Hey Mindy -- remember the other day when I told you that the title for Star Wars III had not been announced yet? Well, I lied. I found out the other day that they had announced it the day before at their big convention. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith will hit theaters on May 19 2005.
In other news, the Sith are taking out their revenge on my stomach. I'm home from work todat because I got sick in the middle of the night last night. Bryan was sick two days ago but is feeling better now, and we think Brooke may be catching it too. Right now she says her stomach hurts. And since Bryan was at Grandma's house when he got sick, now Uncle Trevor has it too.
I guess that's all for now.
Friday, July 30, 2004
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Random Thoughts
Hi Kids,
While we were traveling around and seeing the sites of Canada and the USA we talked about future vacation trips Dad and I would like to take. We also talked about how fortunate many of our children have been to visit various places in the world. It occurred to me that at the same time that Mindy with in the northernmost place anyone in our family has been (St Petersburg, Russia) Trina was the farthest south (Sydney, Australia). Eric has been to China and Jared and Tawnia to Germany. Emily spent 4 months in Florida, but most of the rest of us haven't traveled nearly so much. (I'm not sure where all of our "kids-in-law" have been) So...I thought it would be fun if you could be our travel agents and tell us of the wonders of the world and what we absolutely must see when we become world travelers.
I'm not sure who I've told about my latest genealogy success so I'll tell it here for everyone. While we were in Canada I wanted to find where my Dad was born. I talked to my 90 year-old cousin Bill and got directions to the homestead, but they were rather vague. We decided to drive up there anyway and see what we could find. We pulled into the town of Rimbey, which is about the size of Lafayette, and went into the City Administration/Library building. First we asked at the city desk and showed them Bill's directions, one lady there was very familiar with the area and drew a map to where she thought it was. Then, at Dad's suggestion, we went into the library to see if they had any further information. We found a book that gave the coordinates of Uncle Elry's and Grandpa's homesteads, which were right next to each other and also told who the subsequent owners were. It also had a picture of some of Dad's siblings with their school class in 1913. We showed the directions to the lady who worked for the city and she said that the homestead was where she had marked on the map. We drove another 8 to 10 miles and found the place very easily. I don't think there are any buildings on Grandpa's portion but there was a log cabin on Uncle Elry's and another building that he may have built. The names on the mailboxes, even matched those in the book. I'll post the pictures when I get them back. It was very exciting to be there.
I also had the privilege of attending the Cardston Temple within a week of the 45th anniversary of my sealing to my parents. It was wonderful to finally attend a session in the first temple I'd ever seen. A counselor in the temple presidency showed us a couple of the sealing rooms. I'm not sure which one we were sealed in. I wish I could go there with Max, he'd probably remember.
I told the kids how much I remembered Glacier National Park from our drive through it 45 years ago. We decided it's best to see it east to west (which we did) because that way you're on the inside, next to the mountain most of the time, instead of feeling like you're falling off the cliff. I remembered that cliff from my childhood and when the girls saw it they could see why it made such an impression on me. The weather started off a little cloudy but by the time we reached the top we could see the gorgeous scenery. I think next time, maybe we'll take the tour bus so Dad can see it all, instead of just the road.
I guess that's enough for now. I'll have lots of pictures of our adventures. Dad shot another 7 rolls of film on vacation.
Love ya,
While we were traveling around and seeing the sites of Canada and the USA we talked about future vacation trips Dad and I would like to take. We also talked about how fortunate many of our children have been to visit various places in the world. It occurred to me that at the same time that Mindy with in the northernmost place anyone in our family has been (St Petersburg, Russia) Trina was the farthest south (Sydney, Australia). Eric has been to China and Jared and Tawnia to Germany. Emily spent 4 months in Florida, but most of the rest of us haven't traveled nearly so much. (I'm not sure where all of our "kids-in-law" have been) So...I thought it would be fun if you could be our travel agents and tell us of the wonders of the world and what we absolutely must see when we become world travelers.
I'm not sure who I've told about my latest genealogy success so I'll tell it here for everyone. While we were in Canada I wanted to find where my Dad was born. I talked to my 90 year-old cousin Bill and got directions to the homestead, but they were rather vague. We decided to drive up there anyway and see what we could find. We pulled into the town of Rimbey, which is about the size of Lafayette, and went into the City Administration/Library building. First we asked at the city desk and showed them Bill's directions, one lady there was very familiar with the area and drew a map to where she thought it was. Then, at Dad's suggestion, we went into the library to see if they had any further information. We found a book that gave the coordinates of Uncle Elry's and Grandpa's homesteads, which were right next to each other and also told who the subsequent owners were. It also had a picture of some of Dad's siblings with their school class in 1913. We showed the directions to the lady who worked for the city and she said that the homestead was where she had marked on the map. We drove another 8 to 10 miles and found the place very easily. I don't think there are any buildings on Grandpa's portion but there was a log cabin on Uncle Elry's and another building that he may have built. The names on the mailboxes, even matched those in the book. I'll post the pictures when I get them back. It was very exciting to be there.
I also had the privilege of attending the Cardston Temple within a week of the 45th anniversary of my sealing to my parents. It was wonderful to finally attend a session in the first temple I'd ever seen. A counselor in the temple presidency showed us a couple of the sealing rooms. I'm not sure which one we were sealed in. I wish I could go there with Max, he'd probably remember.
I told the kids how much I remembered Glacier National Park from our drive through it 45 years ago. We decided it's best to see it east to west (which we did) because that way you're on the inside, next to the mountain most of the time, instead of feeling like you're falling off the cliff. I remembered that cliff from my childhood and when the girls saw it they could see why it made such an impression on me. The weather started off a little cloudy but by the time we reached the top we could see the gorgeous scenery. I think next time, maybe we'll take the tour bus so Dad can see it all, instead of just the road.
