets to see Victor Borge. Everyone was excited about that one - Tawnia came to me a few days before Christmas and said that she sneaked them out of the gift bag under the tree "just to hold them" but no one had seen and then she put them back. And Mom TOTALLY shrieked when she realized what they were for - not just the symphony, but Victor Borge. No one has ever reacted to anything like that from me, before or since.
The best gift I've been given was from Adam on my first birthday that we celebrated together - he got me a keyboard as our "filler" piano until we can get a real one. I've always really appreciated the thought that went into that.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
So I was thinking about how to answers Mom's question for the week. (And I do think there should be one weekly... that way we'll at least all post once a week, in theory anyway.)
The best gift I've been given, other than Mindy giving me "Wicked" even though she absolutely can't stand hearing it, is the gift given to me on March 25, 1978... you know, my life. Thanks Mom!
The best gift I've given would probably be the plane ticket I bought for Emily in 1999 when she was at Ricks and I sent her home for Thanksgiving.
In other news, I got 85% on my hard test that I took last Friday... I hear that this is the hardest test that he gives, so hopefully I'll do better on the others and still get an A in the class. The perfectionist side of me isn't very happy with the score, but the reality is, I can't do anything to change it, so I need to learn from it and do better on the rest of the tests. That's the point of tests anyway!
I hope everyone else is enjoying the beautiful autumn we're having. The weather here has significantly cooled off since fall began. It's really nice actually. I love the fall.
The best gift I've been given, other than Mindy giving me "Wicked" even though she absolutely can't stand hearing it, is the gift given to me on March 25, 1978... you know, my life. Thanks Mom!
The best gift I've given would probably be the plane ticket I bought for Emily in 1999 when she was at Ricks and I sent her home for Thanksgiving.
In other news, I got 85% on my hard test that I took last Friday... I hear that this is the hardest test that he gives, so hopefully I'll do better on the others and still get an A in the class. The perfectionist side of me isn't very happy with the score, but the reality is, I can't do anything to change it, so I need to learn from it and do better on the rest of the tests. That's the point of tests anyway!
I hope everyone else is enjoying the beautiful autumn we're having. The weather here has significantly cooled off since fall began. It's really nice actually. I love the fall.
Monday, October 01, 2007
time to make your predictions
The doctor this morning said that she expects the baby to come early - certainly well before the 27th, and possibly in the next week or 2. I checked my journal for my dilated/effaced status with Summer, and I'm about at the same point now that I was 2 weeks before Summer was born. That's not to say that this will take 2 weeks, because I'm on my feet a lot more now instead of sitting at a desk all day at work. Or it could take 3 weeks - I'm still technically 4 weeks out from the due date. Don't know ... But since the doctor is saying "early," it's apparently time to make any predictions on date and size. Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure for more accurate guessing, the doctor says that the baby will likely be in the 6 pound range - on the small side. Summer was 6-9.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Christmas gift exchange
I think I've confirmed directly with everyone - there may still be a little bit of discussion between spouses as needed. But I'll go ahead and throw this up here anyway. If anyone has any problem with this, please just call me and we'll figure something out.
EXCHANGE 1: Here are the names for the exchange. Mom and Dad have opted to not participate in this, so if you get them a gift, it will be separate from this.
Trina and Adam -- give to Tawnia
Eric and Laurel -- give to Clarissa
Jared and Michelle -- give to Mindy
Tawnia -- give to Nathan and Amanda
Emily -- give to Jared and Michelle
Nathan and Amanda -- give to Eric and Laurel
Mindy -- give to Trina and Adam
Clarissa -- give to Emily
For the theme, I like Jared's idea of giving something inspirational - a book, picture, CD, etc ... that has influenced you and that you think would benefit the other person/couple. I don't think we need to put a price limit on this, since all of us are dirt poor and figuring out our budgets, so no one is going to get anything expensive anyway.
EXCHANGE 2: This would be for the 7 grandkids. Maybe a book exchange? (For one thing, it would be easy to mail - a padded envelope would work. Same idea, and again, please let me know if anyone has any problem with this. All of the babies/toddlers are obviously easy to get books for (board books!!), but Jared, please let us know what books Brooke and Bryan are currently interested in so they can get something age appropriate that they would enjoy.
Brooke -- give to Rosemary
Bryan -- give to Allison
Stevie -- give to Joshua
Summer -- give to Brooke
Joshua -- give to Bryan
Allison -- give to Summer
Rosemary -- give to Stevie
85 days until Christmas!
EXCHANGE 1: Here are the names for the exchange. Mom and Dad have opted to not participate in this, so if you get them a gift, it will be separate from this.
