Trina posted all of that stuff because I made mention about not knowing everything that was causing a "bad week for Republicans."
"The Senate majority leader is under investigation for insider trading on the stock market, which is the same thing that Martha Stewart went to jail for last year."
Who is this exactly?
You first told us to read NY Times even though it was a "liberal sheet" and then told us not to watch Fox News because it was biased "kinda like the NY Times". As far as I know, most of the blog contributors are Republican and I do not understand why we would then want to read a paper that contradicts what we believe and makes us look bad, and not even think about looking at something that twists the truth (if that is really what it does) in our favor. Perhaps no one should read or watch either.
I went to Subway the other day and I thought of you. I think that you would have done a better job helping us than the people did at the Subway we went to.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Baby Picture!

Isn't she/he so cute?! Yes, this is a picture of the picture of the baby. I hope that it's visible to everyone. This is at nine weeks. She's/he's just so cute! As a way of explanation, the two appendages sticking out (right-center) are the arms, I think. I think that the big blob on the right hand side is the head and egg sack, but I'm not so sure. Anyway, it's very cute!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
We have a Darth Tater Mr. Potato Head, and Adam has just turned Darth Vader's cape into a doo-rag, complete with a rubber band. Oh my. It's Ghetto Mr. Potato Head. He's taking pictures of it with the digital camera. My husband is very strange sometimes.
Tomorrow is the 2-year anniversary of when Adam and I met at Beth's Death By Chocolate party, which we are going to tomorrow night. Adam is going as a ... well, he can't tell you. And he can neither confirm nor deny that he will be at the party. I am going as a media leak, and will very casually listen to conversations while typing on the palm pilot. We have made the super-whammy chocolate cake and added a layer of straight fudge, AND we made the frosting orange colored and orange flavored. It's going to be GREAT!!!! And deadly.
Tomorrow is the 2-year anniversary of when Adam and I met at Beth's Death By Chocolate party, which we are going to tomorrow night. Adam is going as a ... well, he can't tell you. And he can neither confirm nor deny that he will be at the party. I am going as a media leak, and will very casually listen to conversations while typing on the palm pilot. We have made the super-whammy chocolate cake and added a layer of straight fudge, AND we made the frosting orange colored and orange flavored. It's going to be GREAT!!!! And deadly.
info on the world
I'm not sure if Eric was being sarcastic with the "thousands of websites" comment, but here are a few that you might consider reading. Since everyone really should be aware of what the President and the Congress is doing (as it affects YOU personnally), you ought to read at least some of what's going on.
New York Times It's a liberal sheet, but sometimes accurate and provides an interesting counterbalance.
Washington Post If you don't read the Wall Street Journal, it's one of the best in the country.
The Economist Always interesting to see how the Brits view us.
Reuters Aside from being a little on the short side, what they do have is fairly accurrate without a lot of spin.
ABC News They're about the only news network without major egg on their face.
Don't read or watch Fox News, as it's about as biased as you're going to get, kinda like the NY Times. And yes, I read all of those websites daily, or close enough. I skim them on the weekends. Why, you ask? My job is to be aware of what's going on in the world and how it relates to Senator Arlen Specter, my boss, and the Judiciary Committee, where I work. You don't have to be so involved, but having a good understanding of what's going on in your government is important. Have fun reading stuff. Be sure to include the op-ed pieces.
New York Times It's a liberal sheet, but sometimes accurate and provides an interesting counterbalance.
Washington Post If you don't read the Wall Street Journal, it's one of the best in the country.
The Economist Always interesting to see how the Brits view us.
Reuters Aside from being a little on the short side, what they do have is fairly accurrate without a lot of spin.
ABC News They're about the only news network without major egg on their face.
Don't read or watch Fox News, as it's about as biased as you're going to get, kinda like the NY Times. And yes, I read all of those websites daily, or close enough. I skim them on the weekends. Why, you ask? My job is to be aware of what's going on in the world and how it relates to Senator Arlen Specter, my boss, and the Judiciary Committee, where I work. You don't have to be so involved, but having a good understanding of what's going on in your government is important. Have fun reading stuff. Be sure to include the op-ed pieces.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
The Writer Speaks
Thank you for all of your comments and thoughts. I welcome any opinions and suggestions.
Mindy, I realized I had left Super Funny out of the first draft, but he will be there. "He's on vacation." Eric, maybe they could call the Rent-a-Hero again and thus enlist the help of the Super Cute Babies at the end.
I know I have little on the character development, and that needs a lot of work. I just wanted to get the basic structure and plot outline, as well as a few of the jokes we might use. Yes, they are family jokes, but this is a family movie. If we could put other family movies on the DVD, that would be great, especially because that is where a lot of the jokes originate. (The toilet joke comes from "Day at the Beach," and the the idea of renting a hero comes from "Super Kids.")
I know that the end really needs a lot of work, and it will have to be rewritten, but I have not gotten that far with it yet. I didn't want to just abruptly end the script in the middle of the chase scene, so now we have something to work off. I was basing it off the suggestions giving during our chat. (Eric wanted basketball, and Mom wanted an alien named Egbert, and someone suggested that the babies save the day.) We'll figure it out.
Mindy, I realized I had left Super Funny out of the first draft, but he will be there. "He's on vacation." Eric, maybe they could call the Rent-a-Hero again and thus enlist the help of the Super Cute Babies at the end.
I know I have little on the character development, and that needs a lot of work. I just wanted to get the basic structure and plot outline, as well as a few of the jokes we might use. Yes, they are family jokes, but this is a family movie. If we could put other family movies on the DVD, that would be great, especially because that is where a lot of the jokes originate. (The toilet joke comes from "Day at the Beach," and the the idea of renting a hero comes from "Super Kids.")
I know that the end really needs a lot of work, and it will have to be rewritten, but I have not gotten that far with it yet. I didn't want to just abruptly end the script in the middle of the chase scene, so now we have something to work off. I was basing it off the suggestions giving during our chat. (Eric wanted basketball, and Mom wanted an alien named Egbert, and someone suggested that the babies save the day.) We'll figure it out.
More on the Movie
I wrote a few notes for the writers and linked to them on the movie page. Please take a look and let me know if they're helpful.
I loved the kitten movie. Laurel and I watched it together. I think Nathan did a great job on it. Editing video is a lot of fun, hey? I figure that if the folks don't have a new computer yet we can use Nathan's. Of course, they may not need a new computer to make it all work. Anyway, we'll see.
I would be happy to do the animation sequence at the beginning. It'll take some time, and I'll work with everyone else on it (for sound, music, etc.), but it's something I know how to do and would enjoy doing. I'll probably also do some credits and such, but I'll take my cues from the director and wait until the script is in a more final form.
I loved the kitten movie. Laurel and I watched it together. I think Nathan did a great job on it. Editing video is a lot of fun, hey? I figure that if the folks don't have a new computer yet we can use Nathan's. Of course, they may not need a new computer to make it all work. Anyway, we'll see.
I would be happy to do the animation sequence at the beginning. It'll take some time, and I'll work with everyone else on it (for sound, music, etc.), but it's something I know how to do and would enjoy doing. I'll probably also do some credits and such, but I'll take my cues from the director and wait until the script is in a more final form.
DC recap
To summarize briefly for those who do not understand Adam's "bad week to be Republican" comment, here is what is going on in the city:
1 - the 2000th soldier was killed in Iraq this week. This is a big deal, particularly in the increasing "Bad President Bush for sending our military there!" sentiment which is no longer confined to the "bleeding heart liberal" crowd.
2 - Harriet Miers withdrew from her Supreme Court nomination yesterday. She wasn't particularly impressive in her personal meetings with the Senators, the Senate Judiciary actually asked her to redo her questionaire because it was so full of holes, a lot of people were suspicious because she's Bush's personal attorney, and the far right conservative groups (also known as Bush's base) went ballistic because she was not guaranteed to rule against abortion.
3 - The entire city has been at a fever pitch of speculation because a number of high-ranking White House staff are under investigation for the deliberate naming of an undercover CIA agent in the media, which is a federal felony. This investigation has actually been going on for a year or 2, but this was the week that the indictments would be handed out for criminal behavior. The result: Vice President Cheney's chief of staff was indicted today with 5 charges and immediately resigned. Karl Rove, also known as President Bush's brain, is subject to further investigation. Rumor has it that there's a 3rd person.
Congress is not off the hook either. We have 2 more for you that happened last week.
- The House majority leader had to step down from his leadership position (not resign his seat unless he's convicted) because he was indicted and arrested for money laundering and illegally manipulating campaign funds. He is from Houston, so I'm sure Jared has heard about this one.
- The Senate majority leader is under investigation for insider trading on the stock market, which is the same thing that Martha Stewart went to jail for last year.
So ... yeah. It's a lovely time to live and work in our nation's capitol ... never a more wretched hive of scum and villiany (or however the line goes). My prevailing thought right now is that I'm glad the Supreme Court stuff has been put on hold - even if Bush named a new nominee today, the hearings still wouldn't happen until January. That means that Congress can just finish up the budget stuff in the next couple of weeks and LEAVE for all the holidays and not come back until after New Year's, and we can have some peace and quiet around here.
1 - the 2000th soldier was killed in Iraq this week. This is a big deal, particularly in the increasing "Bad President Bush for sending our military there!" sentiment which is no longer confined to the "bleeding heart liberal" crowd.
2 - Harriet Miers withdrew from her Supreme Court nomination yesterday. She wasn't particularly impressive in her personal meetings with the Senators, the Senate Judiciary actually asked her to redo her questionaire because it was so full of holes, a lot of people were suspicious because she's Bush's personal attorney, and the far right conservative groups (also known as Bush's base) went ballistic because she was not guaranteed to rule against abortion.
3 - The entire city has been at a fever pitch of speculation because a number of high-ranking White House staff are under investigation for the deliberate naming of an undercover CIA agent in the media, which is a federal felony. This investigation has actually been going on for a year or 2, but this was the week that the indictments would be handed out for criminal behavior. The result: Vice President Cheney's chief of staff was indicted today with 5 charges and immediately resigned. Karl Rove, also known as President Bush's brain, is subject to further investigation. Rumor has it that there's a 3rd person.
Congress is not off the hook either. We have 2 more for you that happened last week.
- The House majority leader had to step down from his leadership position (not resign his seat unless he's convicted) because he was indicted and arrested for money laundering and illegally manipulating campaign funds. He is from Houston, so I'm sure Jared has heard about this one.
- The Senate majority leader is under investigation for insider trading on the stock market, which is the same thing that Martha Stewart went to jail for last year.
So ... yeah. It's a lovely time to live and work in our nation's capitol ... never a more wretched hive of scum and villiany (or however the line goes). My prevailing thought right now is that I'm glad the Supreme Court stuff has been put on hold - even if Bush named a new nominee today, the hearings still wouldn't happen until January. That means that Congress can just finish up the budget stuff in the next couple of weeks and LEAVE for all the holidays and not come back until after New Year's, and we can have some peace and quiet around here.
Amanda says...