I guess that's enough for now. I'll have lots of pictures of our adventures. Dad shot another 7 rolls of film on vacation.
Love ya,
Monday, July 26, 2004
July birthdays
We called everyone on their birthdays, so this isn't a replacement for personal contact ... but I just wanted to post for all the world to see (or at least anyone who reads the blog) that I think Mom and Michelle and Mindy are pretty darn cool, and I love 'em. Mom put together my DREAM wedding, based on some phone conversations and emails, and Tawnia and I walking around through a craft store and looking at books. She's amazing. Yes, I realize she had a lot of help, but I still give Mom (and Tawnia) the lion's share of the credit. Michelle was a blast to hang out with at Christmas - I'm glad I was able to spend the holiday in Texas. That cattle-pen maze in Fort Worth was hilarious. And Mindy ... ahhhhh Mindy ... did you know that the biggest import/export between the US and Canada is PEOPLE? Americans moving north, and Canadians moving south. True statistic - I learned it at a work dinner with the Canadian Consul General (one of their ambassadors to the US). Mindy is the fabulous BBC Meltdown Master and was a great roommate when we lived together in Salem. Remember our dinners before I got the dining room table? We sat on the floor around the little end table. HA! Good times.
Love you all! *wipes a tear away* Okay, now I'm going to take care of one last phone call and go home from work.
Love you all! *wipes a tear away* Okay, now I'm going to take care of one last phone call and go home from work.
Our Weird Weekend
Saturday, Laurel and I went to the Orange County Fair and had a great time. We wore ourselves out walking all over, looking at everything that was there. At night we went to the Weird Al concert. It was a lot of fun. I’d never seen him live before and let me tell you—he is quite the showman. The show was over two hours of great comedy. Music, video clips, special effects, costumes. We laughed ‘til we cried.
What else… on Friday we played Phase 10 and watched movies with our friends the Skafs. Great folks. And then yesterday we sang in church. Laurel had a duet (soprano) on the first verse of “With Faith in Every Footstep”. Then at home we ate and our hometeacher came over and gave us Angels tickets for Tuesday night. Against the Texas Rangers, the team in Dallas. I talked to Jared on the phone, tried to take a nap (it was too hot), and then Mindy called back and talked to Laurel, and then I got to wish her a happy birthday too. Then it was getting late in the day and we went to Rachel and Loren’s and drove around with the kids in their new SUV. The kids were going crazy in the back with Laurel egging them on. It was really funny, and just a little annoying by the end. And then after I did my homework and we were about to go to sleep, our friend Ben and his girlfriend Katie called. Then they conferenced in a bunch of our other friends (Ryan, Heather, Sam, Emily) and we had about eight of us on the line at the same time. It was very funny, but it was a little too much fun and we stayed up too late… ah well.
School is almost out, I have all kinds of projects and tests to wrap up about now. Tonight I’m going to have to do a bunch of homework, and I have a bunch more to do during the next couple of weeks, but then I’m done for a few weeks before we’re off and running again. This program is great, but it is certainly fast-paced.
And Laurel was excited to get back to her art after the weekend. She got a lot done last week, and now has a half dozen canvases in the hall, in varying stages of work. I guess when she does oils she has to wait for one layer to dry a little before going on to the next.
And that’s all for now. Sorry for rambling so much. I was just excited about all the stuff we did this weekend. I hope everyone is happy and well. Keep having a great summer!
Love, Eric and Laurel
What else… on Friday we played Phase 10 and watched movies with our friends the Skafs. Great folks. And then yesterday we sang in church. Laurel had a duet (soprano) on the first verse of “With Faith in Every Footstep”. Then at home we ate and our hometeacher came over and gave us Angels tickets for Tuesday night. Against the Texas Rangers, the team in Dallas. I talked to Jared on the phone, tried to take a nap (it was too hot), and then Mindy called back and talked to Laurel, and then I got to wish her a happy birthday too. Then it was getting late in the day and we went to Rachel and Loren’s and drove around with the kids in their new SUV. The kids were going crazy in the back with Laurel egging them on. It was really funny, and just a little annoying by the end. And then after I did my homework and we were about to go to sleep, our friend Ben and his girlfriend Katie called. Then they conferenced in a bunch of our other friends (Ryan, Heather, Sam, Emily) and we had about eight of us on the line at the same time. It was very funny, but it was a little too much fun and we stayed up too late… ah well.
School is almost out, I have all kinds of projects and tests to wrap up about now. Tonight I’m going to have to do a bunch of homework, and I have a bunch more to do during the next couple of weeks, but then I’m done for a few weeks before we’re off and running again. This program is great, but it is certainly fast-paced.
And Laurel was excited to get back to her art after the weekend. She got a lot done last week, and now has a half dozen canvases in the hall, in varying stages of work. I guess when she does oils she has to wait for one layer to dry a little before going on to the next.
And that’s all for now. Sorry for rambling so much. I was just excited about all the stuff we did this weekend. I hope everyone is happy and well. Keep having a great summer!
Love, Eric and Laurel
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Hello, Palmer people. This is Emily.