Trina and Adam -- give to Tawnia
Eric and Laurel -- give to Clarissa
Jared and Michelle -- give to Mindy
Tawnia -- give to Nathan and Amanda
Emily -- give to Jared and Michelle
Nathan and Amanda -- give to Eric and Laurel
Mindy -- give to Trina and Adam
Clarissa -- give to Emily
For the theme, I like Jared's idea of giving something inspirational - a book, picture, CD, etc ... that has influenced you and that you think would benefit the other person/couple. I don't think we need to put a price limit on this, since all of us are dirt poor and figuring out our budgets, so no one is going to get anything expensive anyway.
EXCHANGE 2: This would be for the 7 grandkids. Maybe a book exchange? (For one thing, it would be easy to mail - a padded envelope would work. Same idea, and again, please let me know if anyone has any problem with this. All of the babies/toddlers are obviously easy to get books for (board books!!), but Jared, please let us know what books Brooke and Bryan are currently interested in so they can get something age appropriate that they would enjoy.
Brooke -- give to Rosemary
Bryan -- give to Allison
Stevie -- give to Joshua
Summer -- give to Brooke
Joshua -- give to Bryan
Allison -- give to Summer
Rosemary -- give to Stevie
85 days until Christmas!
Sorry it's been so long
Life here in Lafayette has been rather busy, at least for me. Between work, my callings and my Christmas projects I'm going all the time. Nathan pointed out, yesterday, that I haven't posted in over a month, so I guess I should get with the program. I've been working on a few upgrades to the timeline and such but they aren't quite ready yet. But I figure it's time for us all to have a new question to answer...What is the best present you have received? What is the best one you gave? I'm looking forward to your answers.
Love ya,
Love ya,
Saturday, September 29, 2007
So I just finished making cake mix cookies to take to Break the Fast tomorrow. I made one batch using devil's food with m'n'm's in them and one using funfinity with coconut in them. Good stuff!
Today was interesting. It was really overcast all day which was reminding me of a good old Oregon fall day... and then it started snowing. Not so Oregon like. When I left the RS Broadcast my friend Tiffany noted that it didn't smell like fall, it smelled like Christmas. So now I'm in the mood for Christmas music and all that Christmasy stuff. Speaking of Christmas, are we doing an exchange or not??
I am doing well in my classes. I got a 93% on of the tests I took on Friday. I'm not sure what I got on the other one. They were both on the computer but one had fill in the blanks, so the teacher (or more likely his TA) has to go in and manually correct each test. I took a different test earlier last week and got 100% on it. So I would say I'm doing well. I'm trying to stay caught up or ahead in everything, especially because once the week gets going I don't have a whole lot of time to spend on school.
I have been getting up at 6 a.m. and going walking on Mon, Wed, and Fridays. It has been a bit cold, but was actually a little warmer this last Friday. I'm not sure what Monday will be like (what with the snow and all). It is a nice start to my day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I tutor at 7:20 in the morning, so I get up and get ready for the day at 6 am instead of going walking.
So yeah, Work, school, tutoring, walking, dancing, FHE, Institute, Choir, and Church are keeping me busy! And out of trouble.
Today was interesting. It was really overcast all day which was reminding me of a good old Oregon fall day... and then it started snowing. Not so Oregon like. When I left the RS Broadcast my friend Tiffany noted that it didn't smell like fall, it smelled like Christmas. So now I'm in the mood for Christmas music and all that Christmasy stuff. Speaking of Christmas, are we doing an exchange or not??
I am doing well in my classes. I got a 93% on of the tests I took on Friday. I'm not sure what I got on the other one. They were both on the computer but one had fill in the blanks, so the teacher (or more likely his TA) has to go in and manually correct each test. I took a different test earlier last week and got 100% on it. So I would say I'm doing well. I'm trying to stay caught up or ahead in everything, especially because once the week gets going I don't have a whole lot of time to spend on school.
I have been getting up at 6 a.m. and going walking on Mon, Wed, and Fridays. It has been a bit cold, but was actually a little warmer this last Friday. I'm not sure what Monday will be like (what with the snow and all). It is a nice start to my day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I tutor at 7:20 in the morning, so I get up and get ready for the day at 6 am instead of going walking.
So yeah, Work, school, tutoring, walking, dancing, FHE, Institute, Choir, and Church are keeping me busy! And out of trouble.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
This week at work
Last night at work was . . . interesting. One person is on vacation, and another is injured, so there are fewer people who have to work. And yesterday, a bag of sugar was spilled; there was a nice pile in the stockroom. Then a stack of juice bottles fell . . . twice. And people kept paying with one dollar bills, so I ended up with almost a hundred of them in my drawer. Fun day, right? And I can't work on Wednesday, because I'm one of the officers in the history honor society (I'm the historian) and we need to have a meeting. And I want to go to W&L in order to get some primary sources for my paper. But I could be the only one who can come in on Thursday. And I've got a biology test on Friday, and next week there are tests in Am Civ and German. In German, I'm still having some problems with dative and accusative cases; most prepositions are one or the other, but there are some that are either/or (auf, an, hinter, vor, in, uber, unter, neben zwischen). Those who have taken German might know what I'm talking about. For those who don't, I'll put it simply. Thank goodness English only has one word for "the."