Hmmmm...I think I'd like to help Tawnia (and Mindy if she was already planning to could be a directing team!)...I'm not much of an animator. I like editing things...I like acting in things...I like to watch all you silly Palmers do fun things (oh wait...I'm one, too). I explained to Nathan why Adam was saying that it was a bad week for Republicans...he hadn't heard all the craziness that's happened today and in the past couple days. He was just saying his comments to be funny and didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, and thinks it would be just fine for Adam to be the advisor. He also wanted to state that he is still having a good week. As far as my opinion on the inside jokes topic...I didn't get a lot of them, but I don't mind that. I like seeing all you native Palmers laughing about old times, and I think the showing of old movie clips would solve everything! I also don't think the movie is something that I personally would be sharing with a lot of people...more enjoying the wonderful process and laughing with the family when it's over. Sooo because of that, I don't think it's that bad to have a lot of inside jokes! That's what families share when they "reune" anyway, right? :c) Love you all! What did you think of the wonderful Squeakers video? G'bye!
Mom the Gopher?
I didn't have to work today so Dad decided to take the day off, too. We all went to the dentist, then to lunch at Olive Garden. All the soup and breadsticks you want for $4.50 isn't bad. Dad and I went to the temple while the girls hung out at the bookstore. When I called Clarissa she was very excited to learn that "The Forgotten Carols" will be playing in Portland on Nov. 21st. I haven't checked the price or availability of tickets yet.
As for the movie. It sounds like everyone is working hard on it. I can't be the animator because I can't draw very well. I recommend we have one of our artists take on that job. I thought I'd be the gopher and help out wherever I'm needed. Or, I could possibly be the sound editor and help add the music and any voice overs to the final production. I'm not sure how to do that either but we're going to try to get an editing program and whatever hardware we need so we can edit all our old movies onto DVD. Maybe that will be our Christmas present to each other this year. If we're able to do that I'll work on learning how to do the sound. The other possibility is cameraman. Clarissa wants to set up the shots as cinematographer but not necessarily to shoot them. Since I plan on taking a minor roll in this production, I could film it. Tell me where you want me.
As for the movie. It sounds like everyone is working hard on it. I can't be the animator because I can't draw very well. I recommend we have one of our artists take on that job. I thought I'd be the gopher and help out wherever I'm needed. Or, I could possibly be the sound editor and help add the music and any voice overs to the final production. I'm not sure how to do that either but we're going to try to get an editing program and whatever hardware we need so we can edit all our old movies onto DVD. Maybe that will be our Christmas present to each other this year. If we're able to do that I'll work on learning how to do the sound. The other possibility is cameraman. Clarissa wants to set up the shots as cinematographer but not necessarily to shoot them. Since I plan on taking a minor roll in this production, I could film it. Tell me where you want me.
Okay, so now Emily and Trina have plenty of feedback and ideas to work with. I, for one, will now back off from my position as unofficial assistant scriptwriter and let the official assistant scriptwriter step in. I know I'll have plenty to contribute once the script is in place.
Michelle has said she may be willing to step in as choreographer, since she has two years of dance training from high school. I guess that makes her the most qualified. I thought she was very sweet to make the offer. Michelle is such a wonderful person.
Tawnia, I like all your suggestions for the final DVD product. I think including some of the films that the inside jokes come from is a stroke of brilliance. I'm so glad you're the director. Including a "Making of" made me think we should also keep the section of the website devoted to the movie, since it is an Insanity Incorporated production. I'm willing to volunteer as webmaster, or historian, or whatever, for the project. On that note, Emily, could you send me the transcripts of the IM chats we've had, as well as any subsequent ones I'm not involved in? Anything relavent to the filmmaking process, send it to me and we can preserve it for future generations. Maybe the website could fill in for the "How to Make a Movie" idea. I want to make it more than just links to the conversations and script drafts (though those will be there), I am thinking of an indepth look at the process, what went right, what can be done better in future productions, etcetera. No I will not do any of this analysis until after the final product is complete.
Anyway, we still don't have an animator, and Mom and Nate and Amanda have not volunteered for any specific positions. Mindy's name was out there as assistant director, but she hasn't accepted or declined the position... at least not on the blog anyway.
Michelle has said she may be willing to step in as choreographer, since she has two years of dance training from high school. I guess that makes her the most qualified. I thought she was very sweet to make the offer. Michelle is such a wonderful person.
Tawnia, I like all your suggestions for the final DVD product. I think including some of the films that the inside jokes come from is a stroke of brilliance. I'm so glad you're the director. Including a "Making of" made me think we should also keep the section of the website devoted to the movie, since it is an Insanity Incorporated production. I'm willing to volunteer as webmaster, or historian, or whatever, for the project. On that note, Emily, could you send me the transcripts of the IM chats we've had, as well as any subsequent ones I'm not involved in? Anything relavent to the filmmaking process, send it to me and we can preserve it for future generations. Maybe the website could fill in for the "How to Make a Movie" idea. I want to make it more than just links to the conversations and script drafts (though those will be there), I am thinking of an indepth look at the process, what went right, what can be done better in future productions, etcetera. No I will not do any of this analysis until after the final product is complete.
Anyway, we still don't have an animator, and Mom and Nate and Amanda have not volunteered for any specific positions. Mindy's name was out there as assistant director, but she hasn't accepted or declined the position... at least not on the blog anyway.
movies, fitzmas & such
1. Merry Fitzmas
2. Having read the script for the movie, it made absolutely no sense to me. Maybe it makes more sense to Michelle or Amanda or Laurel, but I didn't get any of it.
3. It's a bad week to be a Republican. Since I'm not, it's a good week, being as I got a job this week.
2. Having read the script for the movie, it made absolutely no sense to me. Maybe it makes more sense to Michelle or Amanda or Laurel, but I didn't get any of it.
3. It's a bad week to be a Republican. Since I'm not, it's a good week, being as I got a job this week.
blah blah blah
Well, at least people are talking about the movie now and giving feedback on the script. Here are my brief responses:
1 - I kinda thought I was volunteering to be an assistant screenwriter, not trying to "steal" Emily's job or boss her around. Apparently that was not clear, so I'll be more explicit. Please sign me on as the assistant screenwriter, and I will be Emily's assistant. Thank you.
2 - the idea was not to use Pink Panther jokes, or the accent, or anything else, but to use the plot device, which is: someone is trying to solve a crime, bungles it all up, and ends up solving it by accident.
3 - when choosing the jokes to use, you must consider the audience. Yes, it's our "family movie" but are we the only ones to watch it? Or is it our "family movie" that we will make, and then show to other people? Pick the audience, then target the jokes to the audience. Inside jokes are fine - sparingly. Not the whole thing. That's all I was saying.
1 - I kinda thought I was volunteering to be an assistant screenwriter, not trying to "steal" Emily's job or boss her around. Apparently that was not clear, so I'll be more explicit. Please sign me on as the assistant screenwriter, and I will be Emily's assistant. Thank you.
2 - the idea was not to use Pink Panther jokes, or the accent, or anything else, but to use the plot device, which is: someone is trying to solve a crime, bungles it all up, and ends up solving it by accident.
3 - when choosing the jokes to use, you must consider the audience. Yes, it's our "family movie" but are we the only ones to watch it? Or is it our "family movie" that we will make, and then show to other people? Pick the audience, then target the jokes to the audience. Inside jokes are fine - sparingly. Not the whole thing. That's all I was saying.
movie suggestions
Tawnia and I had a discussion this morning about the script. We like it. There should be more action (especially at the end, cuz it's confusing), and we agree that everyone in the family should at least make a cameo apperance. What's the point of eliminating family jokes if the film is for the family? And I personally am not a huge fan of Pink Panther, so what's the point of putting those jokes in? Besides, kids like watching Animaniacs, and we KNOW they don't get most of those jokes (or even realize they are jokes). But it is a starting point. How much longer do we really want it though, because although we'll be spending time as a family, won't we want to be doing other things when we're together as well?
A few other things - let's have someone filming it AS we're filming it .. and do a "making of" for the DVD. We can even interview people and have a blooper reel, and make the DVD much more interactive than just the movie itself. (Tawnia comes up with some great ideas, huh?)
I was surprised that Emily didn't mention Super Funny in all the heroes, and Tawnia thought that maybe as a sub-story, we could have Skip reflecting back on his Super Funny days .. show a clip, or just have it be funny, since he's now the valet for a super hero. It would be another inside joke, but then maybe we could include the Super Funny video on the DVD too. As for that matter, we could include the Day at the Beach movie as well, just because it'd be nice to have them as a collection.
And I think that was all the we had talked about this morning, I can't remember. But we can always post again if I forgot something.
A few other things - let's have someone filming it AS we're filming it .. and do a "making of" for the DVD. We can even interview people and have a blooper reel, and make the DVD much more interactive than just the movie itself. (Tawnia comes up with some great ideas, huh?)
I was surprised that Emily didn't mention Super Funny in all the heroes, and Tawnia thought that maybe as a sub-story, we could have Skip reflecting back on his Super Funny days .. show a clip, or just have it be funny, since he's now the valet for a super hero. It would be another inside joke, but then maybe we could include the Super Funny video on the DVD too. As for that matter, we could include the Day at the Beach movie as well, just because it'd be nice to have them as a collection.
And I think that was all the we had talked about this morning, I can't remember. But we can always post again if I forgot something.
So yesterday I sat in on my first ever IEP (Individualized Education Plan). It was actually really fabulous. I even made the mom cry. (She thinks I am the most wonderful fourth grade teacher.) It is great to be loved! I got some good ideas, they got some good ideas, yeah, it was great.
That was my happiness for yesterday.
That was my happiness for yesterday.
The Script
I enjoyed the script so far. I think it's a good start. I understand that there are a lot of family jokes, but ummm... it's our family movie. I think we should add more humor but that doesn't mean deleteing the inside jokes. As I was discussing it with Mindy I noted that I love the show Gilmore Girls because it is funny.... yet I don't get half of their jokes because they refer to so many different obscure music groups, movies, etc. I don't get the majority of the jokes, but when I do get some they crack me up. Now, this seems to me to be the same kind of situation. No, we don't want to have to explain any inside jokes to outsiders... (that's why they are called inside jokes) and I'm not saying in-laws are outsiders. Once they have been members of the family for long enough they'll have seen some of the other movies we've made and eventually get the inside jokes. (Why ruin something that is funny to us just because someone else doesn't get it?) But we should definitely add more things that will be funny to more people (ie the extended family.)
Now, there are some things in the script that I don't get... like why does Captain Chaos get distracted by "super cute babies" at the end??? I think the basic plot is cute, but we need a bit more action and a different ending.
Those are my suggestions so far.
Now, there are some things in the script that I don't get... like why does Captain Chaos get distracted by "super cute babies" at the end??? I think the basic plot is cute, but we need a bit more action and a different ending.
Those are my suggestions so far.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
This is a title
In my defense, I did include positive comments in my email to Emily. And I have a criticism to direct towards Trina's criticism. I don't think she should wait until she gets to the east coast. If you and Adam want to jump in as assistant writers, go for it. But the rest of us are waiting on a script before we can do much of anything. She can rent movies or check them out from the library.
Michelle's suggestion was to forego the need for a script and do the whole movie as an interpretive dance. I'll send each of you a piece of music, and Laurel can design sets and costumes for us, ... what? I thought it sounded cool.
Seriously though, the best way to help is to give suggestions of what to do, not what not to do. So Trina's doing that part right. Why don't Trina and Emily email or chat back and forth for a couple of days to nail down an overall story arch, and then anyone else who wants to contribute can make suggestions. Start with the big picture -- wouldn't it be something to have a movie with an actual plot? -- and then add character details, and specific lines of dialogue or set pieces will come after that. Come on Emily, you know how to put a story together. I'm already looking forward to the second draft.