I thought I would tell you about the trip home. We saw black bears in Waterton. Yes, we saw bears in the wild! The first ones we saw were way off on a hill, but we could still see them. It was a mother with two cubs, and then another mother with cubs a couple miles on down the road. But then when we were pulling up to a parking lot, there was a black bear just wandering through the bushes, about seven feet away from the road. Clarissa was freaking out, and Mom was trying to get a picture. I was too excited to be really afraid. I would have been more nervous if we saw it on the trail, like some people had half an hour earlier. Then there was another bear beside the road when we were leaving the park the next morning, so all together, we saw eight of them. So if you're looking for bears, I'd recommend that park since it was the only place we saw any and there were quite a few.
The other excitement took place the next day in Glacier. We drove up the steep mountain road, which Mom still remembers from forty-five years ago. Anyway, we had opened the back door of the van, and it swung out and smacked me in the knee. I have a bruise there and moving it is painful. It was worse on Friday, but it's feeling a bit better now.
Love ya,
I thought I would tell you about the trip home. We saw black bears in Waterton. Yes, we saw bears in the wild! The first ones we saw were way off on a hill, but we could still see them. It was a mother with two cubs, and then another mother with cubs a couple miles on down the road. But then when we were pulling up to a parking lot, there was a black bear just wandering through the bushes, about seven feet away from the road. Clarissa was freaking out, and Mom was trying to get a picture. I was too excited to be really afraid. I would have been more nervous if we saw it on the trail, like some people had half an hour earlier. Then there was another bear beside the road when we were leaving the park the next morning, so all together, we saw eight of them. So if you're looking for bears, I'd recommend that park since it was the only place we saw any and there were quite a few.
The other excitement took place the next day in Glacier. We drove up the steep mountain road, which Mom still remembers from forty-five years ago. Anyway, we had opened the back door of the van, and it swung out and smacked me in the knee. I have a bruise there and moving it is painful. It was worse on Friday, but it's feeling a bit better now.
Love ya,
Friday, July 23, 2004
Elder Maxwell
I don't know if you've all heard yet - it was on lds.org yesterday (Thursday) that Elder Maxwell died Wednesday night. Adam saw it first and called me, and when I was on Temple Square in the afternoon, I noticed the flag by the Tabernacle was at half-mast. I'll miss his talks from General Conference, even though they were frequently over my head. My challenge for you all over the next week or so is to read some talks or articles by him, and share with us here what stands out to you. Love to you all - Trina and Adam.
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Look who's typing now
Hello everyone-
I suppose that it has been a while since you folks heard from me. I just thought that I would let you know that Amanda and I are both doing well. We are keeping busy with our jobs and with playing games with one another. We both like to go to the pool at linfield and we both like to go to our friends' homes and eat dinner and play games. Last week we went to David Blanchard's and had a BBQ and had a grand tour of his grand home. Then we played "Settlers of Catan", which I won. This week we went to Walt Haight's, who was the director of Charlie Brown. We had stir fry (good, but not even close to Eric's cooking) and then we played Mille Bonne, which Amanda and I won. So far we've been victorious in winning the away games.
Anyways, we have to invite ourselves somewhere next week for a dinner again. It is nice to hear from all of you folks, and I will write in another month or so. hopefully more often than not.
I suppose that it has been a while since you folks heard from me. I just thought that I would let you know that Amanda and I are both doing well. We are keeping busy with our jobs and with playing games with one another. We both like to go to the pool at linfield and we both like to go to our friends' homes and eat dinner and play games. Last week we went to David Blanchard's and had a BBQ and had a grand tour of his grand home. Then we played "Settlers of Catan", which I won. This week we went to Walt Haight's, who was the director of Charlie Brown. We had stir fry (good, but not even close to Eric's cooking) and then we played Mille Bonne, which Amanda and I won. So far we've been victorious in winning the away games.
Anyways, we have to invite ourselves somewhere next week for a dinner again. It is nice to hear from all of you folks, and I will write in another month or so. hopefully more often than not.
Monday, July 19, 2004
Go Angels!
We went to the Angels game on Thursday, and the Angels beat the Red Sox, 8 to 1. Here's a picture of Darin Erstad hitting a homerun that landed not far from us next to the right field stands. Pretty cool.

In other news, Laurel is doing art these days. She's happy. We bought supplies on Saturday. The people at her last job gave her a gift certificate to an art supply store, so that really helped. She has a show in Redlands in the Fall and has all her supplies for that.
So, we're doing fine, just fine. It's nice and warm down here, but we like it. Take care everybody!
Love, Eric & Laurel
Friday, July 16, 2004
The Canadian Rockies are Beautiful
Jared and Michelle, I didn't have time to write until now but I want you to know how thrilled we are with the news you posted. Our prayers have certainly been answered. I thought about you a lot and was going to call the day we got your news.
As for what we've been up to - We had a great time hiking in the mountains the last few days. We had a nice campsite at Lake Louise, which is centrally located for visiting all the parks. That way we didn't have to keep setting up camp and tearing it down again. We'll post some pictures as soon as we get them processed. Tomorrow we're going to Cardston. That is the temple where I was sealed to my parents 45 years ago this month. I'm really looking forward to seeing it again. I'm accomplishing some of the goals from my top 100 list. It feels really good.
Jason said that we've gotten a few phone calls from some of our kids. So sorry we've missed you. If you really need to get hold of us PLEASE put it in email or on the Blog. We'll be back here late tomorrow because we're going to meet Jason's dad after we go to the temple and it's about a 3 hour drive from Cardston and another 1 1/2 hours back to Calgary. We will be here all day Sunday, but I don't want to make too many long distance calls on Mindy's phone. Maybe we can get some time put on our calling card so we can call. It's roaming on our cell phones. We'll definitely call everyone next weekend when we get home.
I'm very tired and I have another busy day tomorrow, so I'm going to bed now. I'll check back here in the morning to see if there's any news.