Monday, September 24, 2007
Happy Monday
Hi all,
Lately I've been commenting that the family doesn't post nearly as much as everyone used to...and then today I realized that I ought to post - it sure has been awhile! Things are going pretty well with us. While we still have apartments we need to fill, it isn't quite as daunting when another 30-day notice jumps through our mail slot. Just a sigh...and on to more paperwork and phone calls, etc. I suppose it is calming down, but people aren't nearly as interested in renting these days - summer was crazy! Anyway - that's pretty boring...
Joshua is doing great! He's doing a lot that you can't quite see in pictures - grasping onto things...looking like he's scratching them, and generally doing a much better job of being able to grab what he wants to. He's enjoying some of his solid foods - rice cereal is pretty good...carrots are ok, green beans are the best, and bananas made his tummy upset.
He has finally become interested in rolling over, and sometimes he will keep on going - over and is the end of an era - an era of leaving him on his back and knowing he'll stay there, and the era of poopy diapers not really being that scary. Now they are quite scary. Ah well. His feet can touch the ground now in his little play table like Summer's, but it may be awhile before he can actually push enough to move around in it. He figured out how to push this little whale, which makes the fish spin around in a circle...and when he figured it out, he did it over and over and over...we got a little film of him doing it - he was very proud.
Grandma and Grandpa Rozen came down to see him (and us, of course, but mostly Joshua!) this weekend and that was a whole lot of fun. He especially enjoyed singing with Grandma and playing with his caterpillar on the floor with Grandpa.
Joshua likes to sing some funny songs with his Mommy also - his all-time favorite (even more than Old McJoshy, amazingly!) is "Bubbles the Baby Spitbug." Some of you have been able to enjoy the amazing song, written by Joshua's Mommy. He also likes, "Poop-inator Poop-inator ate a little alligator" but that is generally reserved for the changing table.
Also, his "Aunt" Ashley got married this weekend! He is a bit upset about this because he loves his Aunt Ashley and she has been staying with us off and on since he was born, so he's not so sure about forgiving his new "Uncle" Adam (he already has a REAL uncle Adam) for taking Ashley away...but it'll be ok.
Things are going well for us across the board - worrying about money and the future and all of that, but it'll all work out, I have no doubt.
Well on that optimistic note, I gotta go play with my baby who is rather perturbed that I'm paying attention to the computer rather than him! He is just like his Daddy!
Love you all, and I hope to see more posts! Sorry that I haven't posted much, either.
Lately I've been commenting that the family doesn't post nearly as much as everyone used to...and then today I realized that I ought to post - it sure has been awhile! Things are going pretty well with us. While we still have apartments we need to fill, it isn't quite as daunting when another 30-day notice jumps through our mail slot. Just a sigh...and on to more paperwork and phone calls, etc. I suppose it is calming down, but people aren't nearly as interested in renting these days - summer was crazy! Anyway - that's pretty boring...
Joshua is doing great! He's doing a lot that you can't quite see in pictures - grasping onto things...looking like he's scratching them, and generally doing a much better job of being able to grab what he wants to. He's enjoying some of his solid foods - rice cereal is pretty good...carrots are ok, green beans are the best, and bananas made his tummy upset.
He has finally become interested in rolling over, and sometimes he will keep on going - over and is the end of an era - an era of leaving him on his back and knowing he'll stay there, and the era of poopy diapers not really being that scary. Now they are quite scary. Ah well. His feet can touch the ground now in his little play table like Summer's, but it may be awhile before he can actually push enough to move around in it. He figured out how to push this little whale, which makes the fish spin around in a circle...and when he figured it out, he did it over and over and over...we got a little film of him doing it - he was very proud.
Grandma and Grandpa Rozen came down to see him (and us, of course, but mostly Joshua!) this weekend and that was a whole lot of fun. He especially enjoyed singing with Grandma and playing with his caterpillar on the floor with Grandpa.
Joshua likes to sing some funny songs with his Mommy also - his all-time favorite (even more than Old McJoshy, amazingly!) is "Bubbles the Baby Spitbug." Some of you have been able to enjoy the amazing song, written by Joshua's Mommy. He also likes, "Poop-inator Poop-inator ate a little alligator" but that is generally reserved for the changing table.