I have other things to talk about too. Brooke's pediatrician upgraded the diagnosis to asthma. She uses an inhaler twice a day, and she has to take Singulair in addition to all the other medication she's already been on.
Tuesday Michelle came to meet me at work and we both got our flu shots. They were also having Safety Day, and I won a raffle drawing. I got a new ergonomic mouse. It's vertical with the buttons on the side.
Last night was our ward Halloween party. Brooke was a fairy princess (along with about half the girls there) and Bryan was the White Rabbit. They had lots of fun. Bryan's playgroup is going to do a party tomorrow morning, and then we will have trunk-or-treat Saturday night, and we're thinking about going to the YMCA Halloween party on Monday night. Enough Halloween to last all year.
Michelle's suggestion was to forego the need for a script and do the whole movie as an interpretive dance. I'll send each of you a piece of music, and Laurel can design sets and costumes for us, ... what? I thought it sounded cool.
Seriously though, the best way to help is to give suggestions of what to do, not what not to do. So Trina's doing that part right. Why don't Trina and Emily email or chat back and forth for a couple of days to nail down an overall story arch, and then anyone else who wants to contribute can make suggestions. Start with the big picture -- wouldn't it be something to have a movie with an actual plot? -- and then add character details, and specific lines of dialogue or set pieces will come after that. Come on Emily, you know how to put a story together. I'm already looking forward to the second draft.
I have other things to talk about too. Brooke's pediatrician upgraded the diagnosis to asthma. She uses an inhaler twice a day, and she has to take Singulair in addition to all the other medication she's already been on.
Tuesday Michelle came to meet me at work and we both got our flu shots. They were also having Safety Day, and I won a raffle drawing. I got a new ergonomic mouse. It's vertical with the buttons on the side.
Last night was our ward Halloween party. Brooke was a fairy princess (along with about half the girls there) and Bryan was the White Rabbit. They had lots of fun. Bryan's playgroup is going to do a party tomorrow morning, and then we will have trunk-or-treat Saturday night, and we're thinking about going to the YMCA Halloween party on Monday night. Enough Halloween to last all year.
Positive comment
In response to Mom's comment. Research shows that it take 10 positve comments to offset just one negative one. So here goes:
1) Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.
2)The mind grows by what it feeds on.
3)Success is loving life and daring to live it.
Success is hearing and being heard.
Success is knowing and being known as a human being.
4)Make choices today that allows you to enjoy not only today, but tomorrow."
5)Constantly develop your communication skills as they are one of the key skills in life.
6)The important thing is never to stop questioning.
7)Knowledge is gained by learning; trust by doubt; skill by practice; love by love.
8)Life is to be lived. “If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don’t do that by sitting around wondering about yourself.
9)The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.
10 From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. But when books are opened you discover you have wings.
Okay that's my 10. Thank you everyone for you concern and prayers for Brooke. She has asthma, but she is fine.
1) Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.
2)The mind grows by what it feeds on.
3)Success is loving life and daring to live it.
Success is hearing and being heard.
Success is knowing and being known as a human being.
4)Make choices today that allows you to enjoy not only today, but tomorrow."
5)Constantly develop your communication skills as they are one of the key skills in life.
6)The important thing is never to stop questioning.
7)Knowledge is gained by learning; trust by doubt; skill by practice; love by love.
8)Life is to be lived. “If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don’t do that by sitting around wondering about yourself.
9)The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.
10 From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. But when books are opened you discover you have wings.
Okay that's my 10. Thank you everyone for you concern and prayers for Brooke. She has asthma, but she is fine.
the script
I've finally taken a look at the script Emily wrote, and I have one BIG FAT criticism of it. This was actually pointed out by Adam during the instant messenger conversation last weekend - he said then that the conversation seemed to be very funny to our family, but it wasn't funny to him. It was all little family jokes. He pointed out that inside jokes are fine if the movie will be kept to just the 10 of us original Palmers, but it won't be funny to anyone else we show it to just because they don't get it. And really - what kind of a joke is it if you have to explain it.
That said, the script is nothing BUT family inside jokes. No one else besides the 10 of us will get it, and therefore, no one else besides the 10 of us will think it's funny. So my thought is, let's use this as a VERY preliminary starting point. Adam and I will show Emily a couple of Pink Panther movies when she gets out here to DC in December so she understands what Adam was talking about with using some of those plot points. Then we can help her with the script to expand it, and Adam will be the advisor to tell us what is too much of an inside joke. I know that puts things off for a couple of months, but it's not like we have to get this finished tomorrow and it's getting into the holidays anyway when everyone is busy with other things. So does that work? Also, it gives time for everyone else to give feedback and build on the idea that Emily started with.
That said, the script is nothing BUT family inside jokes. No one else besides the 10 of us will get it, and therefore, no one else besides the 10 of us will think it's funny. So my thought is, let's use this as a VERY preliminary starting point. Adam and I will show Emily a couple of Pink Panther movies when she gets out here to DC in December so she understands what Adam was talking about with using some of those plot points. Then we can help her with the script to expand it, and Adam will be the advisor to tell us what is too much of an inside joke. I know that puts things off for a couple of months, but it's not like we have to get this finished tomorrow and it's getting into the holidays anyway when everyone is busy with other things. So does that work? Also, it gives time for everyone else to give feedback and build on the idea that Emily started with.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Happy happy birthday Trina!
Your birthday card is done, and hopefully in the mail. Sorry it got out late. I hope you have a nice birthday with lots of presents and not too much being sick. That's great news about Adam's job. It's going to be an exciting year for all of us.
Great to hear that Tawnia is taking on the director's job. Remember Tawnia, you already have the beginnings of a team in Emily and Clarissa (your DP). I'm interested in seeing how you envision this movie and what sort of production we end up with. I'll be updating the movie page soon, including linking it to Emily's first draft of the screenplay.
I'm delivering classes every day for the next month or so (including one that starts in five minutes) and even though I'm only a few days into it, I'm already tired. Well, it'll be okay. Positive attitude and all.
Take care!
Your birthday card is done, and hopefully in the mail. Sorry it got out late. I hope you have a nice birthday with lots of presents and not too much being sick. That's great news about Adam's job. It's going to be an exciting year for all of us.
Great to hear that Tawnia is taking on the director's job. Remember Tawnia, you already have the beginnings of a team in Emily and Clarissa (your DP). I'm interested in seeing how you envision this movie and what sort of production we end up with. I'll be updating the movie page soon, including linking it to Emily's first draft of the screenplay.
I'm delivering classes every day for the next month or so (including one that starts in five minutes) and even though I'm only a few days into it, I'm already tired. Well, it'll be okay. Positive attitude and all.
Take care!
College stuff
I appreciate that everyone had a speedy response to my inquiry about your college careers. Currently I have heard from everyone except Clarissa (which I already know, so it is ok Clarissa) and Dad. So perhaps you could hook me up Pop. You are totally slacking and my chance to go to a four year university are slipping through my fingers. Come on!!! Help a son out.
Thanks everyone.
Thanks everyone.
happy trina day
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapy birthday when the wind come sweeping down the plains!
I hope that you have enough appetite today to eat some cake and ice cream, or at least a yummy dessert. And blow out some candles, even though we already know that your wish has come true!
I hope that you have enough appetite today to eat some cake and ice cream, or at least a yummy dessert. And blow out some candles, even though we already know that your wish has come true!
Happy Birthday, Trina!!!
There is a girl who lives in DC,
Who on this day turns 33.
She got married last year
Now is pregnant, Oh Dear,
Now their group of two will be three.
So she needs some relaxation.
Out in the capitol of our nation.
She is feeling quite ill,
Where's that birth control pill?
I know it's not just constipation.
Trina's pregnant, that's not a bummer.
It will make her smarter, not dumber.
You'll have her some day,
In the month of May,
And don't forget to "Vote for Summer!"
Who on this day turns 33.
She got married last year
Now is pregnant, Oh Dear,
Now their group of two will be three.
So she needs some relaxation.
Out in the capitol of our nation.
She is feeling quite ill,
Where's that birth control pill?
I know it's not just constipation.
Trina's pregnant, that's not a bummer.
It will make her smarter, not dumber.
You'll have her some day,
In the month of May,
And don't forget to "Vote for Summer!"
muchas gracias!
Thank you, Jared and Tawnia, for the posts. Mom got through to me this morning on the phone, and Dad just now called me at EXACTLY 10:26 am (west coast time - the time I was born) and sang Happy Birthday to me. I got my presents from Adam this morning - the new Cinderella DVD as well as Legally Blond 2.
I thought about waiting for Adam to make his own announcement, but it's turned out to be kinda one of my presents ... Adam finally had his official interview at the Senate this morning and was told that he'll start on payroll as of Jan. 1. Hooray! Hooray for getting PAID! He'll make just slightly less than me and receive full benefits - that's really good for a starting position in this town, and solid anywhere for someone in their first job after undergrad. I'm VERY happy about this, because now we can start on our financial plans for the next year. We have a lot of major purchases to make - including a new car with AC (summer with no AC would NOT be good for the baby), plane tickets to the reunion, all the baby preparations, and moving expenses for next August. There's a lot to save up for.
I thought about waiting for Adam to make his own announcement, but it's turned out to be kinda one of my presents ... Adam finally had his official interview at the Senate this morning and was told that he'll start on payroll as of Jan. 1. Hooray! Hooray for getting PAID! He'll make just slightly less than me and receive full benefits - that's really good for a starting position in this town, and solid anywhere for someone in their first job after undergrad. I'm VERY happy about this, because now we can start on our financial plans for the next year. We have a lot of major purchases to make - including a new car with AC (summer with no AC would NOT be good for the baby), plane tickets to the reunion, all the baby preparations, and moving expenses for next August. There's a lot to save up for.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
(If I knew how to make it all flashy and stuff I would... but I am incompetent in the skills of doing crazy things to text on computers and I'm too tired to learn how right now.... but now you know my intentions were good.)
I hope this year brings you much happiness (and a baby too!)
P.S. Go and do something fun and crazy... like eating food.
(If I knew how to make it all flashy and stuff I would... but I am incompetent in the skills of doing crazy things to text on computers and I'm too tired to learn how right now.... but now you know my intentions were good.)
I hope this year brings you much happiness (and a baby too!)
P.S. Go and do something fun and crazy... like eating food.
After much thought and no persuasion... I have decided to tenatively state that I can be the director of one said family film. It helps that I have a buddy that is a film major here at the B Y of U. He has promised to help me practice my directing skills, analyze the script, choose shots and train someone to be my assistant director. Maybe Mindy will do that.
So umm... unless anyone complains about this, I guess I'll do it. As I said to my buddy... I've never taken a leadership role in my family... so this will be interesting.
So umm... unless anyone complains about this, I guess I'll do it. As I said to my buddy... I've never taken a leadership role in my family... so this will be interesting.
The Script
Attention, all members of the Writing Committee for the 2006 Palmer Family Reunion Movie. (That means everyone.)
The first draft of the script is now located on the web page of Emily Corps (because I have no idea how to change any of the other index files). I hope you enjoy reading "Pure Chaos." In case you are wondering, Captain Chaos/Frank is played by Dad; Torpedo Boy is Bryan; Havoc is Clarissa; and Skip is Skip.