Love ya,
As for what we've been up to - We had a great time hiking in the mountains the last few days. We had a nice campsite at Lake Louise, which is centrally located for visiting all the parks. That way we didn't have to keep setting up camp and tearing it down again. We'll post some pictures as soon as we get them processed. Tomorrow we're going to Cardston. That is the temple where I was sealed to my parents 45 years ago this month. I'm really looking forward to seeing it again. I'm accomplishing some of the goals from my top 100 list. It feels really good.
Jason said that we've gotten a few phone calls from some of our kids. So sorry we've missed you. If you really need to get hold of us PLEASE put it in email or on the Blog. We'll be back here late tomorrow because we're going to meet Jason's dad after we go to the temple and it's about a 3 hour drive from Cardston and another 1 1/2 hours back to Calgary. We will be here all day Sunday, but I don't want to make too many long distance calls on Mindy's phone. Maybe we can get some time put on our calling card so we can call. It's roaming on our cell phones. We'll definitely call everyone next weekend when we get home.
I'm very tired and I have another busy day tomorrow, so I'm going to bed now. I'll check back here in the morning to see if there's any news.
Love ya,
some more random drivel from me.
Mom and Dad and the girls are camping somewheres in Canadia. Tawnia has no computer access at EFY. I'm freakishly busy with conference prep and have done nothing but work since we got back from Oregon. So what's up with the bruthahs and the wives? Great news, Jared - that's awesome. We can all move past it now. Anything else, not so earth-shaking?
We had our DC open house last weekend. I didn't wear my dress, but we did have all of the pictures in an album as well as some framed, our marriage certificate, the picture of the temple that Eric and Laurel gave us, and The Proclamation on the Family. And food. We had fruits and veggies, and cheesecake! (The Jello-brand no-bake from a box kind. Yum!) We only had 30 or 40 people there, but that's what we were expecting. People just sat around and talked - it was very relaxed and comfortable. Good times ...
I'll be out of town all next week for my work conference - our first month anniversary, I'll be 2000 miles away. Doesn't THAT bite?!?!? We're going to Salt Lake, so I'm gearing up to answer a billion questions about why people can't go inside the temple. But I will get back for Adam's one-year mark of being home from his mission. That makes me laugh SO hard - on his year mark, he'll have been married for over a month.
Love, Trina and Adam.
We had our DC open house last weekend. I didn't wear my dress, but we did have all of the pictures in an album as well as some framed, our marriage certificate, the picture of the temple that Eric and Laurel gave us, and The Proclamation on the Family. And food. We had fruits and veggies, and cheesecake! (The Jello-brand no-bake from a box kind. Yum!) We only had 30 or 40 people there, but that's what we were expecting. People just sat around and talked - it was very relaxed and comfortable. Good times ...
I'll be out of town all next week for my work conference - our first month anniversary, I'll be 2000 miles away. Doesn't THAT bite?!?!? We're going to Salt Lake, so I'm gearing up to answer a billion questions about why people can't go inside the temple. But I will get back for Adam's one-year mark of being home from his mission. That makes me laugh SO hard - on his year mark, he'll have been married for over a month.
Love, Trina and Adam.
Monday, July 12, 2004
It's finally over.
This morning, Andy Gilland pled guilty to the third-degree felony charge of injury to a child causing bodily harm. So now we don't have to go to trial tomorrow, and all this mess is finally behind us. Part of his sentence (the most important part to us) is that he can have absolutely no contact with us at all. So we're happy about that. He also got five years probation.
Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers. It's finally over.
Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers. It's finally over.
Sunday, July 11, 2004
We're here in Calgary
We arrived here at Mindy's yesterday about 5:30 or so. We had a good trip over here. We left home at 5:30 on Friday morning and drove north. We stopped and picked up Emily's journal and then continued on to Bellingham. I showed everyone my old haunts and took pictures of where I think the house was. They've completely changed the area where I lived as a child. There is a housing tract on part of the property and the rest is still in woods with a trail going through it. I'd like to go there with my brothers some time so they can help me verify that my memory of the placement of things is correct. We also went to the lake and to Whatcom Falls where Eric and Jared slid down the "waterslide" 16 years ago. We stopped at my grade school and saw our first wildlife, deer, wandering around the town.
From there we continued north crossing the border at Sumas and stopping for the night in Kamloops. Then we turned east and enjoyed the sites of the Canadian Rockies. We didn't stop much because we wanted to get here to Mindy's. We're going to take her back into the mountains to camp for a few days this next week. Jason has to work but he'll be going with us to Cardston on Saturday. We'll go to the temple and then to meet his dad. Next week we hope to find where my dad was born, near Rimbey, before heading for home. We'll celebrate Mindy's birthday on Tuesday the 20th and give her the presents, then. Is that OK Nathan and Amanda? I'll probably write again when we get back from Banff and the other parks we're visiting.
Love ya,
From there we continued north crossing the border at Sumas and stopping for the night in Kamloops. Then we turned east and enjoyed the sites of the Canadian Rockies. We didn't stop much because we wanted to get here to Mindy's. We're going to take her back into the mountains to camp for a few days this next week. Jason has to work but he'll be going with us to Cardston on Saturday. We'll go to the temple and then to meet his dad. Next week we hope to find where my dad was born, near Rimbey, before heading for home. We'll celebrate Mindy's birthday on Tuesday the 20th and give her the presents, then. Is that OK Nathan and Amanda? I'll probably write again when we get back from Banff and the other parks we're visiting.
Love ya,
Friday, July 09, 2004
bon voyage!