Also, his "Aunt" Ashley got married this weekend! He is a bit upset about this because he loves his Aunt Ashley and she has been staying with us off and on since he was born, so he's not so sure about forgiving his new "Uncle" Adam (he already has a REAL uncle Adam) for taking Ashley away...but it'll be ok.
Things are going well for us across the board - worrying about money and the future and all of that, but it'll all work out, I have no doubt.
Well on that optimistic note, I gotta go play with my baby who is rather perturbed that I'm paying attention to the computer rather than him! He is just like his Daddy!
Love you all, and I hope to see more posts! Sorry that I haven't posted much, either.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Live from Santa Ana
Let me begin tonight's post by expressing my condolences, sympathies, and concerns for Bryan's most recent injury. I hope he's healing up well.
It's been nice to read everyone's news. Sounds like you're all making good progress. Well done.
In honor of Allie's turning two months old today, and finding my long lost camera the other day, I've updated my family's little page. Check it out for very recent pictures (this afternoon) and other fun surprises.
As you can see from these pictures, Laurel gave Stevie a haircut yesterday. We're sad to see his curls go, but they'll be back. I think Laurel did it because the man at Albertson's thought he was a girl.
Allie has been a bit of a whiner these days. Maybe it's a growth spurt or something but she's eating all the time and wearing poor Laurel out.
Stevie is getting bigger and funnier and more talkative. He said "The Mommy's Book" today. He repeats everything we say, which is pretty dang cute. And a little scary.
I've been busy working. I have two big projects that are coming to fruition now. I had a conference call this morning at 5:30, then a Kinkos run, then a day at the office. I got a nap tonight which was very nice. Then Stevie woke me up by standing on me and stomping on my head.
It's been nice to read everyone's news. Sounds like you're all making good progress. Well done.
In honor of Allie's turning two months old today, and finding my long lost camera the other day, I've updated my family's little page. Check it out for very recent pictures (this afternoon) and other fun surprises.
As you can see from these pictures, Laurel gave Stevie a haircut yesterday. We're sad to see his curls go, but they'll be back. I think Laurel did it because the man at Albertson's thought he was a girl.
Allie has been a bit of a whiner these days. Maybe it's a growth spurt or something but she's eating all the time and wearing poor Laurel out.
Stevie is getting bigger and funnier and more talkative. He said "The Mommy's Book" today. He repeats everything we say, which is pretty dang cute. And a little scary.
I've been busy working. I have two big projects that are coming to fruition now. I had a conference call this morning at 5:30, then a Kinkos run, then a day at the office. I got a nap tonight which was very nice. Then Stevie woke me up by standing on me and stomping on my head.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
So Trina, Jared, and I think that a gift exchange would be a good idea... do the rest of you dislike it because you already have gifts going for everyone??
For Christmas I am going to visit Eric, Laurel, Stevie, and Allie. I'm very excited. I will be back in Utah for New Years though. I fly out on the evening of the 19th and back on the evening of the 30th. Speaking of that trip... I'd like to send Eric and Laurel my flight plans but I don't have a current e-mail for them. So please e-mail me. Also to Eric and Laurel - I'd love to see new pictures of Allie on the website.
Life is keeping me busy. I'll probably make a chain of the number of days I work between now and Christmas, or something like that, soon. I have to have something to keep me going through frustrating days at work.
Actually work isn't to bad at the moment. I feel like things are going well.
For Christmas I am going to visit Eric, Laurel, Stevie, and Allie. I'm very excited. I will be back in Utah for New Years though. I fly out on the evening of the 19th and back on the evening of the 30th. Speaking of that trip... I'd like to send Eric and Laurel my flight plans but I don't have a current e-mail for them. So please e-mail me. Also to Eric and Laurel - I'd love to see new pictures of Allie on the website.
Life is keeping me busy. I'll probably make a chain of the number of days I work between now and Christmas, or something like that, soon. I have to have something to keep me going through frustrating days at work.
Actually work isn't to bad at the moment. I feel like things are going well.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Oh, by the way...
I noticed that no one seemed to be expressing any concern for Bryan... then I realized I had posted it on my page, but not here. If you haven't seen my page since the weekend, the news is there.
updated pictures
So, Clarissa, Mindy tells us on the sisters blog that you have news. So what's the deal?
Mindy The Great has also updated Summer's month-to-month pictures, adding 4 more shots (13, 14, 15, 16 months). Summer is growing like a weed. I have a couple of other new pages of pictures to add, but I need to figure out the specific pictures. I'm planning on getting that to Mindy in the next week or so, so that they'll hopefully be up by the end of the month. And when Mindy comes out here in November to help with the girls, she will show me how to do this stuff so that I can put the pictures up myself. (Imagine that! And it's one of my top 100 things - learn how to post pictures on the webpage.)