Feel free to ask questions, make comments, or suggestions on the blog.
Commander-in-Chief of Emily Corps
Writer of the 2006 Palmer Family Reunion Movie: "Pure Chaos."
The first draft of the script is now located on the web page of Emily Corps (because I have no idea how to change any of the other index files). I hope you enjoy reading "Pure Chaos." In case you are wondering, Captain Chaos/Frank is played by Dad; Torpedo Boy is Bryan; Havoc is Clarissa; and Skip is Skip.
Feel free to ask questions, make comments, or suggestions on the blog.
Commander-in-Chief of Emily Corps
Writer of the 2006 Palmer Family Reunion Movie: "Pure Chaos."
I just posted a couple of music files to the movie page. Emily has the right software to play them. If anyone else really wants to hear them before next summer, ask me and I'll help you get it too. Eventually I'll convert them to midi files so we can use them in the movie. I'm waiting to convert them until I've got a better idea of exactly what kind of music we'll need.
A Letter
Hello, family.
Yesterday, I finally got my college acceptance letter. I didn't even need to open it to see the "Congratulations." I already knew I was going, of course, and I was very happy about that. In the letter, it said I am getting a $5,000 academic scholarship, which can be renewed each year if I maintain a 3.0 g.p.a. I am very happy about that.
Yesterday, I finally got my college acceptance letter. I didn't even need to open it to see the "Congratulations." I already knew I was going, of course, and I was very happy about that. In the letter, it said I am getting a $5,000 academic scholarship, which can be renewed each year if I maintain a 3.0 g.p.a. I am very happy about that.
Today is the 2-year anniversary of when I arrived in DC. I definitely had no idea that day that this is where I'd be 2 years later ... or even where I would end up only one year later. When I had the miscarriage last year, it was at 12 weeks and 1 day. Yesterday was 12 weeks and 1 day with this pregnancy, so I was a bit weirded out. I was also totally sick to my stomach the entire day - maybe the baby letting me know that yes, she's still here. Today, I'm better in my tummy and in my head ... only now I'm seeing really blurry with my right eye, which is seriously inconvenient with work since all I do is read. I'm meeting with someone that Adam works with in the Senate in a couple of hours to go over a bill - if this hasn't cleared up by then, I'll do my meeting and then go home. Not much point being here if I can't SEE.
Monday, October 24, 2005
So I'm busy, as usual. I had a nice extended weekend. I played a lot. I went out to the movies twice on Friday. I saw "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (it was okay) and "Sky High" (I actually liked it... not that I'll run out and buy it, but I would not be opposed to seeing it again.)
On Saturday I went to the library and Wal-Mart and then did a little stuff for work... then I went to a corn maze with some people from my ward. It was fun... but I refused to go into the haunted part. I don't like to be scared. The corn maze was themed around Napolean Dynamite so they had tetherball poles there. It was fun.
Sunday was ward conference. It was good. I also had stake choir and ward prayer. Then I ended up staying up late watching "Around the World in 80 Days". If you want more info on the rest of what I have planned for this week, please see the BBC blog.
We're having FHE here in about 25 minutes, so I'd better go.
In the way of the movie... I don't know what I want to do. I can give suggestions for music, script, etc... but I'm not an actress, but we'll see.
Anyway, I hope that everything is going well for everyone. No more trips to the ER for anyone! It's against the rules!!
On Saturday I went to the library and Wal-Mart and then did a little stuff for work... then I went to a corn maze with some people from my ward. It was fun... but I refused to go into the haunted part. I don't like to be scared. The corn maze was themed around Napolean Dynamite so they had tetherball poles there. It was fun.
Sunday was ward conference. It was good. I also had stake choir and ward prayer. Then I ended up staying up late watching "Around the World in 80 Days". If you want more info on the rest of what I have planned for this week, please see the BBC blog.
We're having FHE here in about 25 minutes, so I'd better go.
In the way of the movie... I don't know what I want to do. I can give suggestions for music, script, etc... but I'm not an actress, but we'll see.
Anyway, I hope that everything is going well for everyone. No more trips to the ER for anyone! It's against the rules!!
ER report
Jared told me you guys were having an MSN chat while I had Brooke in the ER. He said that everyone was concerned and would like to be told how she is doing. In the ER a respiratory therapist gave her 2 breathing treatments. She also got a chest X-ray. All the x-ray showed was viral markings on her lungs. Before she was discharged, her breathing sounded pretty good. Now she is using an inhaler every 4 hours as needed and taking a corticosteriod once a day for 5 days. They called her problem RAD (reactive airway disease). She has an appointment to follow up with the pediatrician Wednesday at 4PM. Today she is doing well, but she will contiue using the inhaler regularly until she sees her doctor. Thanks for your concern and prayers.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Okay, I was probably the first one to hear about the project, and I humbly offer my services as writer of this movie. Now, any suggestions on the topic of the movie? The only idea I have is "The Day at the Beach 2: The Hunt for the Video Tape." Either that or one where aliens land in our backyard . . . again. Give me some suggestions.
Oh oh Pick Me
I want to be Cinematographer. Please. I love setting up camera angles. I want to do this job. This is what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. Can I also be assistant director?
A Palmer Reunion Idea
Good morning everybody!
I'm putting together a project for the Palmer Family reunion next summer that I think we can all enjoy. I want to make a movie. I know, I know, we do this anyway. What I want to do differently is plan everything before we get there, so that everyone gets a chance to participate as much as they want to and the project doesn't end up consuming the entire time we're together in Oregon. This preparation might also make it a better movie, but that's not really the point.
I've put together a new section of insanityinc to act as the homebase of this project. What I'd like you to do is read this page ("Reunion 06 Movie" under "Common Ground") and decide what role you'd like to play in this project. Then let us know by posting to this blog. Please also make your suggestions known.
I hope everyone understands the purpose of this project and participates in some way. It's going to be a lot of fun.
I'm putting together a project for the Palmer Family reunion next summer that I think we can all enjoy. I want to make a movie. I know, I know, we do this anyway. What I want to do differently is plan everything before we get there, so that everyone gets a chance to participate as much as they want to and the project doesn't end up consuming the entire time we're together in Oregon. This preparation might also make it a better movie, but that's not really the point.
I've put together a new section of insanityinc to act as the homebase of this project. What I'd like you to do is read this page ("Reunion 06 Movie" under "Common Ground") and decide what role you'd like to play in this project. Then let us know by posting to this blog. Please also make your suggestions known.
I hope everyone understands the purpose of this project and participates in some way. It's going to be a lot of fun.
Friday, October 21, 2005
College Degrees
I need some information from everyone. I am filling out an application for WU and I am supposed to put what colleges, when you went, and what degrees you received from them. This message is for siblings and parents. In-laws I don't need info from you, but you can let me know if you want to. Thanks so much. You can email it to me if you want. My address is Amanda's. Writing of email, I went through our address box and we only have the address for Trina (two actually), two for Jared, and One of Mindys. So Trina, please forward that phone number and email info as soon as you get all of it. you guys are the best.
my perfect day
It is dreary outside and supposed to stay this way all weekend - bleh. BUT! It is a nice day, because I can EAT again! Real food, not just soda crackers. Hooray! I'm having peanut butter and Aunt Jean's blackberry jam for lunch.
A perfect fall day would be the temp in the 60s, bright blue sky, green grass, all the flaming colors on the trees, a slight breeze, and a walk outside wearing jeans, hikers, and a cozy sweater and jacket. Then back in to eat stew from the crockpot. That would be a GREAT day.
A perfect fall day would be the temp in the 60s, bright blue sky, green grass, all the flaming colors on the trees, a slight breeze, and a walk outside wearing jeans, hikers, and a cozy sweater and jacket. Then back in to eat stew from the crockpot. That would be a GREAT day.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
A perfect fall day
Well, I'd say Wednesday was a pretty good fall day when the Astros won the Pennant!
No really, I think the weather has been absolutely wonderful lately (nice change from all those hurricanes). During the day it gets up into the 80's, but it's nice and cool in the mornings and evenings. We're planning to go camping tomorrow night.
No really, I think the weather has been absolutely wonderful lately (nice change from all those hurricanes). During the day it gets up into the 80's, but it's nice and cool in the mornings and evenings. We're planning to go camping tomorrow night.
Adam and I were talking this morning about all the things that we're planning on for next summer, and consequently, all the money we need to be stashing away into savings. Like the family reunion. And that reminded me of something else ...
Adam and I want to go to Canada - Vancouver Island, specifically - while we're in Washington for the reunion. Maybe just for a day via the ferry from Seattle, maybe overnight with camping gear, whatever. We haven't gotten that far in the plans yet. But we want to go. And that means Adam needs to get his passport and I need to update mine with my name change. It would be fun if others went with us, but YOU will all need to get your passports as well. (Except Mindy. I think she's the only one with a valid one.) And this is something we'd need to plan for well in advance of the trip. I don't know what the policy is about little children - if both parents have passports and you're carrying the child's birth certificate as well, that should work. Obviously, I will be checking on that since Baby ??? will be about 10 weeks old at the time.
So, anyone up for a little jaunt to Victoria next summer?
Meanwhile, I have discovered some tickets to a nice Christmas event I want to go to, and I will be purchasing them in the next couple of days. I'm not going to say what it is because I want to surprise Adam ... but remember - last year, our nice Christmas event was a performance of The Messiah at the National Cathedral. Absolutely fantastic. I hope this one is just as awesome.
Adam and I want to go to Canada - Vancouver Island, specifically - while we're in Washington for the reunion. Maybe just for a day via the ferry from Seattle, maybe overnight with camping gear, whatever. We haven't gotten that far in the plans yet. But we want to go. And that means Adam needs to get his passport and I need to update mine with my name change. It would be fun if others went with us, but YOU will all need to get your passports as well. (Except Mindy. I think she's the only one with a valid one.) And this is something we'd need to plan for well in advance of the trip. I don't know what the policy is about little children - if both parents have passports and you're carrying the child's birth certificate as well, that should work. Obviously, I will be checking on that since Baby ??? will be about 10 weeks old at the time.
So, anyone up for a little jaunt to Victoria next summer?
Meanwhile, I have discovered some tickets to a nice Christmas event I want to go to, and I will be purchasing them in the next couple of days. I'm not going to say what it is because I want to surprise Adam ... but remember - last year, our nice Christmas event was a performance of The Messiah at the National Cathedral. Absolutely fantastic. I hope this one is just as awesome.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Hidden links
Since Mom asked, there is one hidden link in the corporate history. I put it there when I first built that section, and I mentioned it to Trina. She said we shouldn't do hidden links like that, but I left it there. I wasn't going to do it originally, but it was actually Brooke's idea (really!)
Speaking of mysteries, has anyone managed to solve my maze yet? Just curious.
Speaking of mysteries, has anyone managed to solve my maze yet? Just curious.