Tawnia left for EFY this morning. Mom and Dad and Emily and Clarissa left for Canada this morning ... except for Mindy and Jason, that means everyone has done some pretty major traveling in the last few weeks. M/J - get with the program! Take a trip this summer! (I know, I know - you can't leave Canada yet. So go to Banff or that park that's the Canadian side of Glacier or something ...)
The DC wedding festive-ness is tomorrow, and not a single thing is planned yet because I've been too stinkin' busy at work, because OF COURSE my crew o' bosses have waited YET AGAIN until the last possible second and are blowing the deadlines (the last one is today). So much for next week being a bit of a break before the conference. Adam is still having fun being a college librarian for his summer job, but is feeling the brain rot coming on so he's excited for classes to start again in September. We need to get him his LSAT study guide stuff so he can start on it.
That is all for this week - just LOTS and LOTS of work.
Love, Trina and Adam
The DC wedding festive-ness is tomorrow, and not a single thing is planned yet because I've been too stinkin' busy at work, because OF COURSE my crew o' bosses have waited YET AGAIN until the last possible second and are blowing the deadlines (the last one is today). So much for next week being a bit of a break before the conference. Adam is still having fun being a college librarian for his summer job, but is feeling the brain rot coming on so he's excited for classes to start again in September. We need to get him his LSAT study guide stuff so he can start on it.
That is all for this week - just LOTS and LOTS of work.
Love, Trina and Adam
Thursday, July 08, 2004
EFY or Bust
Hey everyone,
Just a few more hours until I'm off to EFY for three weeks. I'm very excited and nervous about what the experience will bring. I have spent the last several weeks preparing and now it's finally time to put all the preperation into practice.
The best way to communicate with me while I'm gone will be via my cell phone. If you don't have that number, get it from Mom and Dad. I doubt I'll have access to a computer while I'm in Idaho. Then once I'm back I'll spend two weeks-ish here at home and then be off to Provo, for at least 8 months.
Keep in touch.
P.S. I'll be sure to post about all my adventures when I get back!
Just a few more hours until I'm off to EFY for three weeks. I'm very excited and nervous about what the experience will bring. I have spent the last several weeks preparing and now it's finally time to put all the preperation into practice.
The best way to communicate with me while I'm gone will be via my cell phone. If you don't have that number, get it from Mom and Dad. I doubt I'll have access to a computer while I'm in Idaho. Then once I'm back I'll spend two weeks-ish here at home and then be off to Provo, for at least 8 months.
Keep in touch.
P.S. I'll be sure to post about all my adventures when I get back!
Those are the most adorable pictures of Brooke and Bryan! I'm SO excited to see all of the pictures of them, and of course of the weddings, and even the Florida pictures. Horray for pictures! Bryan looks so cute! He especially looks like Nathan in the when where he's asleep at the table. And Brooke is such a little girl now, instead of a baby.. she looks incredibly grown up in her Cinderalla dress. I really wish I could have been there to see them. Jason and I will just have to plan a trip to Texas one of these years.. and hopefully soon. I'm looking forward to seeing Mom and Dad soon, and Emily and Clarissa. We're going to have some fun up here (even if the predicted weather is wet).
You're right!
Jared mentioned that I had his kids for two weeks so here are some of the fun pictures we took during their visit.
We even got one of the your whole family, Jared.
Bryan had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa's house...
He and Brooke played in the soap foam until they turned green.
Bryan even got a new hairstyle.
He tried swimming in the Kiser's fountain but Nathan fished him out.
He played peek-a-boo in the hedge.
He wore his fancy white suit.
He had so much fun it wore him out.
Brooke had fun, too. She loved writing with the sidewalk chalk.
She got to be a flower girl first with Alice
And then with Annika.
She played with some new friends.
She looked so pretty in her Cinderella dress.
Yes, Brooke and Bryan had fun while they were visiting and we had lots of fun too. We miss them and want them to come again soon. We want Jared and Michelle to come, too. It was fun being with them and with Eric and Laurel and Trina and Adam and of course all the other kids, who I get to see fairly often. It was chaotic but it was FUN. In the morning we'll leave for Mindy's. We're really looking forward to our visit there and will bring back more pictures to share.
Love ya,
We even got one of the your whole family, Jared.
Bryan had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa's house...
He and Brooke played in the soap foam until they turned green.
Bryan even got a new hairstyle.
He tried swimming in the Kiser's fountain but Nathan fished him out.
He played peek-a-boo in the hedge.
He wore his fancy white suit.
He had so much fun it wore him out.
Brooke had fun, too. She loved writing with the sidewalk chalk.
She got to be a flower girl first with Alice
And then with Annika.
She played with some new friends.
She looked so pretty in her Cinderella dress.
Yes, Brooke and Bryan had fun while they were visiting and we had lots of fun too. We miss them and want them to come again soon. We want Jared and Michelle to come, too. It was fun being with them and with Eric and Laurel and Trina and Adam and of course all the other kids, who I get to see fairly often. It was chaotic but it was FUN. In the morning we'll leave for Mindy's. We're really looking forward to our visit there and will bring back more pictures to share.
Love ya,
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Since you asked...
Are there any pictures I'd like to see?
Well, you did have my children for two whole weeks.
Well, you did have my children for two whole weeks.
Similarities and differences
Sorry about the mess up Trina. I can store pictures in separate files with the same name but I can't post them on the Blog that way. So now I've solved that problem. I had Emily scan a bunch of pictures yesterday so here are a few more. Are there any that you guys particularly want to see?
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
all right, who's the joker
My cake is in Nathan's pictures, and Nathan's wedding party is in my pictures ... in the right place even. The cake and the wedding party slots. It was correct earlier today, but now it's not! What the hey!