Rosemary is also growing like a weed. I'm going to the doctor every 2 weeks now, and in the last 2-week stretch, my stomach measured 4 inches larger. I expect a similar change at my next appointment (which is next Monday), and then I think I start going for checks every week. She's been getting up into my ribcage over the past week or so, which has definitely been the most painful part of this pregnancy. Lots of hassles with my hip joints and sciatic nerve and the like, which makes it rather difficult to move at all, but the ribcage thing hurts worse. It's either her head or her rear end, rather than her legs pushing up there.
Any other comments on the Christmas gift exchange ideas? Mom and Dad, what do YOU think?
Mindy The Great has also updated Summer's month-to-month pictures, adding 4 more shots (13, 14, 15, 16 months). Summer is growing like a weed. I have a couple of other new pages of pictures to add, but I need to figure out the specific pictures. I'm planning on getting that to Mindy in the next week or so, so that they'll hopefully be up by the end of the month. And when Mindy comes out here in November to help with the girls, she will show me how to do this stuff so that I can put the pictures up myself. (Imagine that! And it's one of my top 100 things - learn how to post pictures on the webpage.)
Rosemary is also growing like a weed. I'm going to the doctor every 2 weeks now, and in the last 2-week stretch, my stomach measured 4 inches larger. I expect a similar change at my next appointment (which is next Monday), and then I think I start going for checks every week. She's been getting up into my ribcage over the past week or so, which has definitely been the most painful part of this pregnancy. Lots of hassles with my hip joints and sciatic nerve and the like, which makes it rather difficult to move at all, but the ribcage thing hurts worse. It's either her head or her rear end, rather than her legs pushing up there.
Any other comments on the Christmas gift exchange ideas? Mom and Dad, what do YOU think?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Hello, family
Hello, everyone. Trina, I sent you an e-mail with the dates for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the school's temple day. It's yahoo, right? (There's also plans for a temple trip in November sometime, I believe; I'm the ward temple trip coordinator. Isn't that one of the neatest callings?) I'll call you later, Trina, but right now I'm in the library. I need to do research for my senior paper, and write a little paper for biology.
Friday, September 14, 2007
So my life just got slightly more busy and interesting. I was asked if I'd be willing to come in four days a week in the mornings and help with the reading groups in the second grade in the mornings. So I'll be doing that between 9 and 10 am Tuesday through Friday. I also just added tutoring one of my old students on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (7:30 to 8). And I decided to change my other tutoring to just Wednesday and Fridays frm 4:30 - 6:00, so that I could have my Mondays completely free for homework.
Anyway, along with taking the four more hours at work, I also got myself a pay raise of a dollar an hour. Actually they had originally promised me that amount and then on the contract it was a dollar lower... so I said that I could take the job if I could have the original amount. And they gave it to me. So I think I might actually survive the school year financially.
Now I just have to find the time to study between all those other things. That's why I have Mondays free... Monday is my BIG study day where I try to get as much done as possible. And then I almost always end up doing stuff on Saturdays... but this Saturday is the Manti Temple Trip so that might be tricky. Anyway, I have work to do.
Anyway, along with taking the four more hours at work, I also got myself a pay raise of a dollar an hour. Actually they had originally promised me that amount and then on the contract it was a dollar lower... so I said that I could take the job if I could have the original amount. And they gave it to me. So I think I might actually survive the school year financially.
Now I just have to find the time to study between all those other things. That's why I have Mondays free... Monday is my BIG study day where I try to get as much done as possible. And then I almost always end up doing stuff on Saturdays... but this Saturday is the Manti Temple Trip so that might be tricky. Anyway, I have work to do.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
another Christmas question
To answer Jared's question first ... we will be spending the holidays here in DC, as usual. Adam's sister Naomi and her family are coming up from Georgia for Thanksgiving. Adam is already planning to spend a lot of Christmas break at the library (also as usual) getting ready for moot court in February - he'll be in one of the top national competitions. I think the first one is regional, and if he places, he would compete at national in March or April. (Or something like that. Adam, feel free to correct me.) Anyway ... I also expect we'll go up to Baltimore once or twice to visit our friends there. Those are the plans so far.
My question is: does anyone want to do a gift exchange with the siblings? We could have some kind of theme, like something unique to the state you live in (since most of us live in different states), or your favorite children's book, or whatever. I think it would be cool to see what other people come up with, and it would be nice to be part of a larger family Christmas even though no one has any money right now and we'll all be in different places. It would one gift per couple for those of us who are married, and everyone could do what they want for Mom and Dad. Or Mom and Dad could participate in the exchange too - their choice.