Orson Card is my teacher
Okay, here's the story. SVU finally got my transcript from Ricks, and it turns out I don't need to take the basic writing class. (Good -- I don't want to; I've already done it.) So, I had to figure out something else. I tested for German, but they only offer the first semester of a language in the fall. And then I discovered that for some reason my history class's time changed, which was the time of my philosophy class, and that meant I had somehow become registered for two classes taking place at the same time. I don't want to give up my history class, so I had to switch to the other philosophy class (knowledge and reality). This may not be so bad. I'm already thinking of writing a paper on the suspension of disbelief. And this did enable me to get into "Writing the Popular Novel."
kitten pictures
I'm doing well, staying very busy. At least I've got the next two days off from school (but not Subway). I did manage to take some time and do three new kitten pages that I updated onto my page. Go see! They're very cute. I'm hoping that Mom and Dad decide to keep one. They aren't that bad around the house, are they? Especially if you train them off the counters .. Nekoshi was trained, but then she was in a new enviornment, and we still haven't managed to get the message across. With the kittens, you've already got them litter trained, and as long as you don't give them any people food or ever let them up there (and spray them with a water bottle when they are able to jump), then they'll be a wonderful addition to the family! Or at least you could keep one of them until Christmas time, right? Anyway, so the pictures are there. I need to finish getting ready for work, so I'm not late.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
A Quick Comment
I found the Stevie pictures. They are adorable!!! When do I get some prints I can show off?
I'll get those things posted soon and the numbers off to Trina. Life is very hectic here in the small town, at least for me.
Love ya,
I found the Stevie pictures. They are adorable!!! When do I get some prints I can show off?
I'll get those things posted soon and the numbers off to Trina. Life is very hectic here in the small town, at least for me.
Love ya,
Well no one has posted since Sunday... so I figured I better get the ball rolling again. My title would be in honor of the crackers I'm currently eating as my after school snack. I then need to do a million and a half things to prepare for tomorrow (and all the days after.) Thursday and Friday are our "Fall Break"! I am very excited. (Really we don't have school because of the Utah Education Association having a big conference... but I'm not required to go... so I probably won't... maybe next year.) So I'm going to spend at least one day doing NOTHING for school. Not even buying things at the store for school (which I always do.) I'm going to do laundry, rearrange the furniture in my room, actually cook a meal, go grocery shopping, and maybe even curl up with a good book. And of course I'll try to post on both blogs.
The other two days of the weekend I'll still do stuff for school, but I've decided that between 7 and 9 is my time to do something FUN and hopefully social. I've been invited to go and see a movie tonight with some other girls, but I may just stay home and invite people to come over and play games... of course this week is midterms for all the BYU students... so I may not get many takers for the games... but either way, I'm going to do something fun and completely unrelated to school.
The other two days of the weekend I'll still do stuff for school, but I've decided that between 7 and 9 is my time to do something FUN and hopefully social. I've been invited to go and see a movie tonight with some other girls, but I may just stay home and invite people to come over and play games... of course this week is midterms for all the BYU students... so I may not get many takers for the games... but either way, I'm going to do something fun and completely unrelated to school.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
emergency prep followup
For those of you who were not online with us, you missed a jolly good time and we missed you. Maybe next time ... Here's the wrap up (this is also a reminder for those who WERE online):
1 - Mom is going to email out some lists of suggestions for 72-hour packs. The consensus was that we should get at least something put together.
2 - If there is a situation in which a "phone tree" report is necessary to let people know you're okay, start with the oldest. If someone is not available, go to the next in line. In this case, Mom and Dad are the "oldest", then me, then Eric, etc.
3 - To put with our emergency supplies, everyone is supposed to email me ALL contact information. This includes: cell numbers, numbers for work, school, and anything else that would be applicable. Bishop's contact info and all his phone numbers, as well as what ward/stake you're in. Most regularly used email. For those of us who are married, our parents-in-law number probably wouldn't be a bad idea in case we can get only one call in - then someone could call our in-laws for us. I will compile all of this in a big master list and email it back out for you to print and put with your emergency supplies. My thought was that even though I have everyone's number programmed into my cell, what if I get in a situation where my cell goes dead - I would still have access to the numbers and use a calling card or something. (And, those of us who are married should also make sure all the other side's contact info gets on our personal lists as well.)
Tawnia/Mindy and Eric are the only ones who have emailed me their contact info so far. Gold star for the Utah girls - they emailed me before I could look up my bishop's phone number, so they beat even ME in getting the info to me.
1 - Mom is going to email out some lists of suggestions for 72-hour packs. The consensus was that we should get at least something put together.
2 - If there is a situation in which a "phone tree" report is necessary to let people know you're okay, start with the oldest. If someone is not available, go to the next in line. In this case, Mom and Dad are the "oldest", then me, then Eric, etc.
3 - To put with our emergency supplies, everyone is supposed to email me ALL contact information. This includes: cell numbers, numbers for work, school, and anything else that would be applicable. Bishop's contact info and all his phone numbers, as well as what ward/stake you're in. Most regularly used email. For those of us who are married, our parents-in-law number probably wouldn't be a bad idea in case we can get only one call in - then someone could call our in-laws for us. I will compile all of this in a big master list and email it back out for you to print and put with your emergency supplies. My thought was that even though I have everyone's number programmed into my cell, what if I get in a situation where my cell goes dead - I would still have access to the numbers and use a calling card or something. (And, those of us who are married should also make sure all the other side's contact info gets on our personal lists as well.)
Tawnia/Mindy and Eric are the only ones who have emailed me their contact info so far. Gold star for the Utah girls - they emailed me before I could look up my bishop's phone number, so they beat even ME in getting the info to me.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Time for another one?
Many of you answered the collections question, and those who didn't still can. I thought I'd throw out another one. It has officially been Autumn for the last couple of weeks, so What is a perfect Fall day like? Some people may like it stormy, with wind and rain, or maybe an Indian Summer type day. I'm interested in your opinions.
Has everyone found Eric's secret pictures? Does anyone else have secret pictures, anywhere? By the way, I noticed some of your updates, Jared. That's a very interesting goal section that you've added. A while back you took a survey to help you determine the names of Ishmael's daughters. What were the results? Have you named them yet? Did you use any of our suggestions? Just curious.
Good night all,
Has everyone found Eric's secret pictures? Does anyone else have secret pictures, anywhere? By the way, I noticed some of your updates, Jared. That's a very interesting goal section that you've added. A while back you took a survey to help you determine the names of Ishmael's daughters. What were the results? Have you named them yet? Did you use any of our suggestions? Just curious.
Good night all,
Emily's Schedule
While I was chatting with my family earlier this morning, I was also signing up for classes. Here is my schedule for the spring term at SVU:
10:00-10:50 Music History (I have to take an art or music history class, and I think I'll like music better than paintings.)
11:00-11:50 College Algebra
9:30-10:45 Argumentative Writing and Research
1:00-2:15 Philosophy: Justice and Virtue (It was either this or "Knowledge and Reality.")
2:30-3:45 History of Warfare
This should be very interesting, and I am excited about going to the university.
10:00-10:50 Music History (I have to take an art or music history class, and I think I'll like music better than paintings.)
11:00-11:50 College Algebra
9:30-10:45 Argumentative Writing and Research
1:00-2:15 Philosophy: Justice and Virtue (It was either this or "Knowledge and Reality.")
2:30-3:45 History of Warfare
This should be very interesting, and I am excited about going to the university.
Good morning Emergency People
Hi all, I'm here, but I'm probably going to go do the laundry soon, unless I hear anything... If I wait too long the mat gets crowded.
What time are we meeting this morning? I just installed MSN Messenger using my hotmail account (ericpalmertraining) and I'm logged in. I noticed that mom, mindy, tawnia, and trina are not. These are the only names I have on my list, and I don't know if any of them are out of date.
I think I'll do laundry from 7-830 or so and then check in, so in an hour and a half.
I love you all, and once we get this going it should be cool!
Happy thoughts for Mindy: You're young, healthy, and free. Count your blessings, there's quite a few.
What time are we meeting this morning? I just installed MSN Messenger using my hotmail account (ericpalmertraining) and I'm logged in. I noticed that mom, mindy, tawnia, and trina are not. These are the only names I have on my list, and I don't know if any of them are out of date.
I think I'll do laundry from 7-830 or so and then check in, so in an hour and a half.
I love you all, and once we get this going it should be cool!
Happy thoughts for Mindy: You're young, healthy, and free. Count your blessings, there's quite a few.
Friday, October 14, 2005
The good life
I am doing well. Kids are doing fine. I joined the Schlumberger Spouses Association. I think Bryan is enjoying going to the play groups. I love this group. It's instant friends, which is very nice in a new city. Brooke is learning to read. She even got E for excellent in language skills. The 9 week report card should come home next week. Now she just needs to work on behavior. When she got another frowny face on Monday, I called he teacher. She's been not listening, talking back to the teacher, and being a little sassy. I talked with her and yesterday she got a smiley face and the teacher wrote Good!!! She even got a note for good behavior in PE. Yeah, for Brooke! My brother's baby was born on Sunday. She had and infection, but with antibiotics she is okay now. I got to hold her on Tuesday after she got home. My mom and brother stayed with us when they came down to see the baby. Well thats all I have for now.
For Mindy's happy thought, not only will Christmas be nice but on December 23 is the 200th celebration of Joseph Smith's birth. What a neat time to live in Utah! I wish I could be there. I will get to see the broadcast.
As far as collecting, well my favorite sweater collects fuzz. Just kidding. Lately, I guess I have been accumulating puzzles. New hobby, I suppose.
For Mindy's happy thought, not only will Christmas be nice but on December 23 is the 200th celebration of Joseph Smith's birth. What a neat time to live in Utah! I wish I could be there. I will get to see the broadcast.
As far as collecting, well my favorite sweater collects fuzz. Just kidding. Lately, I guess I have been accumulating puzzles. New hobby, I suppose.
More happy thoughts
1. You have four sisters, three brothers, three sisters-in-law, one brother-in-law, two nephews, one niece, and one on the way. And you don't need a passport to see them.
2. You get along with your roommates. (Life can be miserable if you don't, I know.)
3. You WILL be home for Christmas, the best holiday ever.
4. It will most likely be a green Christmas.
5. You can start decorating in the middle of October.
That's all I can think of right now.
2. You get along with your roommates. (Life can be miserable if you don't, I know.)
3. You WILL be home for Christmas, the best holiday ever.
4. It will most likely be a green Christmas.
5. You can start decorating in the middle of October.
That's all I can think of right now.
I'm home again today. It's a statewide inservice day for teachers, so all the assistants get an extra day off. That's good because I have lots of things to do. I'm going to the podiatrist in a little while and I have to get my B12 shot. I want to go visit my Young Women, so I'll see at least one of them today. Then this evening Dad and I are going to the temple.
As for "Happy thoughts for Mindy"
You went on a wonderful vacation this summer and have all those special memories.
You KNOW you'll be home for Christmas because you already bought your ticket.
You get to be with Tawnia and ride in her new car.
You'll have a shorter winter.
You can go on dates and flirt with all those cute returned missionaries.
Your Heavenly Father loves you, and so do we. (That's always been the case, but it is a happy thought.)
As for "Happy thoughts for Mindy"
You went on a wonderful vacation this summer and have all those special memories.
You KNOW you'll be home for Christmas because you already bought your ticket.
You get to be with Tawnia and ride in her new car.
You'll have a shorter winter.
You can go on dates and flirt with all those cute returned missionaries.
Your Heavenly Father loves you, and so do we. (That's always been the case, but it is a happy thought.)
happy thoughts for Mindy
I think everyone should post some happy thoughts for Mindy in the next few days, particularly next week on what would have been her wedding anniversary ...
1 - you have a job and can buy new shirts whenever you want to
2 - you get to spend Christmas at Mom and Dad's with PUMPKIN PIE!!!