The 4th of July at the National Capitol thing ... VERY overrated. The concert wasn't THAT great, and the stage completely blocked the view of the Washington Monument from the Capitol steps. Instead of watching fireworks, we saw them on a screen when they were taking place literally directly BEHIND that stupid screen. Dumb. Dumb dumb dumb, so we moved to a different angle. It still wasn't very good, but at least we could see past the screen. Next year, we will skip the concert and maybe go to Iwo Jima. That has a GREAT view of all the memorials from the other side of the river. The best part of the weekend was the soccer game. DC United kicked the Metrostars' trash. Coming up - They Might Be Giants at the Live on Penn. Ave. summer concert series. Adam has NEVER HEARD OF them. How is this possible? Someone please recommend a CD I should go get to introduce him to them! Preferably the one with "Build a little birdhouse in your soul" on it ... HA HA HA!
(And happy birthday to Mom, but we called her. And Adam called Michelle because I was having some pants measured to be hemmed. And we'll call Mindy soon.)
Love, Trina and Adam
The 4th of July at the National Capitol thing ... VERY overrated. The concert wasn't THAT great, and the stage completely blocked the view of the Washington Monument from the Capitol steps. Instead of watching fireworks, we saw them on a screen when they were taking place literally directly BEHIND that stupid screen. Dumb. Dumb dumb dumb, so we moved to a different angle. It still wasn't very good, but at least we could see past the screen. Next year, we will skip the concert and maybe go to Iwo Jima. That has a GREAT view of all the memorials from the other side of the river. The best part of the weekend was the soccer game. DC United kicked the Metrostars' trash. Coming up - They Might Be Giants at the Live on Penn. Ave. summer concert series. Adam has NEVER HEARD OF them. How is this possible? Someone please recommend a CD I should go get to introduce him to them! Preferably the one with "Build a little birdhouse in your soul" on it ... HA HA HA!
(And happy birthday to Mom, but we called her. And Adam called Michelle because I was having some pants measured to be hemmed. And we'll call Mindy soon.)
Love, Trina and Adam
Monday, July 05, 2004
The Wedding Pictures
Here are a few pictures of Nathan and Amanda's wedding. Now I'll have to get the rest of both weddings scanned onto here. I hope you all enjoy these.
Leaving the temple
All the brothers who were there.
All the sisters who were there.
The wedding party
Nathan and Amanda
Group at temple
Portrait and wedding cake.
Brooke liked the wedding cake
Leaving the temple
All the brothers who were there.
All the sisters who were there.
The wedding party
Nathan and Amanda
Group at temple
Portrait and wedding cake.
Brooke liked the wedding cake
In church yesterday I was reminded of one of my favorite 4th of July memories. That was the flag raising and breakfast put on by the Cub Scouts every year in Dayton. Yesterday, instead of having Sunday School or Relief Society, we had a flag raising ceremony and then we had our usual break-the-fast potluck. The talks and everything were great but it brought back so many memories of sitting in the sun and watching and listening to our boys. I especially remember one where Eric gave an incredible talk and I wish we'd caught it on video because he didn't have it written out and I wanted a copy of it. Those breakfasts were always excellent and lots of fun for everyone.
Everyone made my birthday special for me. Nathan, Amanda and Tawnia went to church with me. The kids here at home fixed dad and I a special candlelight dinner. Emily gave me a massage while the others were prepping it. Clarissa was in charge of the meal (fettucini alfredo with chicken and broccoli) Tawnia put together some entertainment, including some old tapes and videos, (so you could all participate) juggling by Nathan and all of them singing. Then we played some games, Pit and Swap and watched the "Capitol 4th" on TV (broadcast live? at 9p.m. Pacific time) We had fun watching Nate and Amanda light off all their fireworks. They had a nice little show for us. Frank got me a book on pampering myself and all the kids signed it. I got to talk to each of my children and grandchildren, which is always very special.
It's also great to think, that I will have the privilege of seeing all of you within a month of each other. We are leaving Friday for Canada and plan to be in Calgary by Saturday night. We'll be home on the 24th or 25th.
I'd better get busy scanning some pictures, I know everyone wants to see more of them and I've only got a couple more days. I'll do my best.
Love ya,
Everyone made my birthday special for me. Nathan, Amanda and Tawnia went to church with me. The kids here at home fixed dad and I a special candlelight dinner. Emily gave me a massage while the others were prepping it. Clarissa was in charge of the meal (fettucini alfredo with chicken and broccoli) Tawnia put together some entertainment, including some old tapes and videos, (so you could all participate) juggling by Nathan and all of them singing. Then we played some games, Pit and Swap and watched the "Capitol 4th" on TV (broadcast live? at 9p.m. Pacific time) We had fun watching Nate and Amanda light off all their fireworks. They had a nice little show for us. Frank got me a book on pampering myself and all the kids signed it. I got to talk to each of my children and grandchildren, which is always very special.
It's also great to think, that I will have the privilege of seeing all of you within a month of each other. We are leaving Friday for Canada and plan to be in Calgary by Saturday night. We'll be home on the 24th or 25th.
I'd better get busy scanning some pictures, I know everyone wants to see more of them and I've only got a couple more days. I'll do my best.
Love ya,
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Happy Birthday Mommy!
Happy Birthday to Mom! It's been quite a year, with so many weddings, your last child graduating, and the other usual ups and downs of life. And you've made it! Now take a break and come and see me and Jason, and beautiful Canada. You've worked so hard, not only with your job during the school year, but at church, with those beautiful weddings, and raising so many children, even though many of us have moved out. You'll always be our mother, and I'm forever greatful for that.