Also, for those of us with kids - do you want to do a gift exchange among the cousins? I know they're mostly babies, but I still think it would be cute to do. Same logic behind it - be part of a larger family Christmas, and hopefully our kids will grow up with more awareness of their cousins even with the distance.
Other than that, all is normal around here. Adam is gone long hours at school, because he has evening classes 3 days a week but is still on campus studying in the library all day. Summer and I hang out at home or go to the park. Park time is starting to get cut because I'm having a harder time keeping up with her, and our park is not fenced in. Yes, she likes to take off running away from the playground in various directions, laughing the whole time. Baby prep currently involves going through clothes, and sorting them by size and season. I'm feeling okay for the most part - just generally starting to be more tired. Right when Summer's energy level is going up ... nice timing ...
My question is: does anyone want to do a gift exchange with the siblings? We could have some kind of theme, like something unique to the state you live in (since most of us live in different states), or your favorite children's book, or whatever. I think it would be cool to see what other people come up with, and it would be nice to be part of a larger family Christmas even though no one has any money right now and we'll all be in different places. It would one gift per couple for those of us who are married, and everyone could do what they want for Mom and Dad. Or Mom and Dad could participate in the exchange too - their choice.
Also, for those of us with kids - do you want to do a gift exchange among the cousins? I know they're mostly babies, but I still think it would be cute to do. Same logic behind it - be part of a larger family Christmas, and hopefully our kids will grow up with more awareness of their cousins even with the distance.
Other than that, all is normal around here. Adam is gone long hours at school, because he has evening classes 3 days a week but is still on campus studying in the library all day. Summer and I hang out at home or go to the park. Park time is starting to get cut because I'm having a harder time keeping up with her, and our park is not fenced in. Yes, she likes to take off running away from the playground in various directions, laughing the whole time. Baby prep currently involves going through clothes, and sorting them by size and season. I'm feeling okay for the most part - just generally starting to be more tired. Right when Summer's energy level is going up ... nice timing ...
Monday, September 10, 2007
Jared says Hi
I have a question for everybody... What are your plans for Christmas / New Years? I know that Mom and Dad have bought their tickets to come here to Texas over the holidays, and that Tawnia will be going to California to spend time with Eric and Laurel. What about everyone else?
In our latest news, we just went to Schlitterbahn on Saturday, and had a lot of fun. It was a company picnic, and so we got discounted tickets and lots of free food. I got a bit too much sun though. The kids are doing well in school, and Brooke starts Girls Scouts again this week. Michelle had a bit of bad news this week - she went to the dentist and ended up getting a crown and a root canal. I think that's her third one.
In our latest news, we just went to Schlitterbahn on Saturday, and had a lot of fun. It was a company picnic, and so we got discounted tickets and lots of free food. I got a bit too much sun though. The kids are doing well in school, and Brooke starts Girls Scouts again this week. Michelle had a bit of bad news this week - she went to the dentist and ended up getting a crown and a root canal. I think that's her third one.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Laurel, I sent you an e-mail with my address but I'm not sure if it was to a current e-mail. Also, I think Mom sent out a list with everyone's up to date information awhile back... I know it's in my e-mail box somewhere. Maybe Mom could resend that to everyone. (Does it have current e-mail addresses on it? I don't remember!) Since this board can be viewed by any old Joe Schmo, I don't want to put addresses, etc. on it. And I'm sorry to hear about Allie's hernia. Is there anything they can do about it?
Off to more studying.
PS I'll see you at Christmas!
Off to more studying.
PS I'll see you at Christmas!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Alli's Hernia
Alli is fine with the hernia. You can push it in and it pops back out over and over again. It makes a squishy noise when you push it in. The Doctor says it doesn't hurt her. She says it does not bother her at all. I'm getting used to it, although it gets bigger everyday. When it gets me down I just sing "living with a hernia" to myself. Then I don't feel so bad.
hola crumb-bums
This is laurel by the way, a.k.a. eric on this blogger. Hey, y'all, I want your addresses. The only correct address I have is Frankelyn's, so unless you all plan on moving back home by the time I get around to mailing the birth announcements you should post or email me the address you reside at.
This would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation on this matter.
On a personal note, Stevie and I are getting back to a sort of normal life now that we've been interrupted by the new kid. She's O.K.. She cries sometimes. She also spends a lot of time pooping. She also eats.
We went swimming today, Stevie and I. Allison slept in the stroller. Someday all three of us will go swimming. Then the next new kid will sleep in the stroller.
You guys are awesome.
Love, Laurel, not Eric.
This would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation on this matter.
On a personal note, Stevie and I are getting back to a sort of normal life now that we've been interrupted by the new kid. She's O.K.. She cries sometimes. She also spends a lot of time pooping. She also eats.