3 - a REAL Thanksgiving dinner this year
4 - your close proximity to all those temples in Utah, so you and Tawnia can go do a session whenever you feel like it AND wherever you feel like it (instead of driving all those hours)
5 - you don't have to worry about immigration paperwork and all that stuff for the family reunion to see Baby Stevie and Baby Summer and Brooke and Bryan next summer.
Okay, someone else's turn.
1 - you have a job and can buy new shirts whenever you want to
2 - you get to spend Christmas at Mom and Dad's with PUMPKIN PIE!!!
3 - a REAL Thanksgiving dinner this year
4 - your close proximity to all those temples in Utah, so you and Tawnia can go do a session whenever you feel like it AND wherever you feel like it (instead of driving all those hours)
5 - you don't have to worry about immigration paperwork and all that stuff for the family reunion to see Baby Stevie and Baby Summer and Brooke and Bryan next summer.
Okay, someone else's turn.
I'm single again
I forgot to tell you that my final divorce papers finally came through. They were sent to Oregon, and Dad immediately forwarded them to me, and I got them on Wednesday. I would have posted then, but it wasn't a particularly good day, and my computer decided to crash that night too. I've since got it working again, but it keeps quitting on me, so we'll see how long it stays running today. In celebration of it all (and to cheer me up) I went to Old Navy and bought a bunch of new shirts. It's my new favorite store (for shirts anyway), because their shirts are all long enough that when you bend over, you aren't paranoid about showing your underwear or garments. It's very nice. I needed some new shirts anyway, since winter is coming, and I only have short-sleeve summery shirts. And then I picked up some yogurt (Yoplaits' new whipped stuff) instead of more ice cream, since I already had most of a thing of Ben & Jerry's earlier in the day. And sometime this weekend when I'm not working, I'm going to go to Olive Garden with my roommates.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
more collecting
I collect money from my employer, and I was just informed of the verdict on the annual "performance based" raises - we can receive anywhere from zero to 6%, and I am receiving a 4 1/2% raise effective with tomorrow's paycheck. Yay for me! It's not a whole lot in the long run, but every little bit helps. And soon - hopefully - Adam will be collecting money from an employer as well. He's been interning at the Senate Judiciary all this time, which means working for FREE. (*frown*) They're finally getting around to interviewing him for a full time position, which would likely start in December when he's done with school. If they open up a position for him at all. But we're supposed to know by Nov. 1 what the deal is so he can look for something else if necessary.
Other than that ... golly, I don't even know anymore. I used to collect picture frames but most of them are still in storage in Oregon, and I wouldn't have anywhere to put them if they were here. At one point, I was starting to collect miniature carousel horses and I got a couple as gifts, but those are all still in Oregon too. I still think they're very pretty but never see them anywhere anymore. I need to rethink this collection thing. Soon I will be collecting things like baby toys and big tent shirts.
Other than that ... golly, I don't even know anymore. I used to collect picture frames but most of them are still in storage in Oregon, and I wouldn't have anywhere to put them if they were here. At one point, I was starting to collect miniature carousel horses and I got a couple as gifts, but those are all still in Oregon too. I still think they're very pretty but never see them anywhere anymore. I need to rethink this collection thing. Soon I will be collecting things like baby toys and big tent shirts.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I collect thimbles, the pretty porcelain ones that you can get as souveniers. I started my collection in fifth grade and have around 25 or 30 now. I also have one that is wood and a few that are pewter. Anyway, my entire collection is back at home waiting for the day that I have a more permanent home and a place to put them.
I also collect fun socks. Of course, I also wear them... and so they wear out. In fact the original happy socks got a hole in the toe... it makes me sad. That was a non-happy day when that happened. But I have been trying to find more happy socks and Mindy has said that she might be able to fix them.
I think that getting up at 7:30 a.m. is insane when it is my one day in the week to sleep in. How about 8 a.m. my time, or maybe even 8:30 my time.... and I'll still be in my pjs and probably half asleep... but I'll still have to set an alarm, because if I don't, I'm more likely to sleep in until 9 or 10. Yes, I still do that sometimes... because I don't get much sleep during the week... plus on a Friday night my roommates like to stay up late and hang out.
Anyway, I think it would be nice to have a "family chat" even if we could just all post our stuff on the blog.... this is much more fun, because then we can actually "talk" to each other instead of responding to something someone said several hours, or days, before.
I love you all.
I also collect fun socks. Of course, I also wear them... and so they wear out. In fact the original happy socks got a hole in the toe... it makes me sad. That was a non-happy day when that happened. But I have been trying to find more happy socks and Mindy has said that she might be able to fix them.
I think that getting up at 7:30 a.m. is insane when it is my one day in the week to sleep in. How about 8 a.m. my time, or maybe even 8:30 my time.... and I'll still be in my pjs and probably half asleep... but I'll still have to set an alarm, because if I don't, I'm more likely to sleep in until 9 or 10. Yes, I still do that sometimes... because I don't get much sleep during the week... plus on a Friday night my roommates like to stay up late and hang out.
Anyway, I think it would be nice to have a "family chat" even if we could just all post our stuff on the blog.... this is much more fun, because then we can actually "talk" to each other instead of responding to something someone said several hours, or days, before.
I love you all.
sleep and pigs
I really really don't want to get up at 7:30 on a Saturday. I would really love to sleep in, since it's the only day that I can. What all are we going to talk about anyway, that we can't just post on here? I understand the importance, I guess I just covet those few hours of extra sleep on the weekends. Oh, and I really like Trina's suggestion about having the folder of important things. I'm thinking about buying a flash drive to store my computer stuff on, incase of an emergency, so I don't have to worry about burning CD's or disks or anything like that. And for that matter, maybe we could email a list of all addresses and phone numbers to each other so I can print that for my personal records.
As for a collection .. I have piggy banks. You can see them all on my webpage, except my most recent acquistion. Tawnia went to the ward social (I was at work), and one of the door prizes was a piggy bank. A guy named Kristian got it, and Tawnia mentioned that I would really like it .. so he gave it to her to give to me. I ended up naming it Toot, after a little pig in a Christmas book that I read at Deseret Book. I'm also trying to collect the state quarters .. I'm behind a bit, but I'm not sure what I'm missing, since my little book is in a box back in Oregon. But I do have an Oregon quarter, and I just got a Kansas one too.
As for a collection .. I have piggy banks. You can see them all on my webpage, except my most recent acquistion. Tawnia went to the ward social (I was at work), and one of the door prizes was a piggy bank. A guy named Kristian got it, and Tawnia mentioned that I would really like it .. so he gave it to her to give to me. I ended up naming it Toot, after a little pig in a Christmas book that I read at Deseret Book. I'm also trying to collect the state quarters .. I'm behind a bit, but I'm not sure what I'm missing, since my little book is in a box back in Oregon. But I do have an Oregon quarter, and I just got a Kansas one too.
Columbus Day
I noticed that in your 'Daily Eric' you posted on the 11th of October that Columbus Day was the day before. In reality, or according to my calendar, it is actually today but was observed on Monday. So I suppose that since your heroic act was done inbetween Columbus Day (observed) and Columbus Day, that it can truly count as a Colubus Day miracle.
I noticed that in your 'Daily Eric' you posted on the 11th of October that Columbus Day was the day before. In reality, or according to my calendar, it is actually today but was observed on Monday. So I suppose that since your heroic act was done inbetween Columbus Day (observed) and Columbus Day, that it can truly count as a Colubus Day miracle.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
I collect several things: I'm trying to collect all the state quarters, as well as some other interesting coins, and I have a few rocks. When we travel, I buy postcards. I pick out ones that have some personal significance to me. For example, in my collection, I have postcards of the mountain we could see from our campsite in Zion, the horses I rode on the first time I went on the Riverfront Carousel, and the boat we went on at Niagara Falls.
And lately, I have been accumulating penguins. I've always like penguins; they were so much fun to watch at the zoo. Mindy gave me a little toy penguin, and then I got another that was almost identical to the first. And Mindy gave me half a dozen figurines for Christmas one year, and last year Nathan and Amanda gave me a penguin. And there's the one I got at Sea World. And there's the one I got at the zoo years ago. So right now I have eleven little toy penguins. (And I am planning on taking at least one or two with me to college.)
And lately, I have been accumulating penguins. I've always like penguins; they were so much fun to watch at the zoo. Mindy gave me a little toy penguin, and then I got another that was almost identical to the first. And Mindy gave me half a dozen figurines for Christmas one year, and last year Nathan and Amanda gave me a penguin. And there's the one I got at Sea World. And there's the one I got at the zoo years ago. So right now I have eleven little toy penguins. (And I am planning on taking at least one or two with me to college.)
This Saturday (the 15th) works fine for us. Mom, if you could email out the list for 72-hour packs before our online conversation, that would be helpful because we're putting our list together right now. And could you put some sort of "agenda" for the call here on the blog, because really - what exactly are we planning to discuss? The likelihood that something will affect all of us at the same time, or even multiple households, is next to nothing because we're spread out all over the place. If we lived all close together, like Uncle Max's family, that would be a totally different situation calling for a lot more coordination. It seems like the main thing, which shouldn't take a lot of discussion, is that if something happens in someone's area, they call Mom and Dad. If something happens in Oregon, they call me or Eric.
The only other thing I can think of for the phone conversation is just to compare notes on what everyone is doing and give suggestions. For example, here's one of ours - we got one of those plastic accordian folders that has a flap over the top to close it (it cost 2 bucks at Walmart). We put all of our "vital documents" in it - birth certificates, our marriage license, a list of our credit card numbers (which is smart to have anyway so you can get them cancelled right away if your wallet gets stolen), social security cards, church records, etc. We also are putting on paper a list of family phone numbers and addresses in case we're in a situation where our cell phones go dead and we actually have to DIAL a phone number with a calling card or something. I also have the film negatives of our wedding pictures because those are very important to me. This way, if we have to leave in a hurry, everything is already in the folder and we just have to grab it on our way out the door.
Does anyone have anything they specifically want to discuss on Saturday? Yeah, it would be great to get as many people as possible on instant messenger in general, but it will go a lot more smoothly if someone knows ahead of time what decisions need to be made in the first place. (Good heck. I've been working in government WAY too long ... I want an agenda for a family conversation. Will someone please smack me.)
The only other thing I can think of for the phone conversation is just to compare notes on what everyone is doing and give suggestions. For example, here's one of ours - we got one of those plastic accordian folders that has a flap over the top to close it (it cost 2 bucks at Walmart). We put all of our "vital documents" in it - birth certificates, our marriage license, a list of our credit card numbers (which is smart to have anyway so you can get them cancelled right away if your wallet gets stolen), social security cards, church records, etc. We also are putting on paper a list of family phone numbers and addresses in case we're in a situation where our cell phones go dead and we actually have to DIAL a phone number with a calling card or something. I also have the film negatives of our wedding pictures because those are very important to me. This way, if we have to leave in a hurry, everything is already in the folder and we just have to grab it on our way out the door.
Does anyone have anything they specifically want to discuss on Saturday? Yeah, it would be great to get as many people as possible on instant messenger in general, but it will go a lot more smoothly if someone knows ahead of time what decisions need to be made in the first place. (Good heck. I've been working in government WAY too long ... I want an agenda for a family conversation. Will someone please smack me.)