And of course, it's Independence Day as well. Although I probably won't be living in the USA again for a long time (if ever), I will always love and cherish it. I'll definately come and visit, and my children will know that I'm American. Canada is great too, and I've really enjoyed living here. I'm glad that Mom, Dad, Em and Cris will be able to come see, and experience a little bit of Canada too.
And of course, it's Independence Day as well. Although I probably won't be living in the USA again for a long time (if ever), I will always love and cherish it. I'll definately come and visit, and my children will know that I'm American. Canada is great too, and I've really enjoyed living here. I'm glad that Mom, Dad, Em and Cris will be able to come see, and experience a little bit of Canada too.
Friday, July 02, 2004
Happy 25th Michelle!
Hey Michelle!
I hope that you have had a wonderful 25th birthday and that the next 25 years brings you even more joy then the first 25 have. It's great having you as a sister!
I hope that you have had a wonderful 25th birthday and that the next 25 years brings you even more joy then the first 25 have. It's great having you as a sister!
Happy Birthday from Emily
Hey Michelle! Happy birthday.
It was great getting to see you and your family and spend some time together, even if most of that time did involve going about sixty on an interstate in Washington.
Yes, the whole weekened was wonderful, except for one tiny detail. I left my journal at the hotel! Those of you who live here know that already. Well, the good news is we called the hotel, and our cousin Estelle went to pick it up. The bad news is that she got the wrong journal. So she had to turn around and get mine. We'll pick it up when we go through there next weekend.
Anyway, have a great birthday, Michelle. Eat lots of cake -- or have you had enough cake? Maybe you should have chocolate cream pie and milkshakes instead!
It was great getting to see you and your family and spend some time together, even if most of that time did involve going about sixty on an interstate in Washington.
Yes, the whole weekened was wonderful, except for one tiny detail. I left my journal at the hotel! Those of you who live here know that already. Well, the good news is we called the hotel, and our cousin Estelle went to pick it up. The bad news is that she got the wrong journal. So she had to turn around and get mine. We'll pick it up when we go through there next weekend.
Anyway, have a great birthday, Michelle. Eat lots of cake -- or have you had enough cake? Maybe you should have chocolate cream pie and milkshakes instead!
Happy Day for Michelle!
I never really got to know you when you first married Jared, but since then we've had some great phone conversations. It's a pity that we haven't been able to SEE each other, but it's nice to know that you're my sister-in-law anyway. I hope you have a great birthday, and that Brooke and Bryan don't give you too much trouble today.
Mindy and Jason
Mindy and Jason
Happy Birthday Michelle
Just that.
Happy Birthday Michelle. It's great to have you in our family, keeping Jared out of trouble, raising such beautiful children, and being so generous with your time and energy and means to be with the Palmer family so much in spite of the distance.
Take care of yourself and have a great birthday/holiday weekend.
Eric and Laurel
Happy Birthday Michelle. It's great to have you in our family, keeping Jared out of trouble, raising such beautiful children, and being so generous with your time and energy and means to be with the Palmer family so much in spite of the distance.
Take care of yourself and have a great birthday/holiday weekend.
Eric and Laurel
Happy quarter-century to Michelle!
Happy birthday, Chica! I love you! It was awesome seeing you in Oregon and I'm really glad that you and the kids were able to be part of my wedding day. Thanks for all the conversations and ... umm ... advice. Yes. Advice. (HA HA HA!) Adam says happy birthday too.
I'm getting more excited to be on the National Mall with BILLIONS of people on Sunday. We're of course going to church as usual (it's my week to teach Sunday School), and Adam has to stay late to be trained on the financial clerk stuff so I'll go home and fix dinner for the missionaries. Then we'll eat, and then we'll take the Metro downtown. YAY!
Good luck with Nathan and Amanda's open house, and let us know how it goes. We haven't even PLANNED our DC gig, and it's next weekend. We should probably get on that ...
Love, Trina and Adam
I'm getting more excited to be on the National Mall with BILLIONS of people on Sunday. We're of course going to church as usual (it's my week to teach Sunday School), and Adam has to stay late to be trained on the financial clerk stuff so I'll go home and fix dinner for the missionaries. Then we'll eat, and then we'll take the Metro downtown. YAY!
Good luck with Nathan and Amanda's open house, and let us know how it goes. We haven't even PLANNED our DC gig, and it's next weekend. We should probably get on that ...
Love, Trina and Adam
A few of the many
Tawnia mentioned that I have LOTS of 4th of July memories to choose from. How very kind of her. I remember when I was 12 and I got a tiny cedar jewelry box. I felt very grown-up. It wasn't a toy, it was a treasure. I also remember one year, when we were living in California and we went to see my mom in the hospital. I told her how sorry I was that she had to be there for the holiday. She said, rather accusingly, "It's not the FIRST 4th of July I've spent in the hospital!" I've seen fireworks from the beach in California, a park in Utah, over the Mississippi River in LaCrosse. I love celebrating our nation's birthday and am proud to share it.
Have a happy one.
Love ya,
P.S. We now have most of Nate and Amanda's pictures back. I'll try to get both weddings scanned during the next week. Too much to do today, the open house is tomorrow.
Have a happy one.
Love ya,
P.S. We now have most of Nate and Amanda's pictures back. I'll try to get both weddings scanned during the next week. Too much to do today, the open house is tomorrow.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Happy Day
I like everything about the Fourth of July. I'm very patriotic, so all the flags and songs and parades and fireworks and so on and so forth... it's all good. As for Canada Day... there's one episode of the Simpsons where they decide to sing the peace-promoting Canadian national anthem instead of the violent American one.