We went swimming today, Stevie and I. Allison slept in the stroller. Someday all three of us will go swimming. Then the next new kid will sleep in the stroller.
You guys are awesome.
Love, Laurel, not Eric.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
travel log
Thursday: I picked up Adam at school when his evening class finished, and then we picked up Summer at her buddy Ethan's house. She was there so I could take a nap and finish getting the car loaded. We were on our way at about 8 pm.
Friday: About 9:30 am, we got to Jill and Marc's new apartment in St. Augustine (the couple getting married - Jill is from Adam's high school group that is still in close contact with each other). I was wiped out and REALLY not liking the level of humidity outside. So I stayed indoors while Adam took Summer across the street to the beach for awhile. She loved it - she played in the waves and played in the sand, and came back completely dirty from head to toe. I was getting sand out of her ears for the rest of the weekend. After having lunch, we went to check into our hotel. We had to wait another hour or so, and it was pouring rain so touristy stuff was out, so we went to the outlet mall across the street. I went to the bachelorette dinner/party that evening - I was going to just the dinner and skipping out on the drinking and frivolity. Unfortunately, just the dinner took substantially longer than I had estimated ... needless to say that Adam and Summer were not particularly happy about being stranded at the hotel and that I took so long bringing them their dinner. That was not one of the highlights.
Saturday: Another "girls only" event in the morning at a salon to get nails done (I got a "repair job" done from my last haircut), and a girls-only lunch. I took Summer with me, and Adam went with a bunch of the other husbands to play golf and have their own lunch. We converged on Marc's grandparents' house - the wedding was in their backyard, so the rehearsal was there as well.
Then things got exciting ... we had a couple of run-throughs of walking up the aisle in the backyard, and a thunderstorm was coming in so everyone went inside. It POURED for a good couple of hours, and there were about 3 inches of rain in less than 1 hour, which proceeded to flood the house. One minute, Adam is telling me that he's going to help with a flood in the bathroom, where the rain was getting into the house. The next minute, there were 20-30 people rushing around with loads of towels to try to dam the 1-2 inch waves coming down the hall and into the living room, rolling up area rugs before the water could get to them, and moving furniture around. Most of the first floor of the house had over an inch of standing water by the time the mops and Shop-Vac came around. Meanwhile, many small children were VERY hungry (as well as 3 or 4 pregnant women) because we hadn't had the dinner yet. Adam finally went to ask if he could get something for Summer, and was told to take whatever he wanted that was ready. Summer was also frustrated because I had to keep her corralled while the water was being cleaned up - she couldn't run around. In the end, everything calmed down nicely - that couple would have been in a lot more trouble with the flood if so many people hadn't been there to get it under control so quickly.
Sunday: The wedding was at 9:30 am, and it was already suffocating outside with the heavy, heavy humidity. I have no idea if the photographer got any pictures of Summer coming down the aisle - I actually doubt it. We didn't get any either. Adam had the camera up at the front, and I was at the back with her. She wouldn't take her flower basket from me - I was holding it, and she would reach in and take petals out, but not hold it herself. When I finally got her pointed in the right direction (after all the other flower girls had gotten to the front, and one was coming back for her), she made it up to Adam in about 5 seconds, before he could get any pictures of her. The flower girls did not have to stand at the front with the bridal party - they were sent to sit with their parents. So we took Summer around to the back again and let her run around.
The reception was a brunch at a restaurant - we were happy to be in air conditioning. It was a very nice reception, and it was good for Adam to get caught up with so many people. I finally met the last one from the high school group who I hadn't met yet - he's in the Navy, and he's been overseas every other time we've been to Florida.
We left the reception early to visit Adam's sister Naomi in Georgia for the rest of the weekend, and got to her house at about dinnertime. We met her new husband, Eric, and had a good visit with them. We also learned that she will NOT be going to Iraq - her commanding officer said that he's not going to just randomly send people to Iraq just because they've finished their ROTC programs and training, and haven't deployed yet. He wants specific jobs and all, so he's not sending people over there just to get in the way. Makes sense ... (imagine! The US Army doing something that makes sense!) So for the moment at least, Naomi is off the hook.
Monday: After breakfast, we went swimming for a while at the pool at Naomi's complex. That felt SO GOOD. We headed for DC around 2 pm, when Summer was ready to crash for her nap. She was a good little traveler. We stopped as soon as possible when she started fussing and getting restless in her seat, which really wasn't that often. She would run around and stretch for 10-20 minutes, and then we were back on the road. She also fell asleep around 8:30 pm - her usual bedtime - and slept most of the rest of the way. We got home at 11:30 pm.