Monday, October 10, 2005
Hurray for me
I posted the answers to three more questions on my website. Now I'm all caught up, I think. I've got to get moving on the travels, though.
Love ya,
Love ya,
My collection
I guess you could say I collect Star Wars novels. Michelle does not share my enthusiasm.
Time for a new question?
I know I said that I need to catch up on the latest ones I've asked but I think it's time to throw a new question out anyway. With all the talk of Christmas and everyone buying gifts, I thought I should ask a question that might make it easier for some of us to figure out what to buy or make. And the question is...What kinds of things do you collect?
I'm home sick today with a rotten cold. It's the lock-down day in Amity so everyone will probably think I'm just being a wimp but I really don't feel good with this cold and headache. I went to the doctor on Friday and he tested for strep but it's just a virus. Not much to do but wait it out.
No one commented on my last post about our plan. Our ward had an emergency preparedness fireside last night but I was too tired to go. Dad brought home some information on 72 hour kits and other ways to prepare. Do you want to get together next Saturday? What time works for everyone?
Love always,
I'm home sick today with a rotten cold. It's the lock-down day in Amity so everyone will probably think I'm just being a wimp but I really don't feel good with this cold and headache. I went to the doctor on Friday and he tested for strep but it's just a virus. Not much to do but wait it out.
No one commented on my last post about our plan. Our ward had an emergency preparedness fireside last night but I was too tired to go. Dad brought home some information on 72 hour kits and other ways to prepare. Do you want to get together next Saturday? What time works for everyone?
Love always,
Sunday, October 09, 2005
On the way home from shopping, I was riding in the car and I said, "Why does the rain remind me so much of Christmas?" Yesterday was just one of those days, and we took advantage of it and had some fun Christmas shopping moments. It didn't help that Deseret Book and the Dollar Tree already have Christmas stuff out, so we took advantage of such sales, and started buying Christmas things early. I bought Christmas cards, because they were adorable, and so I know that I'll actually send some. But I had a small request - Mom, could you find my Holiday/Winter box in the storage room? You probably shouldn't send it all, because it's really big .. but could you at least get into it, and find me my CD's? Be sure and get the Mannheim Steamroller ones too, they're in a little different cases, because I got them from Trina last year. Since I actually have Christmas music, I want to make sure that I have it this year. We've already got stockings to put up this year, and I will buy new wrapping paper (you can pull out the stuff that's in there .. it's not in a box, but floating around somewhere in the storage room alone), but anything else you are willing to send would be wonderful! If you could do this soon, and send me the gloves and scarves and such that are in there as well, I'd really appreciate it. It's getting cold already. That's all in the same box, but please be careful when you pull them out, because there are some fragile things wrapped in them. I'm happy to be with people who really get excited about Christmas. This year is going to be lots of fun.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Well, I hadn't posted in quite some time, so I figured I would now. Life is crazy, but good. Today I didn't sleep in (even though it was Saturday.) Instead I got up early and met up with some friends. We drove up to American Fork Canyon and then hiked up hill for a mile and a half. (That was pretty tough on my extremely out of shape body.) Then we got to go into these really cool caves and see lots of stalagmites, stalactites, and hilictites. (It was Timpanogas Caves for anyone that was wondering.) It cost seven dollars to go in, but I think it was well worth it. I thought it was the coolest thing! The hike up was killer, but the rest of the time was just really neat... and then I ate an apple walking back down the mountain. (Yes, I was practicing my "eating an apple while walking down a mountain" skills. It's much easier said then done, believe it or not.) It was fun to go and be social and active at the same time.
The Parker parents are in town this weekend. It's nice to have them here. They are good to all of us, especially Annie... which is wonderful. They were bringing her a new (to her) car and will fly back to OR tomorrow.
After the hike I went shopping with Amy and Mindy. We hit Robert's Craft, the Dollar Tree, and Deseret Book. I was getting the supplies to make mock rocks... which I concocted after we got home. (Now I just have to let them air dry for the next several days.) I also bought some other things for my classroom, and a few Christmas decorations... and I bought Trina and Adam's Christmas presents. (FYI this isn't the first present I've bought for Christmas... I have a bag full of stuff for the babies.)
Now I'm just doing some research for school... I am going to teach my students how to research but that means that I have to do some preliminary research for them... like finding books at the library or sites on the internet. Anyway, I did the internet part... but for some reason I can't access the public library right now... I'm guessing that's maybe because it's closed.
Anyway, I still have some other things I want to do to prepare for school on Monday. (I know I should give myself a break... but that's what Sunday's are for.) I figure that the more I figure out this year, the easier next year will be. Plus I will have a lot better idea of what to do this next summer as far as lesson planning, etc.
Well, I feel like I'm just rambling. I should go and label some of the things I bought for school... and then get some sleep.
I love you all and I really am excited for Trina and Adam (even though I WAS extremely tired when Trina told me.) And I'm excited for Emily... and that Stevie is growing (even if he is fussy.) And I'm excited that I only have one full week of school before I'll have a short week... and that everyone else is doing well (at least from what I hear.) THE END
The Parker parents are in town this weekend. It's nice to have them here. They are good to all of us, especially Annie... which is wonderful. They were bringing her a new (to her) car and will fly back to OR tomorrow.
After the hike I went shopping with Amy and Mindy. We hit Robert's Craft, the Dollar Tree, and Deseret Book. I was getting the supplies to make mock rocks... which I concocted after we got home. (Now I just have to let them air dry for the next several days.) I also bought some other things for my classroom, and a few Christmas decorations... and I bought Trina and Adam's Christmas presents. (FYI this isn't the first present I've bought for Christmas... I have a bag full of stuff for the babies.)
Now I'm just doing some research for school... I am going to teach my students how to research but that means that I have to do some preliminary research for them... like finding books at the library or sites on the internet. Anyway, I did the internet part... but for some reason I can't access the public library right now... I'm guessing that's maybe because it's closed.
Anyway, I still have some other things I want to do to prepare for school on Monday. (I know I should give myself a break... but that's what Sunday's are for.) I figure that the more I figure out this year, the easier next year will be. Plus I will have a lot better idea of what to do this next summer as far as lesson planning, etc.
Well, I feel like I'm just rambling. I should go and label some of the things I bought for school... and then get some sleep.
I love you all and I really am excited for Trina and Adam (even though I WAS extremely tired when Trina told me.) And I'm excited for Emily... and that Stevie is growing (even if he is fussy.) And I'm excited that I only have one full week of school before I'll have a short week... and that everyone else is doing well (at least from what I hear.) THE END
Plane tickets
I got my plane tickets today. They cost a little over $200. I'm flying out on the morning of my birthday and arriving in Baltimore 9 hours later. (I e-mailed you the details of my flight, Trina.) I will be visiting a new state (Kentucky) on my trip. So I'll only see the inside of the airport; it still counts!
go Angels!
Hooray for the Angels being up 2-1 against the Yankees! Knock those suckers right on out of the playoffs! Due to the influence of my Montana days, where everyone was a Red Sox fan and HATED the Yankees, it's nice to see them eliminated as soon as possible. And even better because it's Eric's team! If the Angels get to the World Series, I just might have to watch it.
There will be no cute mommy-to-be pictures of me as there have been of Laurel and Michelle. That's not to say that there won't be any pictures at all ... I just wouldn't use "cute" to describe them. I was not so fortunate as to begin my pregnancy at a more ideal weight, and so far, this "cute" and "glow" thing have eluded me. "Fat" and "crabby" and "I barely bother with putting on decent clothing for work so forget about a nice hairstyle and makeup" are far more accurate. But thank you for your optimism, Mom.
Adam found something about Amity on one of his news websites last night, and asked if we were anywhere near there. Uhhhh ... yeah. Didn't realize you're actually IN that district this year. Or are you still at one of the Mac schools? Well, good luck and hope everyone is safe, and they catch the jerk that did that before anything happens.
There will be no cute mommy-to-be pictures of me as there have been of Laurel and Michelle. That's not to say that there won't be any pictures at all ... I just wouldn't use "cute" to describe them. I was not so fortunate as to begin my pregnancy at a more ideal weight, and so far, this "cute" and "glow" thing have eluded me. "Fat" and "crabby" and "I barely bother with putting on decent clothing for work so forget about a nice hairstyle and makeup" are far more accurate. But thank you for your optimism, Mom.
Adam found something about Amity on one of his news websites last night, and asked if we were anywhere near there. Uhhhh ... yeah. Didn't realize you're actually IN that district this year. Or are you still at one of the Mac schools? Well, good luck and hope everyone is safe, and they catch the jerk that did that before anything happens.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Mom's on, finally.
I am SO excited to be a Grandma, again. WOW! Two within a year. Our little family is growing and I think it's fantastic. Keep us posted, Trina on how everything goes. We also want to see some cute pictures of the mommy-to-be. It was so fun this summer to see Laurel pregnant. I so hope you set up a special blog like Eric's, at least once the baby gets here. I so look forward to the latest Stevie updates and I love all the pictures. Thanks so much for the announcement, Eric and Laurel, it's very sweet. I'd really like a few prints that I can hang on the wall and one for my wallet. We need to keep our wall of grandchildren growing.
The last few days Dad has been hogging the computer doing some genealogy things, but I haven't been feeling very well so I haven't really fought him for it. Between work and my church calling I feel like I never have any time. Yesterday, I did take the time for a much needed nap. Things at work have been somewhat difficult.
There is some tension in the classroom with a new teacher and a new style of doing things. Also, Amity School District has an emergency situation. Someone wrote a threatening note on the wall at the high school saying,"You will all be dead on 10/10/05. So, next Monday the entire district is in lock-down mode. The only door anyone can enter or exit is the front and there will be no outside recesses or other activities and no after school activities.
A couple of weeks ago, Tawnia suggested that we all get together and setup emergency plan. Looking at our calendar it looks like Saturday morning would work. We have so few days available; Wednesdays are out; Tuesdays are often busy; a Thursday might work, but sometimes I have meetings; Fridays usually get filled up. Monday won't work because the girls are at their young adult home evening and dad and I are helping with a square dance class. Sundays are probably the worst day. What do you guys think?
I was going to post a new question, but I think I'm behind on answering the last ones, so I'll see if I can get caught up. I love all of you.
Love always,
The last few days Dad has been hogging the computer doing some genealogy things, but I haven't been feeling very well so I haven't really fought him for it. Between work and my church calling I feel like I never have any time. Yesterday, I did take the time for a much needed nap. Things at work have been somewhat difficult.
There is some tension in the classroom with a new teacher and a new style of doing things. Also, Amity School District has an emergency situation. Someone wrote a threatening note on the wall at the high school saying,"You will all be dead on 10/10/05. So, next Monday the entire district is in lock-down mode. The only door anyone can enter or exit is the front and there will be no outside recesses or other activities and no after school activities.
A couple of weeks ago, Tawnia suggested that we all get together and setup emergency plan. Looking at our calendar it looks like Saturday morning would work. We have so few days available; Wednesdays are out; Tuesdays are often busy; a Thursday might work, but sometimes I have meetings; Fridays usually get filled up. Monday won't work because the girls are at their young adult home evening and dad and I are helping with a square dance class. Sundays are probably the worst day. What do you guys think?
I was going to post a new question, but I think I'm behind on answering the last ones, so I'll see if I can get caught up. I love all of you.
Love always,
Oh Good!