In other news... Michelle's dad got a new cell phone from his work, so he gave his other one to us rather than paying the outrageous cancellation fees. So we've got a cellphone now, but it's not really ours. Evenings after nine (central time) and weekends are of course best. But you may atually hear from us every now and then. The number is (214) 773-7082, and if you have caller ID it will say Brenda Stovall.
So have a great holidat weekend everybody! And don't forget to wish Michelle a happy 25th birthday tomorrow!
In other news... Michelle's dad got a new cell phone from his work, so he gave his other one to us rather than paying the outrageous cancellation fees. So we've got a cellphone now, but it's not really ours. Evenings after nine (central time) and weekends are of course best. But you may atually hear from us every now and then. The number is (214) 773-7082, and if you have caller ID it will say Brenda Stovall.
So have a great holidat weekend everybody! And don't forget to wish Michelle a happy 25th birthday tomorrow!
We should all definitely do SOMETHING specific for Canada Day, since two of our ever-growing number are Canadians. Making milkshakes - works for me! And the blender has been unpacked ...
The thing I remember most from when we were younger was going to Silver Creek for the 4th. But my most memorable July 4th was, by far, the one on my mission with Aussie Sista Fiu, who you would have thought had never seen fireworks. We were in Hanford, and they do put on a good show. Helen was hilarious with her Oooo's and Aahhhh's and we all got caught up in it. (Yes, we had permission to stay out past curfew.)
I'm definitely looking forward to celebrating Independence Day here in our nation's capitol - this is most definitely going to surpass Helen and Hanford. I don't care if there are a BILLION people here - I want to spend the evening on the Mall and watch fireworks from the steps of the Lincoln or Jefferson Memorial.
Love, Trina
The thing I remember most from when we were younger was going to Silver Creek for the 4th. But my most memorable July 4th was, by far, the one on my mission with Aussie Sista Fiu, who you would have thought had never seen fireworks. We were in Hanford, and they do put on a good show. Helen was hilarious with her Oooo's and Aahhhh's and we all got caught up in it. (Yes, we had permission to stay out past curfew.)
I'm definitely looking forward to celebrating Independence Day here in our nation's capitol - this is most definitely going to surpass Helen and Hanford. I don't care if there are a BILLION people here - I want to spend the evening on the Mall and watch fireworks from the steps of the Lincoln or Jefferson Memorial.
Love, Trina
Happy Canada Day!
Today is Canada's Independence day. I'm not sure how much of a celebration is expected, but I know that there are all sorts of sales going on. Jason still has to work, but time and a half is ALWAYS nice. I think we'll go to our friend's house and make milkshakes and then hangout in the hot tub. That will be enough celebration for all of us.
Just like everyone else, I remember going to the middle school and watching all the fireworks. It was always fun to try and find different friends in the crowd. I also remember when we were in Utah one year, and we went up on Y Mountain, and watched the fireworks from there. It was neat... you watch them, and then count 5 seconds, and then you hear them! And there were all the lights of the cities too.. pretty to see. The traffic was HORRIBLE on the way back to Eric's.. Clarissa fell asleep, but Emily and I sang really loud, with all the windows down. We even took requests from the cars next to us! I also remember celebrating Mom's birthday.. and I remember the one year there were frosting fireworks on the cake.
Just like everyone else, I remember going to the middle school and watching all the fireworks. It was always fun to try and find different friends in the crowd. I also remember when we were in Utah one year, and we went up on Y Mountain, and watched the fireworks from there. It was neat... you watch them, and then count 5 seconds, and then you hear them! And there were all the lights of the cities too.. pretty to see. The traffic was HORRIBLE on the way back to Eric's.. Clarissa fell asleep, but Emily and I sang really loud, with all the windows down. We even took requests from the cars next to us! I also remember celebrating Mom's birthday.. and I remember the one year there were frosting fireworks on the cake.
Fourth of July
Well, I was just thinking and realized I haven't spent fourth of July with the fam since the summer right after my freshman year in college. Last year I would have been home but Trina decided to drag me off to Utah, of course that was fun too, even though I'm not in touch with ANY of the people that we met there. In other years I've been in Logan or Idaho Falls to watch the fireworks. I think my favorite spot to see the fireworks (so far) was in IF. We sat in front of the temple and watched them go off over the river. And then we walked around (we being a bunch of my college friends) waiting for the traffic to clear out and then drove all the way back to Logan. Man those were great times.
My only memories from being a kid was watching fireworks at the middle school. I can remember sitting on the grass and then what I really remember, is the drive home with TONS of traffic strung from Mac all the way THROUGH Lafayette... but only in that one direction.
I remember the fourth of July I spent in Germany... we went to Lubeck and I bought a tape for Mom, for her birthday.
And then there was the summer when I was working at McDonald's with Trina. We stepped outside and got to see a few of the fireworks go off, because the place was dead at that point.
So you see, I have lots of fourth of July memories. I think my favorite part of the holiday though, is just being with people that you love.
My only memories from being a kid was watching fireworks at the middle school. I can remember sitting on the grass and then what I really remember, is the drive home with TONS of traffic strung from Mac all the way THROUGH Lafayette... but only in that one direction.
I remember the fourth of July I spent in Germany... we went to Lubeck and I bought a tape for Mom, for her birthday.
And then there was the summer when I was working at McDonald's with Trina. We stepped outside and got to see a few of the fireworks go off, because the place was dead at that point.
So you see, I have lots of fourth of July memories. I think my favorite part of the holiday though, is just being with people that you love.
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