Today: My brain is awake but my body is very worn out from all the time in the car. Even when I would recline the passenger seat, I still wasn't really able to stretch out as much as I needed to for the baby. So I'm getting everything unpacked and put away, and there is lots of laundry to do. But mostly, I'm taking it easy.
Friday: About 9:30 am, we got to Jill and Marc's new apartment in St. Augustine (the couple getting married - Jill is from Adam's high school group that is still in close contact with each other). I was wiped out and REALLY not liking the level of humidity outside. So I stayed indoors while Adam took Summer across the street to the beach for awhile. She loved it - she played in the waves and played in the sand, and came back completely dirty from head to toe. I was getting sand out of her ears for the rest of the weekend. After having lunch, we went to check into our hotel. We had to wait another hour or so, and it was pouring rain so touristy stuff was out, so we went to the outlet mall across the street. I went to the bachelorette dinner/party that evening - I was going to just the dinner and skipping out on the drinking and frivolity. Unfortunately, just the dinner took substantially longer than I had estimated ... needless to say that Adam and Summer were not particularly happy about being stranded at the hotel and that I took so long bringing them their dinner. That was not one of the highlights.
Saturday: Another "girls only" event in the morning at a salon to get nails done (I got a "repair job" done from my last haircut), and a girls-only lunch. I took Summer with me, and Adam went with a bunch of the other husbands to play golf and have their own lunch. We converged on Marc's grandparents' house - the wedding was in their backyard, so the rehearsal was there as well.
Then things got exciting ... we had a couple of run-throughs of walking up the aisle in the backyard, and a thunderstorm was coming in so everyone went inside. It POURED for a good couple of hours, and there were about 3 inches of rain in less than 1 hour, which proceeded to flood the house. One minute, Adam is telling me that he's going to help with a flood in the bathroom, where the rain was getting into the house. The next minute, there were 20-30 people rushing around with loads of towels to try to dam the 1-2 inch waves coming down the hall and into the living room, rolling up area rugs before the water could get to them, and moving furniture around. Most of the first floor of the house had over an inch of standing water by the time the mops and Shop-Vac came around. Meanwhile, many small children were VERY hungry (as well as 3 or 4 pregnant women) because we hadn't had the dinner yet. Adam finally went to ask if he could get something for Summer, and was told to take whatever he wanted that was ready. Summer was also frustrated because I had to keep her corralled while the water was being cleaned up - she couldn't run around. In the end, everything calmed down nicely - that couple would have been in a lot more trouble with the flood if so many people hadn't been there to get it under control so quickly.
Sunday: The wedding was at 9:30 am, and it was already suffocating outside with the heavy, heavy humidity. I have no idea if the photographer got any pictures of Summer coming down the aisle - I actually doubt it. We didn't get any either. Adam had the camera up at the front, and I was at the back with her. She wouldn't take her flower basket from me - I was holding it, and she would reach in and take petals out, but not hold it herself. When I finally got her pointed in the right direction (after all the other flower girls had gotten to the front, and one was coming back for her), she made it up to Adam in about 5 seconds, before he could get any pictures of her. The flower girls did not have to stand at the front with the bridal party - they were sent to sit with their parents. So we took Summer around to the back again and let her run around.
The reception was a brunch at a restaurant - we were happy to be in air conditioning. It was a very nice reception, and it was good for Adam to get caught up with so many people. I finally met the last one from the high school group who I hadn't met yet - he's in the Navy, and he's been overseas every other time we've been to Florida.
We left the reception early to visit Adam's sister Naomi in Georgia for the rest of the weekend, and got to her house at about dinnertime. We met her new husband, Eric, and had a good visit with them. We also learned that she will NOT be going to Iraq - her commanding officer said that he's not going to just randomly send people to Iraq just because they've finished their ROTC programs and training, and haven't deployed yet. He wants specific jobs and all, so he's not sending people over there just to get in the way. Makes sense ... (imagine! The US Army doing something that makes sense!) So for the moment at least, Naomi is off the hook.
Monday: After breakfast, we went swimming for a while at the pool at Naomi's complex. That felt SO GOOD. We headed for DC around 2 pm, when Summer was ready to crash for her nap. She was a good little traveler. We stopped as soon as possible when she started fussing and getting restless in her seat, which really wasn't that often. She would run around and stretch for 10-20 minutes, and then we were back on the road. She also fell asleep around 8:30 pm - her usual bedtime - and slept most of the rest of the way. We got home at 11:30 pm.
Today: My brain is awake but my body is very worn out from all the time in the car. Even when I would recline the passenger seat, I still wasn't really able to stretch out as much as I needed to for the baby. So I'm getting everything unpacked and put away, and there is lots of laundry to do. But mostly, I'm taking it easy.
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