Sorry we didn't comment sooner Adam. I know that I for one wanted to make sure the word was out, and since Trina hadn't posted anything about it (for obvious reasons now that I think about it, what with the trip and all, and the fact that you're not feeling well) I held back. But I'm glad you cleared that up Treen, because we (Laurel and I) are very excited about your baby coming. Sorry I was so tired when I talked to you on the phone. That and being at work probably made me seem less excited than I really am.
I'm glad Stevie will have a cousin close to him in age. I'm sure he'll be very excited to see the baby next summer. I think I mentioned that Baby Joey (Laurel's sister Rachel's youngest) was very excited to see Stevie, along with the other cousins of course. I'm interested to see what Brooke and Brian think of the new babies. It seems so strange that we're having children these days. It probably shouldn't seem so strange, but it does. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were children ourselves.
And now I should return to work. I just read the blog and was glad to see Trina's post. Yes we are very excited. It sounds like Adam is going to be a very excited dad. Let me just say (as a brand new dad myself) that it is one of the rare things that is actually better than I imagined.
I'm glad Stevie will have a cousin close to him in age. I'm sure he'll be very excited to see the baby next summer. I think I mentioned that Baby Joey (Laurel's sister Rachel's youngest) was very excited to see Stevie, along with the other cousins of course. I'm interested to see what Brooke and Brian think of the new babies. It seems so strange that we're having children these days. It probably shouldn't seem so strange, but it does. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were children ourselves.
And now I should return to work. I just read the blog and was glad to see Trina's post. Yes we are very excited. It sounds like Adam is going to be a very excited dad. Let me just say (as a brand new dad myself) that it is one of the rare things that is actually better than I imagined.
okay, everyone knows now
Adam frowned that no one has commented on the blog about our big announcement, so I figured I'd post and let you know that yes, the news is out. I got through to everyone except Eric on Monday night, and Eric called me back Tuesday morning. So everyone in our family knows now. I'm still a little nervous about the possibility of a miscarriage but it's been said that my being sick for the last 6 weeks is a good indicator that the baby is here to stay. And the doctor did say that once a heartbeat has been established, there's only a 5% chance of losing it after that. I'll probably do the big huge mass announcement to extended family and friends with the Christmas cards (on Christmas day, I will be 21 weeks - halfway) just because I really don't have the energy to do it any sooner but y'all are welcome to tell whomever you see or talk to.
Right now, Adam is more excited than me - being sick really does put a damper on the enthusiasm. He sings Primary songs to the baby every night - it's the sweetest thing EVER. He was doing all the really pretty songs like "I love to see the temple" and "Families can be together forever" and then he totally caught me off guard one night by singing "Popcorn popping on the apricot tree." I laughed all the way through it.
The sick isn't totally debilitating - I still go to work every day. The bacterial infections (which yes, were related to the pregnancy - I lied) cleared up after 3 weeks finally. I haven't thrown up at all, but I have a perpetual stomachache. I get motion sickness on the escalators in the Metro, for crying out loud, not to mention on the train and the bus. I am finally able to eat again - for the whole month of September, food in general was just disgusting. I had to basically force feed myself whatever people put in front of me. Now I'm keeping it to plain pasta and dairy (lots of cottage cheese) and some fruit.
I should probably get another blog like Eric did, but there's really not much to tell at this point - it will come in spurts. If I start having lots to say more frequently, I'll switch to that then.
Emily, I'll call you soon about scheduling for Christmas and next summer. We have a lot to figure out about work and schedules and people visiting to see the baby and blah blah blah. I'm working out a list of options that we can choose from about you staying with us during the summer.
Right now, Adam is more excited than me - being sick really does put a damper on the enthusiasm. He sings Primary songs to the baby every night - it's the sweetest thing EVER. He was doing all the really pretty songs like "I love to see the temple" and "Families can be together forever" and then he totally caught me off guard one night by singing "Popcorn popping on the apricot tree." I laughed all the way through it.
The sick isn't totally debilitating - I still go to work every day. The bacterial infections (which yes, were related to the pregnancy - I lied) cleared up after 3 weeks finally. I haven't thrown up at all, but I have a perpetual stomachache. I get motion sickness on the escalators in the Metro, for crying out loud, not to mention on the train and the bus. I am finally able to eat again - for the whole month of September, food in general was just disgusting. I had to basically force feed myself whatever people put in front of me. Now I'm keeping it to plain pasta and dairy (lots of cottage cheese) and some fruit.
I should probably get another blog like Eric did, but there's really not much to tell at this point - it will come in spurts. If I start having lots to say more frequently, I'll switch to that then.
Emily, I'll call you soon about scheduling for Christmas and next summer. We have a lot to figure out about work and schedules and people visiting to see the baby and blah blah blah. I'm working out a list of options that we can choose from about you staying with us during the summer.
another post from Mindy
my, I've been busy. On Wednesday I had my first art lesson with my first graders. I was a little nervous, since I know how they can be, but it went SO well! It was a simple lesson, just gluing the little squares of paper onto the pre-printed picture, but it worked perfect for them. They were excited, and focused, and really really quiet. We won't use the same picture, but I think we'll use the scraps again, only use pattern or something, to make it a little more lesson-like, instead of "here's glue, have fun"-like. It was fun though.
After I got home, Annie came home for her break between school and work. She had two hours, and had not had a good day (didn't do so hot on a test). She knew that my week wasn't going so great either (the final divorce papers are finally coming), so she decided to take me to the beauty school, and we both got our hair done. She got several inches cut off (so cute!), and I had them fix up the length that it was already (since I just had it cut off a while ago, but not by soneone that knew really what they were doing) .. and then straightened. It turned out very nice, and I felt really good afterwords, which was a good thing, since I had to go play the opening song for instutute that evening.
Yesterday I worked both jobs, and then today I do it again, because I'm covering a shift for someone, and then I work again tomorrow. I know that most people work a full 8 hours a day, but it's been hard going from doing nothing for a year and a half, to doing sooo much. And it wouldn't be so bad if it was a solid 8 hours, but with a couple hour break in the middle of the day, it reminds you how nice sitting down is, and then you have to go back to work. Ah well. It's paying the bills at least. I still need to make cookies sometime too, for the guys that fixed my computer.. otherwise I wouldn't have been able to write this.
After I got home, Annie came home for her break between school and work. She had two hours, and had not had a good day (didn't do so hot on a test). She knew that my week wasn't going so great either (the final divorce papers are finally coming), so she decided to take me to the beauty school, and we both got our hair done. She got several inches cut off (so cute!), and I had them fix up the length that it was already (since I just had it cut off a while ago, but not by soneone that knew really what they were doing) .. and then straightened. It turned out very nice, and I felt really good afterwords, which was a good thing, since I had to go play the opening song for instutute that evening.
Yesterday I worked both jobs, and then today I do it again, because I'm covering a shift for someone, and then I work again tomorrow. I know that most people work a full 8 hours a day, but it's been hard going from doing nothing for a year and a half, to doing sooo much. And it wouldn't be so bad if it was a solid 8 hours, but with a couple hour break in the middle of the day, it reminds you how nice sitting down is, and then you have to go back to work. Ah well. It's paying the bills at least. I still need to make cookies sometime too, for the guys that fixed my computer.. otherwise I wouldn't have been able to write this.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
computer woes
My computer decided to quit the other day .. or rather, Windows decided not to open. So I had a couple of guys from the ward come over and fix it for me last night. It is up and running again, but I need to download all my stuff again (AVG, Firefox, OpenOffice, etc), so it'll still be a little while before it's back to normal again. At least it's alive, so I can do stuff like write email, post on the blog, and check my bank account. Thank goodness for computer science majors. Oh, and at least I was able to spare my entire D drive, with all my pictures and webpage makings, so I won't have to start entirely over on that.
I learned a lot at conference, but I haven't had the time to reread my notes as of yet. I'll try my best to do that today, after work this morning, so I can also post my goals on the BBC blog. Look forward to that, I guess.
I learned a lot at conference, but I haven't had the time to reread my notes as of yet. I'll try my best to do that today, after work this morning, so I can also post my goals on the BBC blog. Look forward to that, I guess.
Monday, October 03, 2005
What I got out of conference
Well, I was going to have this posted this morning, but around 9:15, the power went out, and it didn't come back on until about noon. Anyway . . .
- Read the Book of Mormon. At least six speakers brought this up. I'm in Mosiah right now, which is where I should be. I have to read about four pages a day to finish it by the end of the year. Where are you?
- Be obedient, keep the commandments, and follow the prophets.
- Be prepared both physically and spiritually (because faith doesn't store well).
- Build an eternal family. This could be the mission statement for mortality, as Elder Ballard said. During brunch yesterday, I said that cousins are forever.
And there were other great talks on happiness, inner beauty, the Master Healer, the Atonement, Joseph Smith, and the events leading up to the Restoration.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
general conference
Day 2 starts in a couple of hours - Adam is watching "Light of the World" right now. It's the performance that was in the Conference Center during the Olympics, and it's our favorite church DVD.
What I got out of conference so far:
- spiritual preparedness for adversity - depend on the Lord, build your personal faith, obedience obedience obedience, read the Book of Mormon, attend the temple, follow the prophet.
- the importance of making family our top priority. The importance of extended family also stood out to me, so I hope that we can be a good influence with Brooke and Bryan and Stevie even though we're so far away.
What Adam got out of conference so far:
- Prepare ye, prepare ye for hell to set loose. (Translation: buy a frame pack and specific camping supplies for the 72 hour pack. NOW.)
- follow the prophet and stick with the Brethren.
- seek harmony in our family and remember that children are on loan from Heavenly Father.
Good stuff so far! Looking forward to the rest of it, and then to reassess what we need to DO to incorporate all this stuff more thoroughly into our lives.
What I got out of conference so far:
- spiritual preparedness for adversity - depend on the Lord, build your personal faith, obedience obedience obedience, read the Book of Mormon, attend the temple, follow the prophet.
- the importance of making family our top priority. The importance of extended family also stood out to me, so I hope that we can be a good influence with Brooke and Bryan and Stevie even though we're so far away.
What Adam got out of conference so far:
- Prepare ye, prepare ye for hell to set loose. (Translation: buy a frame pack and specific camping supplies for the 72 hour pack. NOW.)
- follow the prophet and stick with the Brethren.
- seek harmony in our family and remember that children are on loan from Heavenly Father.
Good stuff so far! Looking forward to the rest of it, and then to reassess what we need to DO to incorporate all this stuff more thoroughly into our lives.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Thanks all
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the comments on the Stevie pictures. We sure are happy to have such a sweet and special little boy in our home and as you can see I'm excited to share with you how he's growing (I know, it's hard to see, but he's gained almost 2 pounds in his first month!). So anyway, thanks, and I'm looking forward to reading about your impressions of conference.
Oh! One thing I was going to mention in my blog but forgot to (so now it's over here) is that the members who served in the hurricane recovery (and are still serving) were given special thanks by President Hinckley. Way to go Jared! I should also mention that I was once mentioned by President Hinckley in conference as well. He expressed his disappointment in those who complained about BYU.
Oh! One thing I was going to mention in my blog but forgot to (so now it's over here) is that the members who served in the hurricane recovery (and are still serving) were given special thanks by President Hinckley. Way to go Jared! I should also mention that I was once mentioned by President Hinckley in conference as well. He expressed his disappointment in those who complained about BYU.
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